I am so hyped for tomorrow to the end of the month. If nothing happens at least I have had a taste of what to expect when it does. The emotions, nerves and thoughts of loved ones that are unsaved are really intense right now.
1 Tishri is from sunset Sunday to sunset Monday (today)...
Yes the 27/28th is the blood moon + eclipse. Whether Jesus comes or not, every Christian on the planet can be forgiven for expecting His arrival Acts 2:20 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
There is a rumuored asteroid supposed to hit between 15-28. You are right, Rosh Hashanah does end 15th.
Yes the 27/28th is the blood moon + eclipse. Whether Jesus comes or not, every Christian on the planet can be forgiven for expecting His arrival Acts 2:20 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
I just saw this disturbing video on the new El Niño, it seems that global warming is going to get worse than ever.
Get ready for some truly apocalyptic weather!
Ok, I don't know what precipitated this response, but thanks.I am going on record that everything will go on just as it has gone on. We will all wake up October 1st and we will still be here on this earth and still have to pay our bills.
Now..........if that does not happen and Jesus comes again this September, please look me up in heaven to tell me I was wrong because I will be just as glad as all of you are that He did in fact come and take us home because that means I will not have to have my knees replaced.
Gosh, calm down.... Just pray,read,work or hang out with friends till he comes.Rosh Hashanah is clear, now we still have Trumpets and Day of Atonement.
The weirdest thing happened to me last night, I saw the brightest Cloud ever and it was clearly shaped as an angel. It wasn't just an abstract shape that looked vaguely like an angel, it was clear. My heart stopped and I thought 'Is this it?!' I got on my knees and said the Lord's Prayer and the Cloud was gone.
Maybe I'm going insane, maybe it was a hallucination but I saw something!
Can someone explain the blood moon thing to me and how it's relevant if the shmita already passed?
All this information has been to present a discovered pattern, nothing more. Many have and will try to explained them and that's what temps people to say this or that will happen on this or that date. The facts, as with prophecy, are found in the past. Prophecy is of no private interpretation, hence anything we say to augment it is pure speculation. Here is what I wrote on the subject: http://abdicate.net/blog/?p=410Can someone explain the blood moon thing to me and how it's relevant if the shmita already passed?
The only real signifcant thing that should happen this month is the rapture per Acts 2:20. Due 27-28thEven if nothing 'unusual' happens this September, I will not be disappointed at all. All this controversy is fascinating and allowed us to improve our knowledge of the Scriptures, esp. Revelations.
The only real signifcant thing that should happen this month is the rapture per Acts 2:20. Due 27-28th.