Consider this...
There is no verse that says thou shalt not kill. There are many, many verses that say thou shalt not murder or thou shalt not kill the righteous and innocent.
Don't twist this as me saying we can now do what we want and kill if we think it is right, because we don't necessarily have that moral authority. However, if God, who is the ultimate level of perfection and doesn't even need the slightest of change and is also the pinnacle sanctuary of justice, then when a life dies due to God's plan, this is not murder because murder, by definition, is unjust. But if we decide to take killing into our own hands, it IS murder by default because it is unjust.
You're right that God is not a hypocrite, but there are some things that need to be noticed in our differences to God.
For instance, we are commanded by God to worship Him, but ONLY Him, which means we cannot worship ourselves. However, God CAN and DOES worship Himself. Is He breaking one of His rules? Of course not. He worships Himself not because he is arrogant, but because He knows His worthiness. After all, we don't worship Him for His benefit -- He doesn't need us, but He knows we need Him.