I hate to mention this but the shmita isn't over...The year after the seventh shmita is also a shmita. Its end is 2 October 2016. As for the blood moons, if you see the pattern with the events of history you'll see the events happen before, during, and after the blood moons.Welp, the blood moon and the shmita have come and gone. Happy Monday.
80-79 BC - Blood Moons begin to fall on Jewish holidays - Israel loses its independence to Rome in 80 BC by defeating the Maccabees but they fought back and unites all of Israel
72-71-70 BC - First triple conjunction - Israel's final loss of independence to Rome in 69 BC
7-6-5 BC - Another triple conjunction - Jesus is born on the second eclipse in 7 BC
70-71 AD - Second temple is destroyed in 70 AD
97-98-99 AD - Bar Kochba rises up as the declared messiah by the Jewish counsel in 100 AD
860-861 - Jews and Christians greatly persecuted by the Muslims in 861
1493-1494 - Columbus discovered America in 1492 which led to the Wright Brothers and their invention sold to Britain which allowed Allenby to fulfill prophecy and take Jerusalem without a fight from the Ottoman Empire
1949-1950 - Israel in their war of independence 1948-1950
1967-1968 - Israel at war and takes Jerusalem inn June1967
2014-2015 - who knows what'll happen... The USA voted no for a Palestinian state which may have saved us from wrath and why nothing happened... Yet?
God doesn't have to do anything since it's His appointed times. Since Jonathan Cahn spoke to congress, they may have heeded him. Time will tell. But it ain't over.