So only use one ear piece and that way you can haveone ear free to hear her voice and do notturn it up real loud. There is always a way if you want it bad enough.....
The scriptures came first THEN the movie... don't get the two we will still be on earth though. In a safe place for sure but still on earth...and still have to endure and go through it.
I don't get why americans have this left behind theory in which Jesus comes and nobody sees him, and christians mysteriously vanish like smoke. It's so plain in scripture that every eye will see..and also that many are going to be martyred for their faith. Esp those that refuse the mark of the beast. We all need to be prepared for this and to die for our faith because death is NOT the end for those that believe.
Read the word correctly: dead in Christ rise first. And tone down your assult reteric or I'll issue warning points.So stupid as the pre tribs keep insisting on rapture when its clear in scripture the DEAD will rise first, so, all those who ever died are going to rise, how would that ever be secret when ppl coming out of their graves right and left. And why would the dead rise to be hidden away somewhere? While armageddon and battles going on? Uh.
Also the whole thing wbout one taken another left. Pre tribs have wrong way round, thinking those left behind gonna be destroyed. Well know Jesus is coming back to earth to be with us its those taken away that will be destroyed.
This silly doctrine has got people thinking they dont need to go through any trial or tribulation or persecution and that Jesus wraps the church in cotton wool. Uh no. The gates of hell not gonna prevail because we are soldiers and warriors for Christ not wimps that going to be beamed up like some star trek tv show.
Anyway..i dont know how people believe this stuff, or not even check the preacher with the word of God maybe they just go on google instead of reading the HOLY BIBLE.
Thank you major for clarifying. Do you believe that all people are predestined to be saved or just a certain amount? Blessings to you and yours!
This post is not about supa dupa faith, or betta faith, or I'm more holy than you, or other such put downs.
I write it out of love and compassion for my fellow brothers and sisters who are being deceived into a false security that will not come as is being sold to them.
Pascal the philosopher put forward the wager as to the value and benefit of believing in God as opposed to not believing in God.
And so it is with the theory of the Rapture. It is a similar wager, or weighing up the benefits of believing in or not believing in.
You believe in the pre-tribulation Rapture of what you call THE church. What if your wrong? What will you do?
On the other hand I believe NOT in the pre-tribulation Rapture. If I am wrong what will I lose?
If I am right then I am prepared and expecting to fully trust in, and rely upon, the Lord for my safety during these times.
And I will witness and preach to those seeking an answer to my hope and joy.
Funny, Jesus taught me that the Holy Spirit would be my teacher and teach me the truth. and that I need not to be taught by my brother anymore.
Unless all these "teachers" agree on one gospel and one salvation message fully in accord with the Scriptures - such as Acts 2: 37-39 and Mark 16: 15-20 - then they are no more than just a collection of opinions on the matter.
Let's be honest most christians cannot even agree on something as fundamental a commandment as water baptism, even though it was universal in the early church. And this is the tragedy of our times the "believers" rather than relying directly on the Two Witnesses to truth - The Word and the Holy Spirit - drum up to themselves teachers who will satisfy their preconceived doctrines on salvation, the gospel and everything.
2Timothy 4: 2-4
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
You might have a problem with a plan "B" if you do not believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. Right after the Church is raptured and the man of sin is revealed there will be great signs and lying wonders performed by this man so as to "deceive" those who are left, and God will send them a "strong delusion" so they will believe the lie.
2Th 2:6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
2Th 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
2Th 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
2Th 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
All of that has already happened. This refers to the Rome and her Popes. And lying wonders and signs refers to the deceiving "miracles" that Satan can and does perform - such as Statues of the Madonna that bleed real human blood, and the sun dancing at Fatima, and the passion wounds, or miracles attributed to dead saints. Rome is Babylon the great, and it is the Popes that sit on their throne exalting themselves above the authority of God. Remember the Pope is infallible and their issuing of doctrine supersedes the authority of the Scriptures.
"and that they should believe a lie" would apply to millions of christians who do not believe the Word of God, but instead choose loyalty to their denomination.
Most often when I open up my Bible and start showing Scriptures to other christians they run away. They get offended. They have no love for the truth of the Word.
And most of your postings on the Rapture on who is going up, up and away is full of waffle and vague references to the church and believers.
The Scriptures are a lot more specific on what is the gospel, and who are true worshippers who worship the Father in truth and Spirit.
In the end Jesus said emphatically "Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"
Rapture doctrine is like the theory of evolution - people believe in it first, and look for the evidence to support the theory.
If I am right it will be terrible for rapture believers.
If I am wrong, then I am none the worse off.
I would never be so harsh with people having different eschatological viewSo stupid as the pre tribs keep insisting on rapture when its clear in scripture the DEAD will rise first, so, all those who ever died are going to rise, how would that ever be secret when ppl coming out of their graves right and left. And why would the dead rise to be hidden away somewhere? While armageddon and battles going on? Uh.
Also the whole thing wbout one taken another left. Pre tribs have wrong way round, thinking those left behind gonna be destroyed. Well know Jesus is coming back to earth to be with us its those taken away that will be destroyed.
This silly doctrine has got people thinking they dont need to go through any trial or tribulation or persecution and that Jesus wraps the church in cotton wool. Uh no. The gates of hell not gonna prevail because we are soldiers and warriors for Christ not wimps that going to be beamed up like some star trek tv show.
Anyway..i dont know how people believe this stuff, or not even check the preacher with the word of God maybe they just go on google instead of reading the HOLY BIBLE.
Was never able to stand having just one ear phone on my head. May have something to do with something that I realized I had when I was a child that was never properly diagnosed and treated, sensory integration disorder or now it's called sensory processing disorder. I also have an issue with textures and is the main reason I will not eat fruits and most vegetables.
I just got our son back to sleep and now I have to tuck my daughter back into bed. Been up since a little after six yesterday morning. I am going to try and get some sleep.
Will get back to reading my Bible when things settle down here. We see my wife's neurologist tomorrow and hopefully we can get a plan of attack in place in order to get my wife back to feeling semi-normal.
You are slightly mistaken as there are "two" resurrections of the dead. The resurrection of the "just" is not the same as the resurrection of the unjust at the end of the millennium.So stupid as the pre tribs keep insisting on rapture when its clear in scripture the DEAD will rise first, so, all those who ever died are going to rise, how would that ever be secret when ppl coming out of their graves right and left. And why would the dead rise to be hidden away somewhere? While armageddon and battles going on? Uh.
Also the whole thing wbout one taken another left. Pre tribs have wrong way round, thinking those left behind gonna be destroyed. Well know Jesus is coming back to earth to be with us its those taken away that will be destroyed.
This silly doctrine has got people thinking they dont need to go through any trial or tribulation or persecution and that Jesus wraps the church in cotton wool. Uh no. The gates of hell not gonna prevail because we are soldiers and warriors for Christ not wimps that going to be beamed up like some star trek tv show.
Anyway..i dont know how people believe this stuff, or not even check the preacher with the word of God maybe they just go on google instead of reading the HOLY BIBLE.