Hello Penion,
With respect, my posts are not long, the last one was just two paragraphs in length.
Let us allow the Holy Spirit to give His own explanation of Pentecost:-
- Acts 2:16 ( see Joel 2:28-32, especially Joel 2:25, and the reference to 'restoration'): in refering to Joel, the Holy Spirit, through Peter, links what happened at Penticost with the day of the Lord (Acts 2:20)
- Pentecost is one of the feasts of Israel, found in Leviticus 23, they portray the phases of God's purpose of the ages which deal with Israel and the earthly kingdom.
- In Acts 5:31, Peter states that Christ had been exalted in order to give repentance to Israel.
The Church which is Christ's Body, Eph.1:22,23, of which Christ is the Head: was the subject of a secret that was 'hid in God' until 40 years later; after Israel was finally, though temporarily, laid aside in unbelief. So it cannot have had it's beginning at Pentecost.
The believing assembly which had it's beginnings at Pentecost, were those, of Israel, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah. They all anticipated His imminent return, and the restoration of Israel.
Hope this helps, Penion.
In Christ Jesus