What is the worst form of discrimination?

Discrimination is to treat others unjustly. Discrimination frequently occurs based on age, sex, looks, greed, height, hate, jealousy, pride, religion, political affiliation, and personality. The worst and most ruthless form of discrimination is by mothers against their own unborn innocent babies through abortion, which has killed 1.5 billion, including 47% of black babies after it was legalized. Unfortunately, those who promote and support this genocide also claim to care for the poor and marginalized. If their compassion is true, how can they commit such blatant discrimination and totally disregard the most helpless and innocent babies? Their failure to recognize and protect the most helpless shows their total blindness to the Truth. To see the Truth we must open our heart to God’s love within us. Because, then we will see the Spirit of God in every human life, and respect and honor them.
Maybe they just can't afford to have children, don't have a home, or too young.
Some people mistakenly think it's easier to kill a baby than maybe offer them a home and education and parents to look after them.

When you under 18 I think its parents that pressure you either way. I don't know about those who are older than 18 though. Its not just the mums, its the potential dads who also don't want to be dads. It's unfair to blame just the mothers. It's even the potential grandparents who can't be bothered.

I don't think the genocides people actually claim to care. They just think it's in the interest of the one who is pregnant and her life, which she will have to sacrifice to take care of the child, and if the dad doesn't want to take care of the child then answer me this. Who will?

Are there enough adoption/orphanages/aunties and uncles who will look after the child, teach breastfeeding, pay for nappies, and then a cot, clothes and school?

If it's hard to afford to do all this for those already alive, then what choices do people have, you got to think of this. Either you sacrifice yourself, or your child. I think that for those who choose abortion they are choosing the child. It's not right, but put yourself in their shoes. What options do mothers have, especially if the the dads are not interested. Can they access child support? Is it easy being a solo mum? Are churches supporting solo mums? Are churches teaching men how to be dads?
Hello Surrendersacrifice, It is a choice people make. It happens. No sin is worse than the other, in fact hatred can be deemed as murder according to the bible. Not everyone has God or Christ Jesus in their life, maybe there will be a point in their life were they hear about Jesus and think about seeking him. All sins are paid for and have been forgiven however it just now it up to people if they believe on God and his promises, and in the Lord Jesus Christ.

God will then change their heart, and renew their mind when they look towards Him, and even looking and reading scripture.​

Romans 2: 9There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil, first for the Jew, then for the Greek; 10but glory, honor, and peace for everyone who does good, first for the Jew, then for the Greek. 11For God does not show favoritism.

1 John 3: 15 Anyone who hates another brother or sister is really a murderer at heart. And you know that murderers don’t have eternal life within them.

People make mistakes, and are there are many factors of why abortion happens. Some probably in the cases of being sexually abused, and whatever else you could think of sex trafficing, on and on. Maybe they did not have people that were very encouraging or supportive in their life, maybe they sufferer from extreme depression from what has happened to them. Only God really knows, and he loves all people and desires all to come to him, and to the knowledge of the truth.​

1 Timothy 2: First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority—so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity. 3This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
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I agree with MatthewG.

in the overall big picture, no sin is worse than another. but its good that some people see certain sins as bad, and that they can help others based on their preference for seeing some sins as worse than others.
I heard of a police officer who said he went into the force because he couldn't sit by and watch others being murdered and do nothing. so to him, that was a worser sin. but to God, all sin is equally as bad.
Discrimination is to treat others unjustly. Discrimination frequently occurs based on age, sex, looks, greed, height, hate, jealousy, pride, religion, political affiliation, and personality. The worst and most ruthless form of discrimination is by mothers against their own unborn innocent babies through abortion, which has killed 1.5 billion, including 47% of black babies after it was legalized. Unfortunately, those who promote and support this genocide also claim to care for the poor and marginalized. If their compassion is true, how can they commit such blatant discrimination and totally disregard the most helpless and innocent babies? Their failure to recognize and protect the most helpless shows their total blindness to the Truth. To see the Truth we must open our heart to God’s love within us. Because, then we will see the Spirit of God in every human life, and respect and honor them.

I hear you but we should remember that discrimination is as old as Creation. The earliest records of discrimination is recorded in the Bible. If you go back to Genesis Chapter 4, after Cain killed his brother Abel, he was given a mark which people would reject but could not kill him.
I agree with MatthewG.

in the overall big picture, no sin is worse than another. but its good that some people see certain sins as bad, and that they can help others based on their preference for seeing some sins as worse than others.
I heard of a police officer who said he went into the force because he couldn't sit by and watch others being murdered and do nothing. so to him, that was a worser sin. but to God, all sin is equally as bad.
Actually, God Himself has stated that certain crimes are worst of the worst, such as first degree murder, idolatry, and sexual sins!
And the one who said was chief of sinners stated it!

For the desire to do good is present within me; but how to work out that which is good, I do not find. For the good that I desire to do, I am not doing; but the evil that I do not desire to do, this I am doing (Romans 7:15, 18, 19).

Romans 7:15........
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."

Paul was certainly a stinker! However, I do not think that he was any more of a sinner than are we who are reading this post.

Romans 3:23.........
"ALL have sinned and come short of the approval of God"

The solution Paul discovered to the conflict between good and evil he experienced every day was to trust that God would ultimately save him just as I hope it has saved all who read this.

Although Paul felt he was the greatest sinner before being called during his famous trip to Damascus, the Bible and world history offers examples of those who did far greater evil in its scope.
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Romans 7:15........
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."

Paul was certainly a stinker! However, I do not think that he was any more of a sinner than are we who are reading this post.

Romans 3:23.........
"ALL have sinned and come short of the approval of God"

The solution Paul discovered to the conflict between good and evil he experienced every day was to trust that God would ultimately save him just as I hope it has saved all who read

Although Paul felt he was the greatest sinner before being called during his famous trip to Damascus, the Bible and world history offers examples of those who did far greater evil in its scope.

Hello Major;

Good post!

Romans 7:15 and 23 are pet peeve verses because it reminds me, who have no idea what this passage is saying, "I'm trying to do all the right things by obeying the commandments and morals, but I just can't stay away from my sin."

I feel it's because we are trying so hard to be good Christians in the eyes of God but without the help of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you, brother.
Hello Major;

Good post!

Romans 7:15 and 23 are pet peeve verses because it reminds me, who have no idea what this passage is saying, "I'm trying to do all the right things by obeying the commandments and morals, but I just can't stay away from my sin."

I feel it's because we are trying so hard to be good Christians in the eyes of God but without the help of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you, brother.

Agreed completly!
Well if that’s the case then I’m wrong.

I really need to do a bible study on idolatry, now you mention it!
Yes, Chuch is correct in that all sins are essentially the same as far as separating us from God. At the same time, the Bible indicates that some sins are worse than others, for there are both sins of the flesh and sins of the spirit.

John 19:11............
“You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin”.T
Romans 7:15........
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."

Paul was certainly a stinker! However, I do not think that he was any more of a sinner than are we who are reading this post.

Romans 3:23.........
"ALL have sinned and come short of the approval of God"

The solution Paul discovered to the conflict between good and evil he experienced every day was to trust that God would ultimately save him just as I hope it has saved all who read this.

Although Paul felt he was the greatest sinner before being called during his famous trip to Damascus, the Bible and world history offers examples of those who did far greater evil in its scope.
Think that Paul thought chief sinner due to blaspheming Lord Jesus and sending off His own to be killed and jailed before saved!
Hello Major;

Good post!

Romans 7:15 and 23 are pet peeve verses because it reminds me, who have no idea what this passage is saying, "I'm trying to do all the right things by obeying the commandments and morals, but I just can't stay away from my sin."

I feel it's because we are trying so hard to be good Christians in the eyes of God but without the help of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you, brother.
Think Paul described to us being a Christian, but relying upon our flesh and own efforts to live the life we should be now, and ONLY can that by the Holy Spirit in us!
Think Paul described to us being a Christian, but relying upon our flesh and own efforts to live the life we should be now, and ONLY can that by the Holy Spirit in us!
You seem to be somewhat anti-Paul. Can you help me understand
how you can be raw toward a man who wrote 28% of the NT.
Think Paul described to us being a Christian, but relying upon our flesh and own efforts to live the life we should be now, and ONLY can that by the Holy Spirit in us!

Hello YeshuaFan;

I'd like to add this is where our daily spiritual maturity come into play. I know what you and I just shared sounds fundamental, but to the seasoned Christian this is easier said than done.

Just when we feel we have made strides in Christ, we make a mistake or fall into another temptation. It can feel like a step backward.

Praise God He is always there to pull us back forward.