Hello brothers and sisters;
There is a discussion that I have with men and women in a group Bible study, talk Jesus setting or over a cup of coffee. When we bring up the subject of being lonely or being alone I slowly learned there is a difference.
I know single men and women who are divorced and some just never married. On one side many men and women are actually happy being alone. They define being alone as a solitude of well being and contentment. It can bring a disconnect from others because the state of solitude becomes a way of life more and more, still they're happy being alone.
On the other side many men and women struggle with loneliness. The sad thing with loneliness is it can fester into a serious chronic loneliness. When loneliness is denied by keeping busy only bandaids the problem because at some point the loneliness comes back to the center, especially at the end of the day. Chronic loneliness can be daily and grow very painful within our heart.
In Genesis 1 in verses 4, 10, 12, 18, 21 and 25 God saw His Creation and said it was good. When God created man He said that it was very good. But in Genesis 2:18 God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
Loneliness is more of the discussion than being alone. Loneliness is a human feeling that longs for connection with others or a companion. Loneliness can become chronic and deteriorate a person's well being. When a person's well being becomes broken and desperate it can lead to shortcuts to the world's definitional desires of the flesh as a remedy to overcome loneliness.
It can lead to shortcuts of the world's ways as a "quick fix" gratification, deceptively disconnecting our relationship with Christ Jesus. When we as Christians withdraw from Jesus a sense of shame and guilt sinks in as a result of loneliness. We feel incapable of overcoming it by ourselves instead of confessing our loneliness to the Father.
This is a conversation that prompted the question, what are ways that we can overcome this? God has empowered each one of us to combat this chronic loneliness. After passionate prayer and followup, here were some results from Christian men and women;
Shun the deceiving persuasions of TV, internet, magazines or other means on how to overcome loneliness through the desires of the flesh. If we notice, Jesus is never in the center, therefore, the world is not going to teach truth.
Chronic loneliness can cause people to shut down from gathering with other people. Instead, get involved with 1, 2 or more at a Christian gathering be it coffee, Bible study, gardening, going to the beach, hiking, etc...anything where Christians can meet.
In John 5 when Jesus asked the crippled man at Bethesda, "do you want to be healed?" Instead of jumping at the opportunity and shouting, yes, he gave a long excuse to Jesus. Jesus knowing the man, patiently said, "get up. Take up your bed and walk." At once the man was healed.
If I were to ask God, "Lord, can you lead me to a gathering of 1, 2 or more Christians? Do you think God is going to shun me? No Way! When we meet in a Christian get together, we will see the mystery of Christ, how He works, how Christ is in our mist and reveals the Truth.
I'm not talking about joining a Church which is a different topic for another post.
Chronic loneliness can be healed and lead to companionship. When men and women are praying to God for a future husband or wife;
In Genesis 2:20 God appointed Adam to name the livestock, birds and beasts but there was no helper fit for him. But in verses 21-23;
21 So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.
23 Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."
Verse 23 was the first time that Adam spoke. I also believe verses 21-23 was the first marriage created by God. Point is God did not intend for man and woman to be alone. But we must take God's point and follow His pattern to overcome loneliness.
There is more to this subject. We all have experienced loneliness and being alone. I would like to hear your thoughts, questions, trials or blessings.
More to come...
God bless you, brothers and sisters.