Each man should be pursauded in his own mind of these things . But to project the idea that each has its merits and demerits and in truth before God a prevailing and inherent prejudice against the KJV is not even just given Gods blessing on it let alone right . I am not accusing you of it I am saying that it abounds and I have come across it in many ways and in many places.
But I have yet to hear and biblical argument that stands any real scrutiny that proves the KJV is unreliable . Indeed after 40 years of using it in the most trying situations and faced with an aggressive and challenging Islam I have tried and tested it both in facing challenges to the Word of God and in answering those who believe it not and worse.
Yet the church with ist myriad of versions still has to answer the challenge to a Moslem "which Bible are you talking about " and which version if they say differently etc.
I have no such problems .either in reply or contending for the faith.
in Christ
I did not say it was unreliable - my bible is a KJ. I said it is not 100 percent accurate or correct.
None of our bibles are truly 100 percent correct for we have placed in them different meanings of words.
Poor translations from the Origional text
Generations chaning the meaning of words. 1 small example. In grandma's day - gay was a good thing that every one wanted to be known as. It is not the same word today now is it.