THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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In turn, are you going to step up to YOUR discipling/teaching task? (this done via others is FINE, so long as it effectively GETS DONE!!) This business of, "You're in the kingdom now, hallelujah, isn't that wonderful!! See ya later, hey!" IS NOTHING SHORT OF CRIMINAL, and maybe the greatest opt-out of our Christian responsibilities in the whole of Christendom!!!


Talking to myself, and everyone here, sweetie, NOT just 'picking on you', okay!! FACT: conversion is just the START! It's like a race where the gun goes, and the contestants take one step - but then immediately stop, sit down, and just talk among themselves. THAT'S just as stupid as how it is with our converts. We ACT as if the whole race is finished for them, when really just the gun has gone off!! How RIDICULOUS and AWFUL is that?!!

Okay, end of sermon. Many we all read, mark, and inwardly digest the message God has for us all.

I am telling you the mental telepathy waves are working between here and Australia on this one. This whole scenario led me to the Pastor after we were done talking to her. I talked to him after the service and said it is on my heart to understand how we can now help these folks along with their walk for their continued learning. Wed nite bible service is just not going to cut the mustard. There needs to be more. There is a Sunday morning Bible study.. this is still not going to cut the mustard.

In my heart, especially for the women, there has got to be a sincere great group where they can come and continue to learn the word. Even for myself this is where I have struggled at. I have run from here to there, seeking this. First and foremost, I know I have to sit still and read the word, but what then, who can answer my questions.. not everyone has access to a Bondman! There is a need for folks within the church, outside the church to keep teaching.. hence Elder Ron does with us every Thurs nite and Sat. I observe from a distance what the church I go to is doing for the youth to help them learn, and truly they do have a great program.

But even the convert from work, who is continuing to minister to her and help her learn? I do as I can. Like I said I feel in my heart where my strength is, I know where my weakness is for a deeper meaning and understanding.. hence taking the Ministry class, but to be honest first class is this Sat and I am not at all prepared. I personally think I have built a brick wall on that one.. thinking and saying.. is this really for me? is this where God wants me? Got to be honest almost threw the towel in on that one. Maybe the committment is what has hindered my mine. so one must ask where is one's committment? I will be going on Sat and I will be studying my head off between now and then... moral of the story. Procrastination gets one nowhere in a real hurry!

We can all talk a good talk, but are we walking the walk?
I stopped by at work tonite to get a few things I needed. The cleaning man is a great man of God. I shared my frustrations of late.. my weaknesses etc.. he said God sees you, he sees your heart.. but Robin.. the trumpet is soon going to blow.. we must stand firm in the truth, know the truth and share the truth.

It is late. Sandy was here tonight, we were to work on my computer, but God had other plans. We ministered to each other for 4 hours tonight. Shared our hearts, our thoughts, our weaknesses and prayed for where God really wants her and me.. right now.. it is right where we were at.. sitting at my table, sharing his love and continuing to learn what Christ wants from us each and every day. Oh Bondman, there is so much behind the scenes going on and such details would take me pages to fill up.

So on that note.. to others that may be reading , keep reading Bondman's messages and others that pop in and share. I am forever grateful for what Jesus has done and continues to do for me.. i encourage each and everyone of us with Easter coming.. think about him and him taking those nails for you and me.. he died for us.. are we willing to die for him?

Hugs Faithwoman:jesus-cross::jesus-cross:
Bondman said:
In turn, are you going to step up to YOUR discipling/teaching task? (this done via others is FINE, so long as it effectively GETS DONE!!) This business of, "You're in the kingdom now, hallelujah, isn't that wonderful!! See ya later, hey!" IS NOTHING SHORT OF CRIMINAL, and maybe the greatest opt-out of our Christian responsibilities in the whole of Christendom!!!


I am telling you the mental telepathy waves are working between here and Australia on this one. This whole scenario led me to the Pastor after we were done talking to her. I talked to him after the service and said it is on my heart to understand how we can now help these folks along with their walk for their continued learning. Wed nite bible service is just not going to cut the mustard. There needs to be more. There is a Sunday morning Bible study.. this is still not going to cut the mustard.

In my heart, especially for the women, there has got to be a sincere great group where they can come and continue to learn the word. Even for myself this is where I have struggled at. I have run from here to there, seeking this. First and foremost, I know I have to sit still and read the word, but what then, who can answer my questions.. not everyone has access to a Bondman! There is a need for folks within the church, outside the church to keep teaching.. hence Elder Ron does with us every Thurs nite and Sat. I observe from a distance what the church I go to is doing for the youth to help them learn, and truly they do have a great program.

But even the convert from work, who is continuing to minister to her and help her learn? I do as I can. Like I said I feel in my heart where my strength is, I know where my weakness is for a deeper meaning and understanding.. hence taking the Ministry class, but to be honest first class is this Sat and I am not at all prepared. I personally think I have built a brick wall on that one.. thinking and saying.. is this really for me? is this where God wants me? Got to be honest almost threw the towel in on that one. Maybe the committment is what has hindered my mine. so one must ask where is one's committment? I will be going on Sat and I will be studying my head off between now and then... moral of the story. Procrastination gets one nowhere in a real hurry!

We can all talk a good talk, but are we walking the walk?
I stopped by at work tonite to get a few things I needed. The cleaning man is a great man of God. I shared my frustrations of late.. my weaknesses etc.. he said God sees you, he sees your heart.. but Robin.. the trumpet is soon going to blow.. we must stand firm in the truth, know the truth and share the truth.

It is late. Sandy was here tonight, we were to work on my computer, but God had other plans. We ministered to each other for 4 hours tonight. Shared our hearts, our thoughts, our weaknesses and prayed for where God really wants her and me.. right now.. it is right where we were at.. sitting at my table, sharing his love and continuing to learn what Christ wants from us each and every day. Oh Bondman, there is so much behind the scenes going on and such details would take me pages to fill up.

So on that note.. to others that may be reading , keep reading Bondman's messages and others that pop in and share. I am forever grateful for what Jesus has done and continues to do for me.. i encourage each and everyone of us with Easter coming.. think about him and him taking those nails for you and me.. he died for us.. are we willing to die for him?

Hugs Faithwoman:jesus-cross::jesus-cross:

Man oh man, there sure are some wondrous things in that post, my dear, dear friend!!! I knew that what I'd written about in the message on Discipling was strong. And especially strong towards you. I hoped it wasn't too much so!

But as usual, you take it in your stride. I think a big part of that is cos you know how much I love you (and you me), so even if I'm speaking strongly to you, you know it's because I want noting but the very, very, very best for you!!

[EDIT: section removed and put into Message #191]

Oops, I better stop. Got on a bit of a roll there... Up to 100 per day - and sometimes more - of you wonderful guys who regularly or occasionally come and read Messages here: I'm looking to giving some 'extra' - because I believe you deserve it and have 'earned' it by your amazing FAITHFULNESS... more personal and chatty of me (and Beloved) and what makes us tick, and more. Look for an announcement soon (I'm hoping anyway!)

Tons of JESUS' LOVE to you all!!!

- BM
Heavy Heart- Help needed

And especially strong towards you. I hoped it wasn't too much so!

None at all. I truly do appreciate your "tough" love.
My prayer is that those who continue to read your messages here that God has given you will continue to grow in their walk as well and as God nudges them, they too can come forth and share how God is working in their lives.

I write tonight with a bit of a heavy emotional heart. My youngest son who is 21 will graduate from college on May 3rd. He has been in college for 4 years. I have called him 4 times this past week and he has not returned my calls.

It bothers me a bit. Well to be honest it bothers me alot.
Mind you, I truly was not there for him these past 4 years. Ask me how many times I called him, how many care packages did I send? how many times did I visit him? I will give you the answers ahead of time... hardly none. Am I proud of this? No. Am I dwelling on it and allowing guilt and condemnation overcome me.. no... why? Because with Jesus there is forgiveness, there is saving grace and mercy. I had gone to my son this past summer and asked for his forgiveness.

Where was I during these past 4 years.. well seeking my own selfish life. oh man this hurts as I type.
This refining furnance is really hot.. I mean really hot. I am in tears right now, God is comforting me... but I need all of you here.. I need you to share your love with me, your love of the Lord. I need some scriptures that I can really grab ahold of right now.

I thank all of you and love you all so much.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

I was lying in bed, thinking about all my friends who need Jesus, when this wave of love for Him flooded me. I again realized how much Jesus really loves me, and I thanked Him for all He has given me. . . all the peace and for turning Norm around so that I could live a normal life, learning how to love again . . . without hate or fear.

Our computer completely closed down with no way to save anything. We had to get a new one. So, if anyone emailed me I wouldn't know it. That is another prayer to be answered.

Getting back to the original purpose of this post, I laid in bed, praying that God would help me to share with Jered and Samantha (Emili's mom and boyfriend). I had no idea how to approach them because, so far, I have just been being generous with them and helping them care for the baby. But, I have never approached them about eternity, besides inviting them to church once. They came, but nothing came from it that I am aware of.

Then the Holy Spirit gave me a verse that spoke to my heart when I first came to Christ. I used your site, BM and the Amplified Bible like you said.
  1. Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it.
    Matthew 7:12-14 (in Context) Matthew 7 (Whole Chapter)
  2. Matthew 7:14
    But the gate is narrow (contracted by pressure) and the way is straitened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are those who find it.
    Matthew 7:13-15 (in Context) Matthew 7 (Whole Chapter)
  3. Luke 13:24
    Strive to enter by the narrow door [force yourselves through it], for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able.
    Luke 13:23-25 (in Context) Luke 13 (Whole chapter).
I think I actually like the King James version to read to them though. But the Amplified clarifies it more for me.

See, young kids (Sam is 18 and Jered is 25) don't seem to like to do things the hard way. But, then, most of them have not really been challenged to do hard things. I feel like they need to know that if they go the way Jesus laid out, it is not easy, but the joy they will find is so fine! Does that sound like they have to work hard to become a Christian? I hope not.

Most kids still in high school have taken the easy way out and just followed the crowd. Sex is so free . . . so they think. If you need it, just ask one of your "friends of convenience." No thought for anyone else except yourself is the practice today. No one has actually said the word "SIN" to them. "What's that? they'd say. That's the way it may have been in your world, but whatever WE think is "sin" is how it is today." And, so they push the guilt back in their minds.

So, along comes the Emiliroses, and there is usually no change in their way of thinking. They still think of self first, above this tiny one they are responsible for. I know what I am talking about. I have been there. And life goes on, usually without anyone addressing eternity and where they are headed when they die.

I know if I ask them if they believe in God and the Bible, they will say "yes." Whether they accept what I will read to them, is another thing. But I will have to depend on the Holy Spirit to open their eyes and to be willing to hear me out.

Do you think I need to have a mature Christian go with me when I do this? Also, should I try to talk to them together, or separately? Will the Holy Spirit lead me in that also? I'm sorta nervous about it, but I feel like God is nudging me to say something. I feel the urgency to do it. But, I want it to be of God, and I need the Holy Spirit to be speaking to their hearts before-hand, so they will be ready to receive the Word. This is pretty hard for me to do. Not that I don't want to do it . . . I truly do.

I hope you all can tell me what you are thinking about this and will be open to discussing it with me. I'm like Robin, I like the tough love attitude, so tell me straight up. Thanx
None at all. I truly do appreciate your "tough" love.
My prayer is that those who continue to read your messages here that God has given you will continue to grow in their walk as well and as God nudges them, they too can come forth and share how God is working in their lives.

I write tonight with a bit of a heavy emotional heart. My youngest son who is 21 will graduate from college on May 3rd. He has been in college for 4 years. I have called him 4 times this past week and he has not returned my calls.

It bothers me a bit. Well to be honest it bothers me alot.
Mind you, I truly was not there for him these past 4 years. Ask me how many times I called him, how many care packages did I send? how many times did I visit him? I will give you the answers ahead of time... hardly none. Am I proud of this? No. Am I dwelling on it and allowing guilt and condemnation overcome me.. no... why? Because with Jesus there is forgiveness, there is saving grace and mercy. I had gone to my son this past summer and asked for his forgiveness.

Where was I during these past 4 years.. well seeking my own selfish life. oh man this hurts as I type.
This refining furnance is really hot.. I mean really hot. I am in tears right now, God is comforting me... but I need all of you here.. I need you to share your love with me, your love of the Lord. I need some scriptures that I can really grab ahold of right now.

I thank all of you and love you all so much.


Seems like you're making the lil guy with the cross your 'post avvy'!

There's no doubt that it's not particularly enjoyable when the Holy Spirit shines His pure white light on a part of our lives! But the great thing is that CONFESSING and REPENTING immediately clears away the muck between us and the Lord - so that we have RELATIONSHIP and full INTERACTION continuing with Him - DESPITE our failings and sin! Like you said, we ARE fully forgiven for them all, and there should/MUST be NO GUILT. (Sorrow is natural and okay; guilt is NOT!)

When we were TOTALLY FORGIVEN for ALL of our sin at Calvary, this does NOT remove the EFFECTS of our sin, often ongoing sadly (I'm sure I can remember Bo clearly writing this somewhere in another thread). *high five to Bo!*

Okay, for some reason Proverbs 3:5-6 came to mind concerning your tears. Click for the King James and here's the Amplified:

5Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. 6In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

I know, don't fall over in a dead faint cos I quoted from the OT!!! They are great words, applicable to the Jews AND fully applicable to us today also.

Interesting also, hon, that just a few verses further down in Proverbs 3:11-12 are verses quoted in the very tough but UTTERLY amazing passage in Hebrews 12:5-11. (Just thought I'd throw that in...!!)

What I was thinking when you were relating how you messed up (as we ALL do!!) was how we truly do REAP what we SOW. (Click) Galatians 6:7-9. And it's also true that OTHERS may reap what we sowed (or maybe what we FAILED to sow).

Hon, we can, and will, pray with you for your son!! (and wisdom for you). Remember, God IS (always) in control!!

Much love!

- BM
First of all I am soooooooooo thankful the IR is still here and you are here Bondman. I start my day with it.

I will be praying for you as well in regards to your situation. YOu know I sent my kids all an email back about a month ago, talking about salvation.
Just keep praying about and really give it to the Lord. The Lord is equipping us and we do need to share .. and soon.. because he is coming back and we do not know when that will be.. however for me.. I tried to rush things and do things when my heart and mind completely did not understand things, so I prayed along with so many people, all my Christian friends, the minsistry team from Care-A-Van for God to put Christian people in my kids lives.. hence the born again boy and his mom being put in my daughter's life.. she is now being so much more happier.. there is people that care about her, she is getting to do fun things.. ie going four wheeling, getting all muddy, then coming back to a Christian home for dinner. she now goes to church. God placed it on my heart to take her to all girls christian week-end which I did.. as she sat there and texted messaged I got frustrated, but then said Lord.. she is in your hands. When I sat back and allowed God to work (I still had to pray and still had to keep sharing the word with her in the way I knew and understood it.. )

Will the Holy Spirit lead me in that also?

My personal answer to that is yes.. as long as I keep my eyes, heart and ears open to him. The holy spirit is our leader in all things. Right now as we communicate via the internet, God is working in their lives. We cannot give up.

Prime example is when I went to the store last night, I was not going to go, then got nudged, go now. Long story short there was a man at the check out counter, God opened the door.. come to find out he lost his son at the age of 17 to a car accident 4 years ago, his son would have been 21..same age as my son now..he has 2 daughters. He was wiring money to a sick cousin. I told him God was going to bless him 10 fold for that in many ways. We spent an hour standing by the registers talking and sharing. I asked him if I could pray for him. Right there in the supermarket I took this man's hand and prayed. He said to me , you should be a minister! I explained I am involved in ministry. God's ministry to go forth every day to share hope and love.
A month after his son died, he was so lost, went outside one night and looked up to the sky and said I just need to know you are ok.. right then he looked at the moon and there was a cross in the middle of the moon! He has it on camcorder. God used this man to show me that my son is still here with me and no matter what happened in the past, I must go forth and love my son unconditionally as Jesus loves me, mistakes and all.

This whole story of this man was amazing. The night of the accident, the man turned down the highway and the spirit said there is going to be a car coming in your lane, pull off to the edge of the road, he was like what? a car had passed and he looked in the rearview mirror, as he came up on the next hill, he saw the red flashing lights, was directed around the accident, got home.. come to find out it was his son's accident! When he went back to the scene the next morning, there were no skid marks, just marks where the car looked like it pulled off the road, hit a culvert and flipped into a telephone pole. They investigated the accident for weeks with no explanation, but he said God loved him so much he knew what happened.. I could go on and on with so many miracles and God stories lately. Bottom line is God was working in my own life years ago, but I did not have my heart, eyes and ears open. I am learning to trust.

As a matter of fact Bondman, the Proverbs you quoted was the scripture I chose January of 2008 to start living by and look where I am today! Amazing that you should share that verse!
Hugs Faithwoman! :jesus-cross:



... Continued from Part 1


NOTE: below was in a reply to Faithwoman's post HERE, where she reported HER concern about new converts not being looked after. Quite unaware of this, two days later I wrote what's below!! I now think it should be a Message on this very CRUCIAL matter:

But you beat me to it anyway, hon! That's sure one great big wooooooohooooo if ever I've heard one!! GOD SURE WAS BUSY ON THIS ONE, BLESS HIS PRECIOUS NAME!!! You went to the Pastor and spoke about follow-up?? WELL DONE (again!!) I think you'll soon see how UTTERLY ASTONISHING it is that you just did that. Because what it kind of looks like is that the churches and Christians are PARALYSED about Discipleship. It's only the last command in Matthew, and one of the very last Commands Jesus gave to us - that's all.....

So what have we got here: loose-leaf Bibles maybe, where we just read what we want to? Or as another Pastor called it "cut and paste"! A lot of Believers seem to really have a ripping time when in the Bible, i.e., ripping out the bits THAT DON'T SUIT THEM!! You're going to find it hard to get people's attention about what Jesus said to do, dear one, let alone actually get action. I just want you to know that, okay - but NEVER EVER EVER give up on what you know is RIGHT!!


What gets me though, is that we didn't even NEED Jesus' strong command in Matthew 28:19-20 - it simply stands to reason that a new convert NEEDS HELP AND SUPPORT!! Looking back in my life, way back to when I was only 30, with 10 and 11 year olds were getting born again via an after-school meeting where I was teaching, I immediately started discipling them! Seemed logical and necessary - or to put it the other way round, NOT to do so would have been utterly crazy!! They were all from non-church homes and KNEW NOTHING!!!

So I taught them! No big deal - or so I thought. Now I know better. It was a MASSIVE deal. Oh, I just had a thought that I was young then, but a 12-year old serious Christian. In order to teach them, by that time I already knew... (you'll never guess WHAT?)... I KNEW New Testament DOCTRINE and PRACTICE!! - I'd learnt what the Scriptures taught that I must both KNOW and BELIEVE, and then how to LIVE OUT those beliefs. But how come I knew all of this? NOT from sermons, and I've NEVER had anyone around who could or did disciple ME!!


What did I do as soon as I came to the Lord? - started reading the Bible, MOSTLY the New Testament (THERE'S A TON OF OT IN THE NT ANYWAY!!!) But there were no 'mod-cons' to help back then!! I had just one Bible Translation (the King James Version), and that was it! No Internet to look up. No learning helps of any kind, except books that were expensive. (No forums! *hehe!!) So I just read and studied, studied and read. I couldn't get enough of His Word! I just HAD to know what He was saying!!

Trying to get people to read right through the NT today is harder than pulling teeth! I tell people about the Amplified Bible (which is my Study Bible and has been for ages and ages), which will take a whole 30 seconds to get up on the Net to read - and OFTEN will GIVE YOU THE MEANING of that verse you just don't get! Click HERE and put the resulting page into Favourites. All you need do then is wipe out JOHN 3:16 and type in the verse (or passage, or chapter) you want, e.g., Matthew 6:14-15, and hit Enter. Easy-peasy!!

Love to you all!!!

- BM and his Lady


I was lying in bed, thinking about all my friends who need Jesus, when this wave of love for Him flooded me. I again realized how much Jesus really loves me, and I thanked Him for all He has given me. . . all the peace and for turning Norm around so that I could live a normal life, learning how to love again . . . without hate or fear.

Our computer completely closed down with no way to save anything. We had to get a new one. So, if anyone emailed me I wouldn't know it. That is another prayer to be answered.

Getting back to the original purpose of this post, I laid in bed, praying that God would help me to share with Jered and Samantha (Emili's mom and boyfriend). I had no idea how to approach them because, so far, I have just been being generous with them and helping them care for the baby. But, I have never approached them about eternity, besides inviting them to church once. They came, but nothing came from it that I am aware of.

Then the Holy Spirit gave me a verse that spoke to my heart when I first came to Christ. I used your site, BM and the Amplified Bible like you said.
  1. Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it.
    Matthew 7:12-14 (in Context) Matthew 7 (Whole Chapter)
  2. Matthew 7:14
    But the gate is narrow (contracted by pressure) and the way is straitened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are those who find it.
    Matthew 7:13-15 (in Context) Matthew 7 (Whole Chapter)
  3. Luke 13:24
    Strive to enter by the narrow door [force yourselves through it], for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able.
    Luke 13:23-25 (in Context) Luke 13 (Whole chapter).
I think I actually like the King James version to read to them though. But the Amplified clarifies it more for me.

See, young kids (Sam is 18 and Jered is 25) don't seem to like to do things the hard way. But, then, most of them have not really been challenged to do hard things. I feel like they need to know that if they go the way Jesus laid out, it is not easy, but the joy they will find is so fine! Does that sound like they have to work hard to become a Christian? I hope not.

Most kids still in high school have taken the easy way out and just followed the crowd. Sex is so free . . . so they think. If you need it, just ask one of your "friends of convenience." No thought for anyone else except yourself is the practice today. No one has actually said the word "SIN" to them. "What's that? they'd say. That's the way it may have been in your world, but whatever WE think is "sin" is how it is today." And, so they push the guilt back in their minds.

So, along comes the Emiliroses, and there is usually no change in their way of thinking. They still think of self first, above this tiny one they are responsible for. I know what I am talking about. I have been there. And life goes on, usually without anyone addressing eternity and where they are headed when they die.

I know if I ask them if they believe in God and the Bible, they will say "yes." Whether they accept what I will read to them, is another thing. But I will have to depend on the Holy Spirit to open their eyes and to be willing to hear me out.

Do you think I need to have a mature Christian go with me when I do this? Also, should I try to talk to them together, or separately? Will the Holy Spirit lead me in that also? I'm sorta nervous about it, but I feel like God is nudging me to say something. I feel the urgency to do it. But, I want it to be of God, and I need the Holy Spirit to be speaking to their hearts before-hand, so they will be ready to receive the Word. This is pretty hard for me to do. Not that I don't want to do it . . . I truly do.

I hope you all can tell me what you are thinking about this and will be open to discussing it with me. I'm like Robin, I like the tough love attitude, so tell me straight up. Thanx

I LOVE your verses, hon! The amazing thing is that anyone who wishes can go through that narrow gate and onto the path beyond. I guess we could say that Jesus has ALREADY opened it for us, and is the gate-keeper as well in the sense that by His Holy Spirit He will assist any person to go through!

If you're feeling an urgency then I'd say definitely run with that. Just keep your heart open to the Spirit to guide you as to whether both or one, and whether someone else with you.

The thing that strikes me as I'm writing this is that you know what you did to come to Christ, so you can tell Sam the same thing. She may well be prepared to come to the Lord Jesus right there and then. Tell her whatever you can, explain what you can, pray with her, encourage her to say words to the Lord (pray) too.

If so then get her to church with you the next Sunday for sure, and let your Pastor talk more to her like Robin used her friends with her lady who came into the kingdom (not many posts back).

What excites me is to see people like you CARING about these lost souls. That's very wonderful (and exciting). It's how we are to be - all of us!

Robin's post is great! Very encouraging! And she's out there doing it, so her advice is always worth listening to!! Just remember that she has an Evangelism Gift, which is not all that common. I don't have this at all, and probably you don't either. But we DO all have a mouth, AND the Holy Spirit dwelling within us!! - so we can all evangelise in our own way. Just don't try to be an evangelist as such, if you're not gifted for that. I'm a teacher - so that's what I do!

Praying!! Love ya!

- BM

EDIT! Your query about 'do they have to work hard to become a Christian' is a VERY interesting one. The answer really is no! However some people will resist the Holy Spirit's convictions and refuse to come to the Lord - thus making life hard for themselves, sometimes for a long period! Others though, rush into the kingdom so fast that it will make your head spin!

If there's actual hardship, I'll tell you what I think the problem often is then: that they are not being guided effectively!! I will be writing a serious Message soon as possible on the things the New Testament teaches about becoming a Christian. And it's most certainly NOT as simple as most folks think.
Others though, rush into the kingdom so fast that it will make your head spin!

Whoa.. when I "got it".. that would have been me.. head rush and all... way to fast.. matter of fact. got ahead of the Lord in some sense.. but he brought me back.. Praises to him.

Got email back from my son today:

HI mom.

Everything is fine. I had just been busy with some internship stuff. Also Ashley's grandpa had been in the hospital so we wee busy visting him and any free time I had was spent trying catch up on some sleep. The dinner is at 6:00. And yeh I'm definitely not ready to graduate.


I emailed him back and just was honest and said so happy he was graduating and how I felt in not being there all those years.. God is good.. thanks for the prayers.. at least he answered an email.. picked me up for sure! I go to a dinner on April 3rd.. 2 1/2 hour drive.. he has special honors dinner as he is graduating Magna Cum Laude.. (spelling?)


"The amazing thing is that anyone who wishes can go through that narrow gate and onto the path beyond. I guess we could say that Jesus has ALREADY opened it for us, and is the gate-keeper as well in the sense that by His Holy Spirit He will assist any person to go through!"

I thought the verse spoke to Christians and was about their Christian walk. But now I get it as first entering the Gate and becoming Christ's. It still applies to young kids like Samantha though because she and her friends seem to take the easy way, and sometimes not the smartest way.

I just hope to get across to her that it will definately free her to be who she always wanted to be, in spite of her past mistakes. I know I never thought God would accept me as I was. . . that I needed to get cleaned up before He would accept me. And it was such a relief to know that He didn't even remember my sins anymore, even if I did. I think it's things like that the I need to share with her. And, yes, I intend to invite her to church this Sunday.

Thanx for the advice, both of you. Bonnie
Whoa.. when I "got it".. that would have been me.. head rush and all... way to fast.. matter of fact. got ahead of the Lord in some sense.. but he brought me back.. Praises to him.

Got email back from my son today:

HI mom.

Everything is fine. I had just been busy with some internship stuff. Also Ashley's grandpa had been in the hospital so we wee busy visting him and any free time I had was spent trying catch up on some sleep. The dinner is at 6:00. And yeh I'm definitely not ready to graduate.


I emailed him back and just was honest and said so happy he was graduating and how I felt in not being there all those years.. God is good.. thanks for the prayers.. at least he answered an email.. picked me up for sure! I go to a dinner on April 3rd.. 2 1/2 hour drive.. he has special honors dinner as he is graduating Magna Cum Laude.. (spelling?)


That's wonderful news!

Yep, going ahead of the Lord can be a trap. But a worse one seems to be going behind, as in lagging behind, as in coming to a dead stop! So I tend to approve those who get caught going ahead of Him - cos at least they're MOVING!

This verse in context is about controlling our tongue rightly. Nonetheless, it speaks an interesting truth about GUIDANCE: James 3:4 Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. I've used the truth (rather than the verse) for a long time, that if we wish to know His will, and maybe He's not telling us, consider God to be your rudder, or the PILOT controlling the rudder - so about the worst thing to do would be stopping and doing NOTHING while awaiting His word! Cos if we're moving then He can guide us. If we've come to a dead stop, we may not receive guidance.

Actually a good rule many follow is that while you're waiting for His answer, maintain your course! Just keep going exactly as you are, keep PRAYING expectantly, and He will either show you that that is what He wants anyway, or how He wants you to change.

Blessing God with you for the response!

- BM
"The amazing thing is that anyone who wishes can go through that narrow gate and onto the path beyond. I guess we could say that Jesus has ALREADY opened it for us, and is the gate-keeper as well in the sense that by His Holy Spirit He will assist any person to go through!"

I thought the verse spoke to Christians and was about their Christian walk. But now I get it as first entering the Gate and becoming Christ's. It still applies to young kids like Samantha though because she and her friends seem to take the easy way, and sometimes not the smartest way.

I just hope to get across to her that it will definately free her to be who she always wanted to be, in spite of her past mistakes. I know I never thought God would accept me as I was. . . that I needed to get cleaned up before He would accept me. And it was such a relief to know that He didn't even remember my sins anymore, even if I did. I think it's things like that the I need to share with her. And, yes, I intend to invite her to church this Sunday.

Thanx for the advice, both of you. Bonnie

Absolutely right about the narrow and wide gates - this appiles to the whole of mankind!

Matthew 7:13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Wide gate=destruction (hell). Narrow gate=life (eternal life). The choice is ours!!

I like how you said about Samantha that becoming Jesus' gal, belonging to Him and following Him "will definately free her to be who she always wanted to be, in spite of her past mistakes." Great way to look at it! The opportunity is there to spend eternity with God, INSTEAD OF with the devil in hell. But in order to get born again we must first acknowledge and admit our sinfulness, then make the CHOICE to repent of our sin (turn our life around and live Jesus' way, rather than living for OURSELVES, i.e., going our own way and NOT caring one bit about either God's LOVE for us or His rules!!) THEN we're ready to accept Jesus' sacrifice for us and the total forgiveness that brings - and give our whole life to Him!!

Looks to me like you're on the right track. Talk to her, share with her. Just talk your own words. Share how it's been for you. The Holy Spirit can use all of this to get her started towards the Lord!! We don't have to be a great preacher or evangelist. We don't even have to get all that we say correct! Have you hear about one of the English Christian greats called John Wesley?

He was an Anglican Minister and went to the US to convert the Indians. In the process he realised he wasn't saved himself!! He returned to England and "by chance" wandered into a tiny church where a older layman was preaching. There was NOTHING WHATEVER special about the sermon or the preacher - but Wesley says he felt his heart strangely warmed - and Jesus came into his life for the first time!!!

He then spent decades preaching throughout England, basically living on his horse. And so the Wesleyan Revival took place, which changed England for ever!! A lot of things occurred as a result of this revival that we are still profiting from today, including our forms of government, our freedoms, and much more. God used the words of a man who could barely preach TO ACHIEVE ALL OF THAT - effectively changing the world!!!!

With love!

- BM
God's Goals and Visions

Bondman and others,

Great way to look at it! The opportunity is there to spend eternity with God, INSTEAD OF with the devil in hell. But in order to get born again we must first acknowledge and admit our sinfulness, then make the CHOICE to repent of our sin (turn our life around and live Jesus' way, rather than living for OURSELVES, i.e., going our own way and NOT caring one bit about either God's LOVE for us or His rules!!) THEN we're ready to accept Jesus' sacrifice for us and the total forgiveness that brings - and give our whole life to Him!!

As I am working no giving my whole life to him, as of late I have come to think about some things. I know he will lead me and guide me but what about the thought of putting some goals and visions down on paper? Have you ever done that in your lifetime? I mean like I have all these thoughts ideas of serving him, where he really wants me and such.
Like I had the goal of getting my Associates degree in Business. So I made a plan, got it done, even hated some of the classes I had to take .. ie marketing, accounting and such.. but whooooa.. look how he used the marketing class for my title now of Public Relations Director of Care-A-Van.

So I am wondering if I would not benefit from putting some goals down on paper.. ie health goals, personal goals and such. Any thoughts on this? If so, what are some basics? I can't imagine like just sitting around here waiting on him.. I need to take some steps.. and I know they have to be aligned with him.

As we say at Care-A-Van
KTLO (Keep the Light On)
Bondman and others,

As I am working no giving my whole life to him, as of late I have come to think about some things. I know he will lead me and guide me but what about the thought of putting some goals and visions down on paper? Have you ever done that in your lifetime? I mean like I have all these thoughts ideas of serving him, where he really wants me and such.
Like I had the goal of getting my Associates degree in Business. So I made a plan, got it done, even hated some of the classes I had to take .. ie marketing, accounting and such.. but whooooa.. look how he used the marketing class for my title now of Public Relations Director of Care-A-Van.

So I am wondering if I would not benefit from putting some goals down on paper.. ie health goals, personal goals and such. Any thoughts on this? If so, what are some basics? I can't imagine like just sitting around here waiting on him.. I need to take some steps.. and I know they have to be aligned with him.

As we say at Care-A-Van
KTLO (Keep the Light On)

A. You said, "I can't imagine like just sitting around here waiting on him." But that's what we are to do. Waiting with perseverance. Romans Ch 8:24 For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.

There are piles of wonderful "waiting" verses in the OT, and most of them that I've seen we CAN actually apply to us today. According to the OT we're to wait with perseverance, with expectation, and with hope. One of Beloved's and my personal verses for many years has been on this subject: Isaiah Ch 40:31 But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired. (Amplified Bible.)

B. Many years ago I was a great goal-setter. I guess that setting down on paper things that you feel would help your growth in the Lord and your service for Him can't hurt.

But ultimately isn't HE the One in charge of our goals? I mean, He's known since WAY before He created the universe what His plans for you were, i.e., He has this totally in hand!!

Then there's this (I've put it in context to make clear that it's concerning FAITH and WORKS: Ephesians Ch 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are HIS workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

For me, such things are a matter for prayer rather than written goal-setting (which I'd tend to say is fairly humanistic). Perhaps if you set down a list of (written) things that you feel an interest in, then you could read and pray about each, asking the Lord to 'highlight' any that He wants for you.

Matthew Ch 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things [all the BASICS in the verses above these] shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Because of these verses I learned to live ONE DAY AT A TIME - trusting the Lord for tomorrow (and the day after!!) I'm sure you've heard: "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow hasn't come. We only have TODAY!!" Once I started living that way, it's kinda 'funny' how the future things that sometimes DO require some pre-planning, seem to kind of fit into TODAY. So future things sort of seem to be... hmm... PART OF TODAY, or something like that. (I don't think I can explain that further, sorry.)

Some temperaments which are, shall we say, a bit disorganised, do need more discipline in any planning, and may need to write things down more than the more disciplined temperaments, but ultimately we "seek first of all the Kingdom (where Jesus is KING!) and His righteousness (to get this into OUR lives!)"

Finally, Western Christrians are great at human organising. Our churches are, and we are! We have littte to no concept of walking in the Spirit for TODAY, allowing HIM to guide us, and trusting HIM for tomorrow!

This is a BALANCE thing. Live and walk in the Spirit for today, trusting HIM to guide us - but you can and should do future planning where needed!!


- BM
For me, such things are a matter for prayer rather than written goal-setting (which I'd tend to say is fairly humanistic). Perhaps if you set down a list of (written) things that you feel an interest in, then you could read and pray about each, asking the Lord to 'highlight' any that He wants for you.

Great post! Wow! Thanks for taking the time and responding! Thanks for keeping me grounded. Everything we do needs to be a matter of prayer. Sometimes i just need your wisdom to stay rooted and grounded in my faith and my walk with Jesus.

The disorganized temperament of couse is me spot on!
May you have a blessed day! May the Lord continue to allow your wisdom to flow to others via the IR ! Hugs to the Mrs!

Very welcome, hon. That's what I'm here for!

(I reckon some people think it's to massage my ego or something similar, or to have this great thing called The Inner Room. IT'S NOT!! It's to give of myself to others that they may be able to get to know Jesus better, and to become more RIGHTEOUS before the Lord!)

Hey, I never realised I wrote so much... ouch! But yes, we DO need others to help keep us on track. They're ALWAYS able to see where you're at, easier than you can see for yourself. Then it's just a matter of being open-minded, able to take guidance and advice (which you're so good at), and acting upon it. Easy enough, hey!

Love n hugs,

- BM
Kinda Down

That was a good response to Robin's post about making a list, BM.

Right now, I'm in need of prayer. What I thought was taken care of between dh and I evidently was not really so final. I thought because he stopped his drinking binges, and then he started treating me better, was going to last a bit longer. But, even though he is not getting drunk anymore, there is tension between us. Please pray that I will be able to be strong in the Lord and not get discouraged.

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to put this, but I just need much support right now. Thanx
Definitely NOT the wrong place, hon! (if we can't be bothered to pray for each other regarding our problems, then we don't love one another and so maybe don't even love God either - which is very SERIOUS!)

I'll be specially in prayer about this. You are much LOVED!

- BM
Sweet Surrender,

You definitely have put this prayer request in the right place. We are all brothers and sisters of Christ. That is what we are here for to pray for each other and encourage each other. Remember, my faith walk really got strengthened with you, Fluffy and Bondman and the others here within the IR.

I will be praying for strength for you and dh. Remember we keep our feet firmly planted, believe in the power of our gracious Lord, and let him fight the battles of our life. We do the posssible and he does the impossible. During this trying time, it is very important that you stand strongly rooted in your faith. We got to keep walking like soldiers of Christ. There will be storms and upheaval and things like this tension that will want to destroy us, but my sister in Christ, look at our past year's journey together.

Look at the miracles and the blessings the good Lord has given us. Why?
Because of our eagerness to learn, to be obedient and to only serve the Lord and not our flesh. Man what a struggle it has been but girlfriend we have had some wonderous victories with Christ! Praises to him.

Hugs and more hugs to you! :groupray::groupray::groupray::groupray:
God Said Sit your Butt still!

There are piles of wonderful "waiting" verses in the OT, and most of them that I've seen we CAN actually apply to us today. According to the OT we're to wait with perseverance, with expectation, and with hope. One of Beloved's and my personal verses for many years has been on this subject: Isaiah Ch 40:31 But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired. (Amplified Bible.)

Ok I loved this verse! Bondman and others,
Bondman's response to my question was such an awesome message for us all. God has shown me to sit my butt down, be still and listen.
You see, I was running, hopping from this to that, women's bible study group, Divorce Care, Celebrate recovery, street ministry, this and that.. get the picture? way overwhelmed..

I finally got it this week. I was scheduled to begin a ministry class through the New York school of ministry. You study on your own and class is one day a month, which the first class was scheduled for today. Well after reading Bondman's message, God spoke to me loud and clear! I was stressing out because I had not studied, etc... then I sat still and prayed for God to show me. He did. I was way overloaded and truly in my heart I could not get excited about the class. Hence I asked my friend at work to pray with me, then I called Paul from the street ministry. He told me that Elder Ron had noticed my confusion and stress on the bus Thurs. nite. Elder Ron shared his concerns with Paul and who then shared with me.

I had already seeked the answer and received it from God. I called the church and canceled out on the class. God reminded me that I need to sit still, pick up the bible and read. To be honest, when I am faithful in doing that, I now understand what is in the GPS of life. the bible. If I have a question, God has placed awesome disciplers in my life.. ie.. for example Bondman and all of you here along with my Christian counselor, the Pastors that I am friends with etc.

My mind has been going crazy with ideas like should I be doing this, that etc.. What God has called me to do, is to take care of me right now, keep going forth and using the gift and level of evangelism he has given me within my place of employment and street ministry. I am now fine with that. God has also shown me the biggest ministry right now, is right in front of me and that is my family. It is to work on the restoration of the relationship with my children.

Hey I love the support and love from you guys. I love the truth from all of you. When I start slipping, start spiraling, you are all like Christ and just keep picking me back up!

I am at peace more and more each day!

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