Will God and Jesus ever stop loving me? Can someone lose their salvation while on earth?

The devil says just what you just said here.
Euphemia tell me if this sounds correct to you...........
If the devil is not bothering you in your daily life then you are no threat to him and have no real fruits to be concerned with >>>>>.

Start producing fruit or speaking truth of Gods word and doing what His word says and saying and doing things that will set the captives free and expose satans strong holds in their life............and you get his attention for-front big time..........

Euphemia tell me if this sounds correct to you...........
If the devil is not bothering you in your daily life then you are no threat to him and have no real fruits to be concerned with >>>>>.

Correct. If we are not a threat to his kingdom, he is quite happy to leave us alone.

Start producing fruit or speaking truth of Gods word and doing what His word says and saying and doing things that will set the captives free and expose satans strong holds in their life............and you get his attention for-front big time..........

Yes, donning our spiritual armour, lining up our mouth with God's word, and stepping up to the plate when required against the strongholds of the devil, we place ourselves as targets for the enemy. He can go ahead and toss all he's got against us, but we have a protector, one who fights for us 24/7, even though we may not sense it. We have sure promises we can count on.
Sometimes I feel unloved and forsaken. I pray everyday to Jesus for protection and for him to forgive me of all my sins. At times I even think that I am hopeless and am condemned already. Does he still love me and want me to go to heaven?

Something to remember is that our thoughts either come from the devil or they come from God. We are not soverign unto ourselves, able to have our own thoughts separate from an overlord, or someone that we choose to be our Lord.
Read 1 John and if you have time write out John 14- 17 without chapter and verse as one long letter from Jesus to you.

1 John 5:18 says that "we know that whoever (that is you) is born of God does not sin (because the blood of Jesus makes him clean) but he who has been orn of God Keeps or guards himself and the wicked one touches him not. 1 Peter 1:23 says that you were born again not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible, through the Word of God which lives and abides forever.

Faith is not a feeling...it is a spiritual force that works for you when you use it, or put it to work for you

Hello @KingJ,

I have known the conviction of sin that the Holy Spirit brings, and have felt His grief at my behaviour, which has brought me to repentance and ultimately to the glorious awareness of the mercy and grace of God who loves the unlovely.

If this is this man's experience, I praise God: for he is indeed in the hands of God: His wondrous grace and love; and will be brought through to the joy of the knowledge of sins forgiven. This is part of the work of the Holy Spirit, and is God treating us as Sons. (James 4:7-10)

Chastening for the moment is not pleasant, but afterwards it yields the peaceable fruits of righteousness in the heart and life of the one who experiences it (Heb. 12:11).

* However the feelings he describes do not come under this category: he describes feelings of not being loved, of being forsaken, of hopelessness and condemnation. This is not of the Holy Spirit.

* This is the work of the enemy of our souls. His purpose is to destroy our faith in God and the all sufficiency of the sacrifice of Christ. We must therefore not give place to Him, but stay our minds on Christ and trust in His faithfulness.

In Christ Jesus
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Hello @KingJ,

I have known the conviction of sin that the Holy Spirit brings, and have felt His grief at my behaviour, which has brought me to repentance and ultimately to the glorious awareness of the mercy and grace of God who loves the unlovely.

If this is this man's experience, I praise God: for he is indeed in the hands of God: His wondrous grace and love; and will be brought through to the joy of the knowledge of sins forgiven. This is part of the work of the Holy Spirit, and is God treating us as Sons. (James 4:7-10)

Chastening for the moment is not pleasant, but afterwards it yields the peaceable fruits of righteousness in the heart and life of the one who experiences it (Heb. 12:11).

* However the feelings he describes do not come under this category: he describes feelings of not being loved, of being forsaken, of hopelessness and condemnation. This is not of the Holy Spirit.

* This is the work of the enemy of our souls. His purpose is to destroy our faith in God and the all sufficiency of the sacrifice of Christ. We must therefore not give place to Him, but stay our minds on Christ and trust in His faithfulness.

In Christ Jesus

Thank You Chris
God Bless and Good Night
Sometimes I feel unloved and forsaken. I pray everyday to Jesus for protection and for him to forgive me of all my sins. At times I even think that I am hopeless and am condemned already. Does he still love me and want me to go to heaven?
I 2 feel like u feel but we r to not go by feelings but to trust by faith, God never stops loving us even when we r unfaithful to him because he is love, and yes 1 can loose their salvation if they reject him and go back 2 d world/Satan by choice but even then his love does not stop like d lost son, stop listening to d lies of d enemy and believe what Jesus has said in his word
I would still hold, however, that if my will hadn't been broken, I would still be in rejection of the Saviour. Isn't that what's involved in repentance? I don't know, I'm looking for help. Conviction, as I understand it, must precede repentance, and conviction is looking at myself and my history and seeing nothing of worth: on the contrary, a course and state which was under God's righteous judgement. As a writer in 'Things New & Old' has put it, "The eye had been turned in, and rightly so; and it had seen nothing but a deep, dark abyss of guilt and ruin." Repentance would be the giving up of my will, which I was pursuing for all my life up until the moment of conviction - a change of heart. Then salvation would follow repentance, when I throw myself on the mercy of a Saviour God, trusting in the blood and confessing the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. But, what begins the process? Conviction. And who convicts me? I believe it would be the Spirit of God Who convicts. Otherwise, I'd have gone on just as I was.

It is just your wording really 'He breaks our will'. Our will is never broken. We have free will yesterday, today and tommorrow. Even in heaven we still have our will. It is just that from our choice it is in submission to His.

The underlined just needs to read ''changing my will'' as opposed to losing / giving it up. I am being pedanitc with the line only, overall we do agree. That wording particularly would be something I am sure Calvinists would like to use.

Yes, God's sovereignty and man's responsibility are very difficult for us to reconcile in our human minds. But we have to understand that they both go on together. We have been drawn to the Lord as Saviour by the Father, but He is set before us as the way, the truth, and the life. "Choose then life"!

"No man can come to me, except the Father which sent me draw him..." (John 6:44).
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father unless by me." (John 14:6)
The devil would never tell a sinner en route to hell that he is en route to hell.
No he tells you that you are worthless and not going to make it. You wont get healed. God does not love you.. You have made God mad. he brings up your past and trys to make you think God is holding this against you.

If you feel anything other then what God says about it...........your getten that thought from the devil.
P.S @Euphemia actually said the devil says what you claimed God and our brain tells us and she is 100 percent correct.
1. Brother forgive me but you are not even close to being 50 percent correct with this.
2. You need to gain some insight on how our enemy the devil works.

3. You say the devil does not make us feel crappy but God and the working brain does.........
4. How do you come up with these things KJ ? God forgives us our sins and remembers them no more.
5. Now then if it was God who made us feel guilty over these down the road then God would be a liar. No Brother it is satan who brings guilt and all the other condemning things.

6. However it does bother me when you make such claims that have no scripture to back them to a new believer or some one who is struggling..........That is why I reply..........

7. For the sake of edifying -how about bringing scripture and leaving the chistiananity 101 and such out.....that alone would make things a lot easier on every one...........
Have a blessed day my friend
1. I am 100% on this, its a no brainer.

2. I do. Gen 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die.

3. Yes. If we don't have God's peace that surpasses all understanding, then we don't have God's peace that surpasses all understanding. If our mind convicts us, then our mind convicts us. Paul is clear to make peace with our working brain from self assessment as opposed to 'brainwashing'.

4. You cannot un-intentionally miss the volumes of warnings from Paul to ensure that we ensure that we are 'in Christ'. Paul never taught us to be complacent with salvation.

5. You are confusing the devils condemnation with conviction. The devil condemns us to God. This is not the same as us feeling guilty for our sins. Conviction brings the desire to repent. No conviction = no repentance.

6. The truth sets us free not candy coated scripture.

7. Already done in post 18.

Complete, I enjoyed reading and agreed with your whole post except for the lines I quoted. You were spot on the money until you introduced 'brainwashing' like the others. That is the only thing I am harping on. It annoys the bejeepers out of me because the nonsense teaching goes off into all avenues. Cut its head off right now! None of these issues require brainwashing. We can 'know' that God loves us and does not condemn us. By knowing scripture / grasping the cross and daily judging ourselves to be in Christ.

No need for ''I am fine, I am fine, I am fine, I am fine, let me think happy thoughts only....''
It is just your wording really 'He breaks our will'. Our will is never broken. We have free will yesterday, today and tommorrow. Even in heaven we still have our will. It is just that from our choice it is in submission to His.

The underlined just needs to read ''changing my will'' as opposed to losing / giving it up. I am being pedanitc with the line only, overall we do agree. That wording particularly would be something I am sure Calvinists would like to use.
I don't think you're being pendantic, not at all. These apparently small details are very important. They can be the key to understanding large swathes of the truth sometimes.

You're quite right - we can't say 'broken', in the sense of the thing being dealt with and done away entirely. My will may reassert itself, if I don't have the will of Another before me. That said, I don't believe we can change our will, otherwise it would still be our will, wouldn't it? There is no reformation of the old man, the first Adam.

In Luke 22:42, Jesus says, "Not my will, but thine be done." He had a will which was, of course, perfect and perfectly aligned with that of His Father. Yet He surrendered His own will - in every way a perfect Model for us.

It would be express the thought better then, rather than talking about a 'broken will' or a 'changed will', to talk about what has sway over us. On one hand, the bondage of sin and Satan. On the other, the Lordship of Christ. In the former, my will has sway with me. In the latter, God's will has sway with me. "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these things are opposed one to the other, that ye should not do those things which ye desire..." (Galatians 5:17). My will is essentially my flesh's will. The things which I desire after the flesh are opposed to God's will.

Is that right?
The devil would never tell a sinner en route to hell that he is en route to hell.
Yeah, he does. He loves to tell humans how wretched they are, that there is no hope for them...and far too many hold onto that, refusing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Complete, I enjoyed reading and agreed with your whole post except for the lines I quoted. You were spot on the money until you introduced 'brainwashing' like the others. That is the only thing I am harping on. It annoys the bejeepers out of me because the nonsense teaching goes off into all avenues. Cut its head off right now! None of these issues require brainwashing. We can 'know' that God loves us and does not condemn us. By knowing scripture / grasping the cross and daily judging ourselves to be in Christ.

No need for ''I am fine, I am fine, I am fine, I am fine, let me think happy thoughts only....''
If by brain washing you mean the renwing of your mind to Gods way then - Praise God Yes.
Some people I know could benefit from this.... ;)
1. That said, I don't believe we can change our will, otherwise it would still be our will, wouldn't it? There is no reformation of the old man, the first Adam.

2. In Luke 22:42, Jesus says, "Not my will, but thine be done." He had a will which was, of course, perfect and perfectly aligned with that of His Father. Yet He surrendered His own will - in every way a perfect Model for us.

3. It would be express the thought better then, rather than talking about a 'broken will' or a 'changed will', to talk about what has sway over us. On one hand, the bondage of sin and Satan. On the other, the Lordship of Christ. In the former, my will has sway with me. In the latter, God's will has sway with me. "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these things are opposed one to the other, that ye should not do those things which ye desire..." (Galatians 5:17). My will is essentially my flesh's will. The things which I desire after the flesh are opposed to God's will.

Is that right?
1. Thats the point. Its always our will.
2. This does not mean we lose our will. It is our will to change our will to allign with G0d's will. We are also touching on two different subjects now. The path we choose and our will. We know we still have our will because we can jump off the path we choose. Of course we can't apply this to Jesus ;).
3. We should rather say our old will vs our new will. Our will is not essentially our fleshes will.
1. No he tells you that you are worthless and not going to make it. You wont get healed. God does not love you.. You have made God mad. he brings up your past and trys to make you think God is holding this against you.

If you feel anything other then what God says about it...........your getten that thought from the devil.
2. P.S @Euphemia actually said the devil says what you claimed God and our brain tells us and she is 100 percent correct.
1. Red herring, 2. PS: God and our working brain tell us we are en route to hell if we are an unrepentant mortal sinner.
1. Red herring, 2. PS: God and our working brain tell us we are en route to hell if we are an unrepentant mortal sinner.
Ok but now you have taken the topic from a believer to an unrepentant mortal sinner.
Further more a subject such as an unrepentant mortal sinner would have no conscience (working brain telling them they they are sinners and going to hell)

Here is the deal.
If you are a born again spirit filled beleiver and satan does not come against you at any time then this type of christian is no threat to him which means they are not producing Godly fruit and are not walking in Gods ways.

Further more scripture teaches us that satan comes immediately to steal the word of God from you. Now we know he does not walk in your house and take your bible - so there must be a spiritual ordeal that goes on. One is the battle of the mind. If you are not rooted and grounded in Gods word and have your faith built up then you wont be able to truly see this or grasp what the devil is up to.

Thus beleiving the devils lies and allowing condemnation and guilt to enter in. This is not God in any way shape or form.

Also about your working brain theory - Man is Not soverign unto himself - no sir - he needs and over lord or another words - simply put - if you are not getting your thoughts or your thoughts are not influenced by God then - yep you be getting your thoughts and influences from the devil.

There is No such thing as - Gods thoughts - the devils thoughts and then there is my thoughts. No sir - you are getting your thoughts influenced and if you do not know how to take a stand against the devil and cast him out then he will slowly guide you through out your life.

In 2 Corinthians 10:5 it says........
KJV. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Amp. We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ,

This is but one example showing in order to walk up-right and obedient unto His word and gaining ground in our Christian Growth - that we Must Do. Those who dont - wont be walking in victory or from Glory to Glory.

Now why do you think this was recorded for us to know ? So we dont put up with satans junk and blame God and live without fruitful growth.
Blessings Brother
Sometimes I feel unloved and forsaken. I pray everyday to Jesus for protection and for him to forgive me of all my sins. At times I even think that I am hopeless and am condemned already. Does he still love me and want me to go to heaven?

My brother,
Read this small book online. I believe it will bless you tremendously in your walk.

Steps to Christ

God's Love for Man 1
The Sinner's Need of Christ 2
Repentance 3
Confession 4
Consecration 5
Faith and Acceptance 6
The Test of Discipleship 7
Growing Up Into Christ 8
The Work and the Life 9
A Knowledge of God 10
The Privilege of Prayer 11
What to Do With Doubt 12
Rejoicing in the Lord 13

God Bless,
Something to remember is that our thoughts either come from the devil or they come from God. We are not soverign unto ourselves, able to have our own thoughts separate from an overlord, or someone that we choose to be our Lord.
Read 1 John and if you have time write out John 14- 17 without chapter and verse as one long letter from Jesus to you.

1 John 5:18 says that "we know that whoever (that is you) is born of God does not sin (because the blood of Jesus makes him clean) but he who has been orn of God Keeps or guards himself and the wicked one touches him not. 1 Peter 1:23 says that you were born again not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible, through the Word of God which lives and abides forever.

Faith is not a feeling...it is a spiritual force that works for you when you use it, or put it to work for you

Faith is a force.
"Faith is a power force. It is a tangible force. It is a conductive force" (Copeland, The Force of Faith, p.13).

Words activate the force.
"The force of faith is released by words. Faith-filled words put the law of the Spirit of life into operation" (Copeland, The Force of Faith. p. 18).

But is that what the BIBLE Says????: NO. The Bible says that Faith is not a force.

Faith is trusting in the promises of God. Faith is synonymous with 'being sure':
Heb. 11:1.........
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see"

We exercise faith when we trust in the promises of God.