I guess I haven't been saying what I am trying to say right. Yes! What comes from God will be 100% the same every single place, be it a written letter or an actual book, to a clay tablet in the middle of southern Iraq, always the same because God in His nature cannot contradict. So, knowing that, why aren't the seven books we know of and been found among each other at Dead Sea, Israel, in the Bible? THEY ARE GOD'S WORD. Enoch himself has an entire book that is dedicated to us and he saw Jesus in heaven in the 2nd century B.C! Now we go back to that commity of Roman Catholics in 1348 who put together the 66 book Cannon we have now, and they discluded other books. MEN DISCLUDED. Not God, and no, I don't believe that God appeared to them or spoke to them and told them to leave out more of His word. I just don't. My reasoning is very simple, A) The word of God is God B) God's nature is set and described in the 66 Book Cannon C) the God of the Jews is the same God of the Christians, therefore, His word cannot contradict itself D) Knowing this: we have seven books found in 1948 in Dead Sea, Isreal, an 8th being a forged copy of the N.T. E) All seven books were written in the time long before the Hebrews came about, meaning, God spoke to the ancestors of Eber and they faithfully wrote what God told them to F) One book in particular was in the Ethiopian Cannon Bible and brought back to the U.K. in 1773 G) In conclusion: any book THAT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED BY TEXTUAL CRTICISM AND SCHOLARLY REVIEW TO BE INSPIRED should therefore be taken seriously.
I don't care if it is in our 66 book current cannon or not, it seriously needs to be taken together because together, it perfectly paints the redemption
The Book of Enoch is not included in the canon because it is not God-inspired, the author is unknown, and it contains false doctrine. Simple.