Depends on the church.
Depends on the church.
No it was called sodomy. Until people couldn't understand what that word was due to improper use of it.
Infanticide has been carried out by almost every culture whether in the womb or out of it.
Nothing new here.
And not a single person harmed that day physically.
Wasn't time yet for him to get into a brawl.
But never once struck them.
That was not his job at the time. But while we are HERE, we are charged by The King to fight only wars of the spirit, not the flesh.
Wars of the flesh are symbols of still drinking old wine.
Indeed. I believe it began with Marx.
I'll have to review.
And not a single person harmed that day physically.
Wasn't time yet for him to get into a brawl.
Haha, don't try to make me scramble the Scriptutes to find Marx in there.Dave.......please post the Scriptures which prove your point!
OOPS......this was directed to Dave...not Larry! Sorry Larry!
I don't think this is the end-all-be-all answer -- in fact, I'd say it's only one part (or one of many perhaps). But one thing I think that has really broken apart Christian teaching is political correctness. Because of it, many people aren't comfortable standing up for Christian truth because it might offend or hurt someone's feelings.
So many thanks have been put on the back-burner; abortion, homosexuality, birth control, co-habitation, divorce, and most importantly, religion itself.
Because of it, we've become so preoccupied with being "nice" rather than being obedient.
It's just a thought.
Thank you fr your answer. I think it is important to be nice though and to try and not offend others. If we want to shape an all inclusive society like the one Jesus tried to create (you cant tell me eating with prostitutes is not all inclusive, especially in the good ol' days(and by good old days I mean ancient times)) we all must be able to get along with one another and try to minimize offensive unnecessary words and ideas.
Actually nothing what so ever depends on the Church!
I do not know of any thing that has less power than does the Church!!! The church can do nothing about the moral sins of the world and actually it just sits on its hind legs and allows the world to do what it wants to do.
That is why abortion is the law of the land. Excuse me...KILLING BABIES.
That is why homosexuality is considered a sickness instead of a sin.
That is why a convicted mugger gets out of jail before his victim gets out of the hospital.
That is why high schools in America now have nurseries for new born on campus.
CONTEXT! NEW has nothing to do with it! It is not that they have been going on forever......they have.
The point of Jesus in Matthew 24 was .......
"When you see THESE THINGS know then that the coming of the Son of Man is neigh".
It is when all the things Jesus was asked about the end of the world start to happen all at the same time, THAT is when we need to be looking up because Jesus is coming soon.
I don't think using emotionally charged language is particularly effective, people can usually see right through hyerbole.That is why abortion is the law of the land. Excuse me...KILLING BABIES.
Actually it's neither sin nor sickness but a normal variation in human sexuality, it hasn't been considered a sickness since the 1970s. The APA has made enormous advances since then.That is why homosexuality is considered a sickness instead of a sin.
Being nice is one thing, and I'm not suggesting an exclusive mentality. But when Christ spent time with tax collectors and prostitutes, He didn't condone their activity, but expressed what was righteous.
That is something that is almost always considered rude and absolutely not OK. I don't want to hurt anyone, but I think as Christians we also have a responsibility. If I love someone that much, I should help them own the right path, even if it they won't appreciate it at first.
God already conquered evil when Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for our sins. God already won.If you look at and compare statistics on the breakdown of Christians and atheists/agnostics in western country populations you will unquestionably see a rise of secularism and attitudes changing towards Christianity and it's role in society and culture. The only question that remains is why are we losing?
Hello everybody its me Mike F. You may know me from some of my comments on various posts throughout this site and one of my latest threads in which the word contentious is given a whole new meaning. In this post I shall examine some potential reason as to why we are seeing such a deviation from Christianity and an increase in secular attitudes within western countries and what we can do as Christians to fix this.
One of the biggest problems is what we try and justify and rationalize as Christians. My last post was bitter sweet as I saw so many bright and kind brothers and sisters in Christ come out and participate in civil conversation and dissent. Unfortunately the bitterness manifested itself from these same wonderful people trying to justify acts that are parallel to satanism. Genocide, mass killings of innocent men women and children and infanticide (the killing of infants) can never be justified in my opinion and would clearly never be justified by Jesus himself. Romans 12:17 KJV "Repay no one evil for evil" and Matthew 5:39 KJV "But whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also". These passages clearly show that Jesus was a pacifist and would never condone any kind of killing PERIOD. I was absolutely horrified to see how many "Christians" not only defended such execrable acts, but at the same time totally negated any quote that I mentioned from Jesus.
We are better than this fellow sheep! When we try and justify these types of acts we are acting like a wild pack of muslims or satanic devil worshipers! Ignoring child abuse is something the dang pope would do!
Think about it like this; Imagine you are a Godless soul in search of new life. In one corner we have muslims and Christians justifying the killing of innocent people but then saying that they are religions of peace. In the other corner we have secularists telling us that they want peace and harmony and condemning the killing of innocent people, and rightfully so! Now tell me, in this hypothetical situation who would you throw in with? The hypocrites or the ones who stand up for what is right!
So many times I hear my fellow Christians complain about how America is going down hill and losing its christian morals and values. I can't help but think, maybe if we were more loving and consistent with our beliefs we wouldn't have to shoot ourselves in the foot and chase people away! Luckily for us there is a way out. And his name is JESUS. Lets put away the barbaric acts of one race and turn to a man who shaped his whole career on peace and love and maybe things will start to turn in the right direction again.
My last thread had a pole attached to it. 77% of the people who participated said that killing infants is wrong and can never be justified. Maybe what our religion needs is less talk from the know it all pharisees and more talk from those who stand up for whats right, but are intimidated into silence, lets start hearing those voices now.
God bless you all -
Mike Flanaganmenstein
I wouldn't suggest judging people, but we can judge certain actions as right from wrong, as we should...and not in a way that suggests we aren't flawed, but by expressing why we are in such desperate need of a savior.I understand what you are saying but who are we to judge if someone is on the right path or not. The Bible states that we are all sinners and therefore fall short of the glory of God. We need to lead by example, not judge by example.
I wouldn't suggest judging people, but we can judge certain actions as right from wrong, as we should...and not in a way that suggests we aren't flawed, but by expressing why we are in such desperate need of a savior.
Christians have an obligation to help people, and if we turn a blind eye to sin, then we aren't doing anyone any favors.
Jesus was talking about not being a hypocrite when He said that, He didn't mean don't expose sin.I know but the puritans said the same thing and look at how many innocent people diedMaybe we should just stick to what Jesus said about casting the first stone if you are without sin. Let God sort em' out
Jesus was talking about not being a hypocrite when He said that, He didn't mean don't expose sin.
And He's right. We can't claim we are without sin or that we are better, but if we know truth--Christian truth--we are called to tell the evangelize the faith, defend the faith, and try to bring people to Him. But we can't do that by doing nothing. And simply being nice not only doesn't do enough, but it even misguides pretty heavily.
KingJ's post: Amen to God is love! God is good! God told us to 'turn the left cheek' in the NT. In the old, He wanted us to love our neighbor as ourselves Lev 19:18. So we have the same God OT and NT, correct? So, HOW do you explain these verses to the unsaved?
1. Gen 6:11-17, Gen 7:11-24 God is unhappy with the wickedness of man and decides to do something about it. He kills every living thing on the face of the earth other than Noah's family and thereby makes himself the greatest mass murderer in history.
2. Gen 19:26 God personally sees to it that Lot's wife is turned to a pillar of salt (for having looked behind her while fleeing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah).
3. Exo 9:22-25 A plague of hail from the Lord strikes down everything in the fields of Egypt both man and beast except in Goshen where the Israelites reside
4. Exo 12:29 The Lord kills all the first-born in the land of Egypt.
5. Exo 17:13 With the Lord's approval, Joshua mows down Amalek and his people.
6. Exo 32:27-29 With the Lord's approval, the Israelites slay 3000 men.
7. Num 16:49 A plague from the Lord kills 14,700 people.
8. Num 21:3 The Israelites utterly destroy the Canaanites.
9. Num 25:9 24,000 people die in a plague from the Lord.
10. Deut 7:2 The Lord commands the Israelites to "utterly destroy" and shown "no mercy" to those whom he gives them for defeat.
1. Matt 10:35-36 For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law a man's enemies will be the members of his own family.
2. Matt 11:21-24 Jesus curses [the inhabitants of] three cities who were not sufficiently impressed with his great works.
3. Matt 3:42 Some will spend eternity burning in Hell. There will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth.<br/>
My reply: I'm guessing that only God's followers are considered our neighbors. And the wicked or non-believers are the enemies.