Due to the many false interpretations, translations and traditions of men, the very idea of hell has been deeply ingrained in the minds of men. This doctrine slanders the Creator’s name, plan and His justice. Men have made Him into a bloodthirsty, raging pagan deity when He is not. My humble suggestion is please study more, I am sure this is going to poke at some egos on this forum.
I see a difference between exposed egos or bruised pride in this forum. Instead, members here are merely stating their interpretation, understanding and disagreements of the Scriptures, just like
you, brother.
To take the study of hell, hades, Sheol, gehenna,
are all learning points and we should approach each one with discussion for the benefit of learning and growing.
Yes, I agree with you, we should continue our study of the Bible. Still, I have heard the false interpretations, translations and traditions of men, festering to slander the Creator's Name, and will refute them directly. However, by His Grace, I have also witness many of these men and women, including myself, being prompted by the Holy Spirit to fill us with correct teaching.
Today, I may not agree with everyone's understanding of the Scripture, Theology, Christology and non-believers, but I do have the free will to prayerfully respect the other's view, and have the opportunity to discuss and learn from all sides.
God bless
you, Leo, your family and
Merry Christmas.