Will God and Jesus ever stop loving me? Can someone lose their salvation while on earth?

In coming to God for the first time, our merit is non-existent, "all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6). Our love doesn't come into it - "We love because he has first loved us." (1 John 4:19).

I agree with your post, I just feel these lines need more clarification.

Nobody is able to be in God's presence, amen! We all deserve death. Wages of sin is death. But not hell. There is a difference between being in a state of death and being en route to hell.

Adam and Eve entered death when they left the garden. They did not enter hell. Why this is significant is because we need to understand that '''we'' have '' everything''' to do with getting ourselves from death into hell. Salvation is a gift that takes us from death to God's presence, when we choose to not go to hell by choosing to love God / obey His commandments / hate what is evil and cling to what is good / repent.
I agree with your post, I just feel these lines need more clarification.

Nobody is able to be in God's presence, amen! We all deserve death. Wages of sin is death. But not hell. There is a difference between being in a state of death and being en route to hell.

Adam and Eve entered death when they left the garden. They did not enter hell. Why this is significant is because we need to understand that '''we'' have '' everything''' to do with getting ourselves from death into hell. Salvation is a gift that takes us from death to God's presence, when we choose to not go to hell by choosing to love God / obey His commandments / hate what is evil and cling to what is good / repent.
That's very true - and no-one who is in hell will have anyone to blame but themselves for their ending up there. It was their choice, an assertion of will, they rejected the Saviour. At the same time, no-one who comes into God's presence can say claim it was their own will that they're there. It was God's will - He chose us (Ephesians 1:11, Romans 8:29), we didn't choose Him - that would be the side of God's sovereignty. The giving up of our own will is the necessary precursor to our accepting Christ as our Saviour - God has commanded (Acts 17:30) and it's man's responsibility to obey - bringing in the side of man's responsibility. That would be part of repentence, wouldn't it, the giving up of my own will? Repentance isn't salvation in itself, but it needs must be brought about in order for salvation to come in. If my will hadn't been broken, I would never have accepted Christ as Saviour.
I believe the problem with how one understands the word of God is that they don't know how to apply it to our lives. They see it so spiritual and its principles are foreign to us. But the truth is that the word of God is filled with principles right out of the same right laws in the physical world. Salvation is a gift from God to become a citizen of heaven. The earthly example is the U.S. has a green-card lottery which leads to citizenship. Once a citizen you enjoy the fruits of the country you belong to. If you break the laws of the land you suffer loss but not your citizenship. The same is with the Lord. Your citizenship is heaven when you accept God's gift. If you remain in your sins you suffer loss of its benefits like peace, joy, fellowship, but you're still a citizen but without rewards just like in a country where you break the law and end up on the run or in jail or fined. You lose your peace, joy, and fellowship. This is why all the examples in the word of God for us to understand.
1. How do you know this? Wouldn't he feel confident from God's doing if that was the case. You are making him feel confident from your own words of assurance. Ie you are playing God and removing his conscience convicting him.

2. If we continue in sins or delve into more and more grievous sins .....we were never saved / or are shipwrecking our salvation. There are so many scriptures from Paul to us to constantly examine ourselves. Not even Paul professed to know who is saved vs unsaved. Paul spoke of those who profess to be saved vs those who don't profess to be saved. To know the difference Paul urged us to judge fruits, as did Jesus. Not play God and know that person X is saved because they repeated some magical lines with the words repentence and belief in it. We know person X is saved because they have the fruits of a Christian and hear God's voice. Person X knows Person X is saved.
We have a member here who needs to know that we do not have to allow feelings to dictate our state before God. Feelings are notorious liars.
This is brainwashing. Not Christianity. Christianity is about a real experience. About un-fakeable changes in thought. The complete opposite of brainwashing 2 Cor 5:17.

This is out of context with regards to salvation.

Brother KJ I say this in Love and pray you see it this way. Could you please try to think before you post things. Your coments such as this is brain washing and not christianity is very child like. Have you not read these things in His written word ?

If God says what a man thinks in his heart is what he is then it is truth........what is so hard for you to except ?

Your actions and How You Believe Always Follows what is in your heart.
The words you speak control a huge portion on how you think and what you believe.
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth does speak. This means what you have most in your heart ( core being - spirit man ) is how you act and re-act and believe and it reflects from the words you speak.

We can not change the way this is bro - God set it up like this and that is how it will be.
Again remember this Dis_claimer
You is every one of us.........dont make it a personal attack.
God Bless
Brother KJ I say this in Love and pray you see it this way. Could you please try to think before you post things. Your coments such as this is brain washing and not christianity is very child like. Have you not read these things in His written word ?

If God says what a man thinks in his heart is what he is then it is truth........what is so hard for you to except ?

Your actions and How You Believe Always Follows what is in your heart.
The words you speak control a huge portion on how you think and what you believe.
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth does speak. This means what you have most in your heart ( core being - spirit man ) is how you act and re-act and believe and it reflects from the words you speak.

We can not change the way this is bro - God set it up like this and that is how it will be.
Again remember this Dis_claimer
You is every one of us.........dont make it a personal attack.
God Bless

Brainwashing is brainwashing and brainwashing is not Christianity.

Your take sounds right. But it is not. This core difference becomes a large grievance / disagreement in our final beliefs. So it is important to be crystal clear in exposing it early.

When it comes to confidence in our salvation, we do not brainwash ourselves. We judge ourselves. When it comes to growing day by day as a Christian, we work on renewing our minds / studying / standing on the word of God. Even this does not involve repetitive quoting of scripture or removal of negative thoughts and only speaking positively. It sounds right but it is carnal positive teaching / thinking that we are including in Christianity.

If life comes from your heart there is no need for any brainwashing. You will feel the life / hear God speaking to you John 10:27 / know that Jesus is Lord 1 Cor 12:3 and only seek understanding.

Please try understand that with regards specifically to our salvation the devil will not say we are unsaved. He will say the opposite. God will convict us and our working brains will convict us. Because that feeling of being apart from God / unsaved is necessary to get our behind into action in dealing with the issue properly. That is the last thing the devil wants. Don't you see the irony? You sound right, but you are completely wrong on this.
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Brainwashing is brainwashing and brainwashing is not Christianity. If you know of another word an adult should use let me know.

Your take sounds right. But it is not. This core difference becomes a large grievance / disagreement in our final beliefs. So it is important to be crystal clear in exposing it early.

When it comes to confidence in our salvation, we do not brainwash ourselves. We judge ourselves. When it comes to growing day by day as a Christian, we work on renewing our minds / studying / standing on the word of God. Even this does not involve repetitive quoting of scripture or removal of negative thoughts and only speaking positively. It sounds right but it is carnal positive teaching / thinking that we are including in Christianity.

If life comes from your heart there is no need for any brainwashing. You will feel the life / hear God speaking to you John 10:27 / know that Jesus is Lord 1 Cor 12:3 and only seek understanding.

Please try understand that with regards specifically to our salvation the devil will not say we are unsaved. He will say the opposite. It is so ironic. God will convict us and our working brains will convict us. Because that feeling of being apart from God / unsaved is necessary to get our behind into action in dealing with the issue properly. That is the last thing the devil wants. Don't you see the irony? You sound right, but you are completely wrong on this.

Brother in all do respect.......let it go.........there is nothing to support your theory and truthfully it makes no sense what so ever........
Thanks any way
God Bless
Brother in all do respect.......let it go.........there is nothing to support your theory and truthfully it makes no sense what so ever........
Thanks any way
God Bless
Well let me simplify it for you. You want the guy who feels like he is unsaved to tell himself multiple times that he is saved. Is that how you got married? Is that how you get confidence in your dedication to your marriage?
Well let me simplify it for you. You want the guy who feels like he is unsaved to tell himself multiple times that he is saved. Is that how you get confidence in your dedication to your marriage?
Brother could you do me a big favor please........explain to me what you are talking about?
Then explain to me why what is written in Gods word is so hard for you to except.........
Thanks KJ............
If my will hadn't been broken, I would never have accepted Christ as Saviour.
I was agreeing with your post until this line :barefoot:. We have everything to do with accepting Christ. We choose to soften our hearts and repent.

I think many blur the issue / have the issue blurred with the scripture by David and I think Paul that says ''there is no-one that does good''. But that is perhaps one of the hardest verses to understand. There is no short discussion with that line imho.
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Sometimes I feel unloved and forsaken. I pray everyday to Jesus for protection and for him to forgive me of all my sins. At times I even think that I am hopeless and am condemned already. Does he still love me and want me to go to heaven?

Hi Timothy,

If you have been saved by grace, you are the Lord's workmanship, and He is working in you. The work that He has begun in you He will continue to do until the day of Christ.

Praise His Name!
We are of all people most blessed!

Thankfully, our salvation is not dependent on how we 'feel', or what we 'do', it is entirely dependent on His Faithfulness.

You are greatly loved and longed for by your Heavenly Father.
Know it, acknowledge it, rejoice in it, and your joy will be full.

Activily believe God, refuse those introspective thoughts and feelings. Believe, believe and believe again. Rejoice, rejoice and rejoice again: for your salvation is sure. It is based on sure promises, and on the blood of Christ, Who is risen to God's right hand: and all the power of resurrection is at His disposal.

I pray that you will be truly blessed and uplifted, that your joy will be full as you trust in His wondrous grace. Wait for it, for it will surely come, as your eyes are stayed on your wondrous God and Saviour.

In Christ Jesus
Now risen and glorified
Our Saviour, Lord and Head.
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Faith, Hope and Experience were walking along a wall,
Hope was fine as long as he kept his eyes on Faith,
but when he looked around to look at Experience,
He fell off the wall along with Experience,
But Faith went marching on.

:) We have a great and a wondrous God!

'Trust in the Lord with all you heart,
and lean not unto your own understanding,
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will direct your paths.'

Praise Him!
I was agreeing with your post until this line :barefoot:. We have everything to do with accepting Christ. We choose to soften our hearts and repent.

I think many blur the issue / have the issue blurred with the scripture by David and I think Paul that says ''there is no-one that does good''. But that is perhaps one of the hardest verses to understand. There is no short discussion with that line imho.
I suppose it really is an issue of God's sovereignty versus man's responsibility, would you say? I see what you're saying, and we can't acquit man of responsibility. We have to obey the divine commandment to repent, we're held responsible to do that. Jehovah puts that on responsibility the children of Israel at the end of Deuteronomy: "See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil, in that I command thee this day to love Jehovah thy God, to walk in His ways..." &c (Deuteronomy 30:15-16) and then further on, "I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you: life and death have I set before you, blessing and cursing: choose then life, that thou mayest live, thou and thy seed..." (Deuteronomy 30:19). The choice is set before every man. The children of Israel could either obey and love God, or they could disobey and hate Him. There was no middle ground, no third way.

I would still hold, however, that if my will hadn't been broken, I would still be in rejection of the Saviour. Isn't that what's involved in repentance? I don't know, I'm looking for help. Conviction, as I understand it, must precede repentance, and conviction is looking at myself and my history and seeing nothing of worth: on the contrary, a course and state which was under God's righteous judgement. As a writer in 'Things New & Old' has put it, "The eye had been turned in, and rightly so; and it had seen nothing but a deep, dark abyss of guilt and ruin." Repentance would be the giving up of my will, which I was pursuing for all my life up until the moment of conviction - a change of heart. Then salvation would follow repentance, when I throw myself on the mercy of a Saviour God, trusting in the blood and confessing the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. But, what begins the process? Conviction. And who convicts me? I believe it would be the Spirit of God Who convicts. Otherwise, I'd have gone on just as I was.

Yes, God's sovereignty and man's responsibility are very difficult for us to reconcile in our human minds. But we have to understand that they both go on together. We have been drawn to the Lord as Saviour by the Father, but He is set before us as the way, the truth, and the life. "Choose then life"!

"No man can come to me, except the Father which sent me draw him..." (John 6:44).
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father unless by me." (John 14:6).
Activily believe God, refuse those introspective thoughts and feelings. Believe, believe and believe again. Rejoice, rejoice and rejoice again: for your salvation is sure. It is based on sure promises, and on the blood of Christ, Who is risen to God's right hand: and all the power of resurrection is at His disposal.
You are doing the same thing as Euphemia, Jim and Cturtle.

Ignore conscience / feelings from a working brain...just believe, believe, believe, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice and....promises.

Timothy's brain that makes him feel guilty is God given. Timothy's spiritual state is not due to him not.... believing something.....it is due to God not being there.

Now you all want Timothy to take a painkiller and not deal with whatever the actual problem is.

The devil does not convict us and make us feel crappy!!!! God and a working brain does!!! The devil wants you to think you are good and right with God / ignore the warning sensors. For crying out aloud how can you all be so extremely blind and propose such nonsense? Believe believe believe rejoice rejoice rejoice. Please shoot me.
You are doing the same thing as Euphemia, Jim and Cturtle.

Ignore conscience / feelings from a working brain...just believe, believe, believe, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice and....promises.

Timothy's brain that makes him feel guilty is God given. Timothy's spiritual state is not due to him not.... believing something.....it is due to God not being there.

Now you all want Timothy to take a painkiller and not deal with whatever the actual problem is.

The devil does not convict us and make us feel crappy!!!! God and a working brain does!!! The devil wants you to think you are good and right with God / ignore the warning sensors. For crying out aloud how can you all be so extremely blind and propose such nonsense? Believe believe believe rejoice rejoice rejoice. Please shoot me.
Brother forgive me but you are not even close to being 50 percent correct with this.
You need to gain some insight on how our enemy the devil works.

You say the devil does not make us feel crappy but God and the working brain does.........
How do you come up with these things KJ ? God forgives us our sins and remembers them no more. Now then if it was God who made us feel guilty over these down the road then God would be a liar. No Brother it is satan who brings guilt and all the other condemning things.

I dont mind you always claiming I am off in la la land.......No sir that does not bother me a bit for my salvation is in tact and I am in right standing with my God. However it does bother me when you make such claims that have no scripture to back them to a new believer or some one who is struggling..........That is why I reply..........

For the sake of edifying -how about bringing scripture and leaving the chistiananity 101 and such out.....that alone would make things a lot easier on every one...........
Have a blessed day my friend