Timothy, if you're still reading...
I noticed you said you pray to God for protection and for forgiveness everyday. That's a good thing. It is also very helpful to get into the habit of thanksgiving and praise. Thank God for everything on a daily basis. You could spend a good ammount of prayer thanking God for all that He's done. I thank Jesus for dying for me, for rising, for ascending to be my High Priest and Heavenly advocate. I thank God for all of His provisions, I thank God for my wife, children, and grandson, I thank God for my job, etc. In doing this, you are giving God the thanks that He deserves, and you are also gaining a fresh perspective on the positive things that God is doing, instead of thinking about fears and doubts.
Also, if you havent done so already, get in the habit of praising God. Some people find it difficult to praise God because of how they feel or their circumstances, but we don't praise God because we feel good, we praise Him because He is worthy to be praised. God INHABITS the praise of His people.
Dedicate a time during the day (maybe in the morning) where you just spend time praising and thanking God, (and not asking for anything). Perhaps after you've laid all your burdens at His feet, you can spend time AGAIN praising and thanking Him.
Get involved in intercessory prayer. Pray for the lost, the wandering Christians who have kind of drifted away, the sick, your pastor, the leaders in your church, etc. This is a tremendous ministry, and it takes your eyes off your doubts and puts them on the needs of others.
...and look for ways to serve in your church. When I first came back to the Lord, we didnt have holders for the hymnals, so I would bring out the hymnals and put them on the chairs on Sunday for the worshippers. The church I attend now has a Crew for setup of events, a group called the Watchmen that provide security in the parking lot during services and functions (taking turns of course), people that clean the church, ushers, teachers, worship team, etc. Pray and ask God where He wants to use you.
You may already be doing all of these things, but I am just putting them out there as possible suggestions. These are ways that we take our eyes off our fears and put them on God.