Why We Are Losing

It does not work that way Mike. God is the Creator and He has a plan which He is working. Since every single baby is His creation, when He takes one from this life they go directly to be with Him.

You and I are not creators but are in fact creations made from the Creator. We live to have fellowship with God and we become saved so that we can serve Him. Because of that He made some very fundamental rules one of which was "Thou shalt not murder".

When we, man or woman kill an unborn baby we have taken the place of God and killed one of His creations. We have then destroyed what God set up as the acceptable way of living in Adam and Eve. The FAMILY!

But God is perfect and would never be a hypocrite! Therefore it would make no sense for him to not follow his own rules as this would mean he is not perfect and certainly not our messiah! And that is blasphemy! Blessed be O blastemopher!
"My last thread had a pole attached to it. 77% of the people who participated said that killing infants is wrong and can never be justified. Maybe what our religion needs is less talk from the know it all pharisees and more talk from those who stand up for whats right, but are intimidated into silence, lets start hearing those voices now."
"My last thread had a pole attached to it. 77% of the people who participated said that killing infants is wrong and can never be justified. Maybe what our religion needs is less talk from the know it all pharisees and more talk from those who stand up for whats right, but are intimidated into silence, lets start hearing those voices now."
actually your poll was very deceptive. I clicked that killing infants was wrong before reading enough into your thread to realize what you were implying, I think a few other people fell for your trap also.
actually your poll was very deceptive. I clicked that killing infants was wrong before reading enough into your thread to realize what you were implying, I think a few other people fell for your trap also.

Fell for my trap?! Are you accusing me of tricking people into saying its wrong to kill babies? (as if thats a bad thing?) Can you please prove this accusation? And how do you know other people were tricked into morality can you prove that as well? Thanks Bless you lost sheep!
Fell for my trap?! Are you accusing me of tricking people into saying its wrong to kill babies? (as if thats a bad thing?) Can you please prove this accusation? And how do you know other people were tricked into morality can you prove that as well? Thanks Bless you lost sheep!
dude it is so obvious that poll of yours is a trap i dont need to prove that lol
dude it is so obvious that poll of yours is a trap i dont need to prove that lol

But if its so obvious "dude" then you should have no problem proving it. God warns us about making false testimony against thy neighbor. If I could give you some advice that has always helped me and my posts on the interweb I would say think twice before you post in order to avoid future embarrassments again! Blessed be unto Hosanna
But if its so obvious "dude" then you should have no problem proving it. God warns us about making false testimony against thy neighbor. If I could give you some advice that has always helped me and my posts on the interweb I would say think twice before you post in order to avoid future embarrassments again! Blessed be unto Hosanna
It's interesting how you attack people, and then bless them right after.
But if its so obvious "dude" then you should have no problem proving it. God warns us about making false testimony against thy neighbor. If I could give you some advice that has always helped me and my posts on the interweb I would say think twice before you post in order to avoid future embarrassments again! Blessed be unto Hosanna
i'm not embarrassed, you made it sound like an abortion issue.
I'm guessing that only God's followers are considered our neighbors. And the wicked or non-believers are the enemies.
Yes, that scripture says love neighbor, hate enemy. Yes, fellow Jews are neighbors. But, NO, those outside are not beyond being neighbors (think of Jonah and the non-Jewish city of Nineveh). Enemy = someone who wants to kill them / destroy them. God is not saying '''hate''' non Jews! God wanted the Jews to love all, even enemies...but at the same time defend themselves properly against their enemies.

Do you think God / any Jew would attack / consider Nineveh and enemy after they repented?
"My last thread had a pole attached to it. 77% of the people who participated said that killing infants is wrong and can never be justified. Maybe what our religion needs is less talk from the know it all pharisees and more talk from those who stand up for whats right, but are intimidated into silence, lets start hearing those voices now."

You will have more followers if you water down scripture. But then eating Mcdonalds will kill you and all your followers. By selecting only some NT verses you are formulating your belief around half truths and are no better then....the devil tempting Jesus in Matt 4.

You are quite funny. You get ostrich syndrome anytime someone quotes the OT. Take both the OT and the NT and just deal with them. You will have an even stronger faith and trust in God's goodness! 2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. What part of ''all'' is confusing?
My reply: I'm guessing that only God's followers are considered our neighbors. And the wicked or non-believers are the enemies.

Yes, that scripture says love neighbor, hate enemy. Yes, fellow Jews are neighbors. But, NO, those outside are not beyond being neighbors (think of Jonah and the non-Jewish city of Nineveh). Enemy = someone who wants to kill them / destroy them. God is not saying '''hate''' non Jews! God wanted the Jews to love all, even enemies...but at the same time defend themselves properly against their enemies.

Do you think God / any Jew would attack / consider Nineveh and enemy after they repented?
Just to add in case you assume I am saying neighbors = God fearing 'only'. The enemies were those who 'actively' wanted their destruction. Now sure we can be forgiven for thinking in literal terms of neighbor = God fearing and enemy = ungodly as entire cities / nations of the ungodly at the time probably wanted to see their demise. But that is a mistake. We know God hade hope for many ungodly nations. Context points toward 'hating' the 'worst of the wicked'.

Lev 19:34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.
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Ephesians 6:12 is irrevalent to our discussion of you believing Jesus to be a pacifist so I will not respond to that.
Luke 5:39 also is not applicable to the "context" of pacifism concerning Jesus, so we will let that pass as well.

Now for John 2:15. To think that because the Greek word for "Drove" does not lend to violence but a threat actually rejects the exact words which are found in the Scriptures.

"And when He had made a whip of small cords he drove them all out of the temple and the sheep, and the oxen, AND POURED OUT THE CHANGERS MONEY AND OVERTHREW THE TABLES".

Do you really think that Jesus simply used threatening words and harsh language to pour out money and turn over tables. Do you think that These men who were SELLING merchandise just stood there and watched a man take away their income and did nothing???

Many people stumble into this typical violation of logic quite sincerely, and quite blindly and it appears that is where you are coming from.

For example, what if we approached the Gospels with the assumption that we already knew that Jesus was a pacifist before even picking up the Bible to see what He said? We would naturally give a biased interpretation of His words in such passages as the Sermon on the Mount.

Once we had done this, we could then argue that Jesus was a pacifist on the basis of His words. Proving in our conclusion what we had already assumed in our premise, we would end up arguing in a circle. Isn't that exactly what you are doing???
If the form of the argument is invalid, it is invalid no matter which position is using it.

Since we can only infer what Jesus might have said about such things as national wars, we must accept the answer which has the most evidence. We cannot make a “leap of faith” as you seem to be doing and arbitrarily assume that our position is the biblical one simply because we wish it to be so. That comes back to the oldest error in understanding the Scriptures: Making them say what WE want them to say.


Therefore, the Biblical thrust is that at no point in Jesus’ ministry did He ever tell Israel or Rome that governments should disarm. He never condemned the just use of force as taught in the Scriptures, nor did He ever condemn the police for using force to punish criminals. Despite the clarity of the Old Testament in its divine approval of the use of force, Jesus never once preached against a nation having an army or the state maintaining a police force.

Logically, this can lead us to only one possible inference. Jesus’ silence meant that He approved of and accepted the Old Testament precedent of the valid use of force. Whenever we study the Scriptures, a biblical and historical precedent stands until directly removed by divine revelation.

So then.....If you choose to believe that Jesus was a pacifist that is completely your choice. I on the other hand have the same ability to choose and I do not accept the idea that Jesus was a pacifist.

I've presented ekballo and biazo. If you refuse to read the words, then that is YOUR desire for violence. Your need to justify your stand with eye for an eye, the OLD way.

Luke stands, men will not leave the old wine, it tastes better.
I've presented ekballo and biazo. If you refuse to read the words, then that is YOUR desire for violence. Your need to justify your stand with eye for an eye, the OLD way.

Luke stands, men will not leave the old wine, it tastes better.

I read the words my brother. I simply do not agree with you. Nothing personal at all..

I just do not accept your idea that God was a pacifist. To believe that, you must reject literally thousands of Biblical examples of God interacting with men over the last 6000 years of recorded history and I simply can not do that.

IF that is what you want to believe, then go for it. But please do not be defensive or argumentative with those who do not think of God as you do.

Blessing to you and I enjoy talking with you.
Major, let's take a step back for a moment, because I think your hearing Peace, but your not listening to him. So, I want to pose a hypothetical to you, and I ask that you truly consider it and don't just write it off as 'that would never happen'. Consider if Peace is correct and if the abomination was indeed male prostitution and NOT homosexual tendency, would you actually say, okay I was wrong, and I'm sorry.

Its clear to me that Peace has a soft spot for those who struggle with this. Possibly he saw someone get bullied to the point of suicide, or who was disowned because of it or what have you. If that is the case will you be so bold to tell him his heart is in the wrong place despite the expiriences God has put in his life that gave him insight? And is it God who is wrong for giving him that insight?

From your posts I read a pretentious attitude. You have placed him under a blanket label or apostasy Christians who have given into the pressures of political correctness which I find an easy way to simply discount everything someone says. And when you say you only care about pleasing God even if the world is against you, it is an honorable thing but it is a thin line between that and outright arrogance. As in, I don't care what anyone says I'm going to think what I think.

In any case recognize your own fallibility and it sets you free from having to be right all the time. We can have a discussion about the merits of Peace's claim with out resorting to name calling.

My dear brother. I appreciate your attempt to be a peace maker. It shows me that you do indeed have a heart for God and I love that, IF that is in fact what you are trying to do.

But lets make sure that we are on the same page before we do any hypothetical thinking. Lets deal with reality first shall we.???

Your comment was something you think I said.............
"As in, I don't care what anyone says I'm going to think what I think".

Now is that what I actually said?????????

Peace stated in comment #71 that...........
"Homosexuality" wasn't even a word until the 1800s so I think you're wrong there.
There are many people who believe the scripture you posted and others like it refer not to homosexuality but to male prostitution, are you aware of that? Not saying you have to agree, but are you at least aware?

My response was in comment #72..........
"Honestly......I do not care if the whole world disagrees with me. I am not out here to have the world be my friend. I do not care who stands with me or against me. The fact is......I did not judge anyone! I quoted the Bible and said I agree with it."
The only One I am concerned with my dear brother is the Lord Jesus Christ. I post and quote what HE says and as long as He is happy I am too. So the idea of using the ......world is against me simply does not matter. "

Do you not see that my concern is the truth of God's Word, not what someone thinks it says but actually WHAT it does say.

So then, if we can not get the real facts of contextual conversations correct, how in the world can we consider any hypothetical ones???

Now, having said that and your claim that I have a pretentious attitude. That word means " having or creating a deceptive outer appearance of great worth; ostentatious ".

Now when a person says that the words in the Bible do not mean what they say and in fact it refers to "male prostitution" instead of the words said and I disagree with that, now all of a sudden that is a "pretentious attitude".

All you are doing here is standing along side of a friend who thinks as it seems you do. So, are you actually standing in the middle here trying to be a peace maker or are you taking sides with someone that you agree with.???

Then your comment was.........
"You have placed him under a blanket label or apostasy".

ow is that really what you think??? Really? When his own words are...........
"The fact is I don't think you are getting my message which is that the words of the Bible are in dispute by many people in this area".

So lets consider what the Bible actually does say and I will leave it at that for you to ponder.

2 Timothy 4:1-5
"I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound[a] teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 5 As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."
But God is perfect and would never be a hypocrite! Therefore it would make no sense for him to not follow his own rules as this would mean he is not perfect and certainly not our messiah! And that is blasphemy! Blessed be O blastemopher!

Obviously you do not know what blasphemy means!

I would suggest that you tone down the rhetoric and try to say things that actually make some sense!
I read the words my brother. I simply do not agree with you. Nothing personal at all..

I just do not accept your idea that God was a pacifist. To believe that, you must reject literally thousands of Biblical examples of God interacting with men over the last 6000 years of recorded history and I simply can not do that.

IF that is what you want to believe, then go for it. But please do not be defensive or argumentative with those who do not think of God as you do.

Blessing to you and I enjoy talking with you.

Why do you paint him as Jesus as someone violent when he did no such thing?

He said bless not curse.
Eye for and eye is no more.
He spared people from stoning.

And he COULD have if he wished, and he said it, called on God to send Angels to lay waste to EVRYTHING.

He did not. Was NOT his time to do that. That was NOT the purpose.

The word is clear, threat of violence, but nothing physical. Ekballo.
Why do you paint him as Jesus as someone violent when he did no such thing?

He said bless not curse.
Eye for and eye is no more.
He spared people from stoning.

And he COULD have if he wished, and he said it, called on God to send Angels to lay waste to EVRYTHING.

He did not. Was NOT his time to do that. That was NOT the purpose.

The word is clear, threat of violence, but nothing physical. Ekballo.

Dave......listen brother, I have no dog in this hunt. You are going way out of your comfort zone here to try and prove your opinion.
Your opinion is simply not in agreement with the Word of God. IF you choose to believe that Jesus was a pacifist, that is your choice and I simply do not share your opinion.

Jesus Himself said, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law---a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household’” (Matthew 10:34-36).

“From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it” (Matthew 11:12).

“Those who hate Him He will repay to their face by destruction; He will not be slow to repay to their face those who hate Him” (Deuteronomy 7:10).

“While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

In raising the moral consciousness of the world, God must take the people as He finds them and introduce principles of righteousness within the moral framework with which the people can identify. We can be assured though, that it is always with justice that God judges and makes war (Revelation 19:11).

“For we know Him who said, ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ and again, ‘The Lord will judge his people.’ It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:30-).