Like w/ me
I rarely hear Him.. but when He "speaks" to me...
*Sometimes its through dreams
*Sometimes others
*Miscellaneous (I'll explain this one)
Like the Sunday before last, I really needed to have a better relationship w/ God.. like.. I wasn't reading , praying or anything ( visited my cousin's church) the morning b4 church I prayed... what was on my heart
and the service pretty much addressed everything I prayed for... and I knew what I needed to do (I wish I took a notebook lol)
then (miscellaneous) a while back.. I remember praying in the bathroom.. (needing a better relationship w/ God) and when I came out..on the window sill... was a pamphlet titled "you can be close to God too"
I was amazed, I asked my dad was it his, he said ..I asked my brother who's almost always out he said no as well, my dad said he just found it... and placed it on the window sill ^^
Soooo... I know He is talking to me.. its just in unconventional ways... but Im sure its because.. my psyche is no Buena right now lol (I have anxiety, racing thought yadda...) so Im thinking maybe that's why...
But sometimes it worries me b/c it says His sheep hear his voice.. and I barely hear Him..
but He gets my numerous ways.
I rarely hear Him.. but when He "speaks" to me...
*Sometimes its through dreams
*Sometimes others
*Miscellaneous (I'll explain this one)
Like the Sunday before last, I really needed to have a better relationship w/ God.. like.. I wasn't reading , praying or anything ( visited my cousin's church) the morning b4 church I prayed... what was on my heart
and the service pretty much addressed everything I prayed for... and I knew what I needed to do (I wish I took a notebook lol)
then (miscellaneous) a while back.. I remember praying in the bathroom.. (needing a better relationship w/ God) and when I came out..on the window sill... was a pamphlet titled "you can be close to God too"
I was amazed, I asked my dad was it his, he said ..I asked my brother who's almost always out he said no as well, my dad said he just found it... and placed it on the window sill ^^
Soooo... I know He is talking to me.. its just in unconventional ways... but Im sure its because.. my psyche is no Buena right now lol (I have anxiety, racing thought yadda...) so Im thinking maybe that's why...
But sometimes it worries me b/c it says His sheep hear his voice.. and I barely hear Him..
but He gets my numerous ways.