I must admit to having a lazy compromising view on abortion in the past, that somehow in some circumstances a woman is okay to just flush away a life.
but recently I had to make a definite statement and clarify my own view.
so here it is:
My life, your life, as a human being on a timeline,
begins at a zero point when the sperm fertilises an egg.
Beyond that zero point is murder.
It is murder of a life.
A life is not a growth, an anomaly, a something.
When a woman chooses abortion, regardless of the reason, she has killed a human being even at the zero point of pregnancy, regardless of the features or ability or otherwise of that human. A human never begins when it is born at the nine month mark.
Her Rights and Cultural/religious groups.
Should a woman have an abortion because of the inconvenience of peer pressure of family or work? Should a woman be forced and live in fear because of the cultural or the religious view of her family or relatives? Be they Muslim or Christian or whatever ethnic minority from where ever in the world they may have come?
No. How have women gained any kind of equality when others have forced her to their way of thinking? If it’s not a question of equality then it is at least one of freedom from oppression.
A Woman’s rights over her own body.
A woman like a man has the right to protect her own body and its parts, however once she becomes pregnant she by having an abortion is not just attempting harm to herself but is taking away any rights of a future unborn human being regardless of its legal status.
STATUS of a fertilised egg.
While it has no current immediate status, it does so as a future fully functioning member of society.
Abortion is a direct attack of harm against the zero point on the timeline of a human being.
It is not a question of its FUNCTIONAL ability but its LEGAL entity.
It has come to exist as a fact and therefore should have a legal equality with its mother even though they now SHARE the same body.
You can wipe away many illegitimate evil people from History by Abortion, but you will also wipe away: Confucius, Leonardo da Vinci, Lawrence of Arabia, Eva Peron, William the Conqueror, Oprah Winfrey, Sophia Loren, Etc
I say these things only to any woman contemplating such an act,
I certainly won't be outside the clinic waving a flag or quoting scriptures,
or condemning you, you will have enough to deal with.
You need only understand you have sinned and need to repent and confess to God,
not to me or man.
But rather....
If you find life inside of you, no matter what the cause,
you have inside of you innocence and greatness,
a future, a hope, a prosperity if you nurture them with love.