Loneliness or Being Alone

I like that you used Gods Words to battle depression Lanolin

I still get bouts of depression though, even using Gods Word. It does help, some scriptures do help. But I think to a certain extent, we are not meant to be totally free of suffering in this life. It can take the edge off, for me, but that’s about it.
And then maybe after a few days I feel better. Not cured, but a lot less stress free.
Ones reflections on loneliness. Bob loneliness is not a bad thing. It’s often how God forges us into a deeper spirituality with him when all other vices are stripped away from our desperate hearts including people. And so it was with David hiding out amongst the caves in fear of his very life from King Saul with only God to sustain him and the very reason we have the many touching words from within the book of Psalms today . We do also think upon such writers as Alexander Solzhenitsyn & Fyodor Dostoyevsky . All did spend solitude in jail which did enlighten their spirituality to seek a higher calling for humanity and of something far more spiritual than just the pursuit of self. Yes the continuing journey of humanity onto a higher spiritual plain. View attachment 9305View attachment 9306View attachment 9307
Hey Prim90. I hear that book by Fyodor,( Crime and Punishment) is one of the greatest books of all time. I haven't read it. But is it an easy read?
Hey Lanolin;

Well said. I like and agree with what you just shared. Someone else mentioned feeling unworthy when comparing with another attributed to not feeling good enough and falling into a loneliness feeling. I also feel jealousy, insecurities or a low self-esteem can also add to loneliness.

I didn't think of this till now. When parents send their children to school they also have the benefit of making friends. I personally have friends since we were 10 years old. We finished our education and went on with our careers. But we always stayed in touch as friends.

I agree that making friends in school is a most important life skill because as the education gets accomplished and leaving behind, the friendship carries on. Two of my closest friends in grade school were small in height and had a quiet demeanor about them. But today they are more social and confident besides being taller than me. lol!

Hello Prim90;

I noticed you are from Australia and Lanolin is from New Zealand. Both countries are hosting the 2023 Women's World Cup in July.

Back to the topic. Loneliness or being alone and one who feels this way only knows themself but doesn't know how to fix it. Loneliness or being alone doesn't stop there.

What you touch on expands into a deeper spirituality, meaning it can be God is getting your attention through loneliness, conviction, guilt, anger, despair. Therefore loneliness is not a bad thing. God can use our despair to get our attention.

Paul was feeling lonely in prison as his fellow ministers were going elsewhere. Prison impacted Paul but his faith was amazing. Even Jesus comforted and encouraged His servant through adversity and persecution in Acts 23:11.

The two prisoners, Solzhenitsyn and Dostoyevsky in Russia reminds me of another prisoner in Russia. He spent many years and at the end of his term he converted many prisoners to Christ. But I forgot his name and the name of the movie based on a true story.

God bless you both.
Yes the woman’s World Cup not be far away I do think mid July . Actually they had to change the venue of 40, 000 to another venue that holds over 80, 000 due to popular demand and sale of tickets to the Australia - Ireland Game. But yes back to the topic of loneliness it effects people in different ways all the up to madness and mental illness. Does the medical establishment really have the answer for every medical ailment. Are they now become the spiritual practitioners for our spiritual well being as well ? Bob there be things you , me nor the medical establishment can fix. Things only known by God You must remember that the whole being of humanity was to once love God. That void there within all humans be for a reason. How much people allow and choose to fill that void with other things and not with the love of God brings its own consequences. In pursuit of loneliness or perhaps at little more in pursuit of Les Miserables be needed to enquire of our spiritual journey with God.
Hey Prim90. I hear that book by Fyodor,( Crime and Punishment) is one of the greatest books of all time. I haven't read it. But is it an easy read?
Via the spirituality of Crime & punishment is deep from the riveting horrific reality of the crime committed which leaves your heart beating at the gravity of sin that lies within us. Upon awaking the next day i did contemplate for a moment had I actually committed the gruesome deed. Finally my faculties returned and the burden of guilt lifted I thankfully had only dreamed. Of course there be redemption later in the book. I vaguely remember like this. ( And of the time of my imprisonment it seemed as only 7 days and not of 7 yrs at thought of my loving damsel who awaited with love unfeigned or unconditional) Via I don’t recollect the exact words. But the meaning of redemption and love did burn much deep .
Sometimes I like to share things I am struggling with, but I don't like it when people give me advice because it also makes me feel either helpless or it cuts the air so to speak. I want to be able to go through what I am going through, and emerge to the other side with some enlightenment or wisdom. People generally don't like it when they see people suffering, I am also guilty of this as we all can be, and instead of just active listening, we interfere and try to fix things instead of letting it be. God is the Healer and will heal us in His own time. I am usually reluctant to share anything if I think people will try and fix me. 😎lol

Hello Via;

Via wrote -
Sometimes I like to share things I am struggling with, but I don't like it when people give me advice because it also makes me feel either helpless or it cuts the air so to speak. I want to be able to go through what I am going through, and emerge to the other side with some enlightenment or wisdom.

Speaking on my own experience of failure and blessings - Not all people, even ministers are trained clinical therapists and that's where the mistake comes in. The intentions are good but the Bible instructs us to be quick to listen and slow to speak. The context in James 1:19 is about anger and doing the Word, but the passage still gets across to us in being a listening ear to a brother or sister.

God can develop listening and attentive skills, especially in our Christian walk so when someone needs to share their struggles, listening allows the other to open up, then allow God to take us through the process of healing, lesson learned, wisdom and growth.

Via Continues - People generally don't like it when they see people suffering, I am also guilty of this as we all can be, and instead of just active listening, we interfere and try to fix things instead of letting it be.

In ministry we are in the people business. I get guilty because I cannot fix their issues but that's God's job. My part is to love them, invite them for a cup of coffee, stay in touch, pray for them, but at the same time knowing my boundaries.
What bothers me is when I tell someone how I am feeling and they then have to tell me how they are much worse off, even when they are not. It makes you want to walk away and not tell anyone else about your situation. I have difficulty admitting that I need help when I'm down, believing I can handle it with prayer and my own determination. I am learning that sometimes God wants us to open up to other people as a way of showing them that they are not alone in their struggles, even if they aren't going through any at the moment.
What bothers me is when I tell someone how I am feeling and they then have to tell me how they are much worse off, even when they are not. It makes you want to walk away and not tell anyone else about your situation. I have difficulty admitting that I need help when I'm down, believing I can handle it with prayer and my own determination. I am learning that sometimes God wants us to open up to other people as a way of showing them that they are not alone in their struggles, even if they aren't going through any at the moment.
Thank you Dave for sharing. I am here in any capacity I can be in Christ as far as sister. I can pray for you or just be an hear. I understand how that can be demeaning and not very empathetic. Yes I think you are touching on an important essential aspect of the Christian walk - relationships. Sharing one another's burdens as Christ carried all of ours onto the cross. I am sending you a mega dosage of hugs and I will pray for you. We all need someone to confide in and trust. God created man and said it was not good for man to be alone. No one should be alone. I pray one of our brothers will perhaps step up and be that person you can lean in be encouraged by. ❤️

Warmly in Christ,
I am actually ok now. I was just saying in the past that I have had some that did that to me. God has been working in me to bring me to the peace I now know and enjoy. Because of my experience, I have learned how to be a good listener and only offer advice when asked. Most people just need to vent out their problems and be heard. Thank you for your concern, you are truly a good friend.
I apologise for resurrecting an old thread. Sometimes life throws us curve balls: We have been through quite a few big life changes in the past couple of years. I am happily married (almost 38 years!), but we recently moved (unexpected health related issues), purchased a small home, started new jobs, started attending a local church, have family (children & grandchildren) and a few friends relatively nearby, yet I still feel somewhat lonely at times.

I was working in a very demanding (non-Christian) environment , leaving little time to socialise, but recently changed jobs, giving me a bit more free time but this has ironically intensified the feeling of loneliness. General fatigue is also likely a factor.

Thanks for 'listening'.
I apologise for resurrecting an old thread. Sometimes life throws us curve balls: We have been through quite a few big life changes in the past couple of years. I am happily married (almost 38 years!), but we recently moved (unexpected health related issues), purchased a small home, started new jobs, started attending a local church, have family (children & grandchildren) and a few friends relatively nearby, yet I still feel somewhat lonely at times. I was working in a very demanding (non-Christian) environment , leaving little time to socialise, but recently changed jobs, giving me a bit more free time but this has ironically intensified the feeling of loneliness. General fatigue is also likely a factor.
Thanks for 'listening'.

Good morning, Romans_8;

Thank you for opening this topic back up. I understand you having to make new life decisions, move, start a new job and attend a new Church. This can impact your wife and family; I can relate. My wife and I experienced that in 1988.

Though God guided us in our decision to uproot and move to a new city, it was the
(in betweens) that we faced during the transition that left us feeling alone and lonely in a new town.

When I think how Jesus at times was lonely. When He was accused, persecuted and when His friends abandoned Him during arrest. It helped me understand that we all have those moments. It's amazing how a small seed of faith in Jesus got us through those times and where we are in 2024.

I hope you and your wife are comfortably settled where you now live.

But as we can see, people are still victims of loneliness, being alone and ongoing around the world. Hopefully, this is where our prayers for an individual we know can hear our story and encourage them.

God bless
you, Romans_8.