Then the oil they needed comes down to a matter of works...I think not. Jesus completes this parable with the advice:::
Matt 25:13. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
This doesn't speak of some being saved some not being saved in the sense 'wheat' and 'tars'.
How does 'Watch'ing transform a person into a child of light?
There are lots of things that can be inferred from this and many other parables but that doesn't mean they are all the true meanings. For example, and I stress this is only an example,
"If you are looking for wives, pick only the ones that provide you with proof that they are good house keepers. The ones that buy ahead are the ones you want. The bad house keepers, typified by the five foolish virgins do not plan ahead and are going to be rushing around buying groceries at a time when they are needed in the home." While this observation might have some merit, it is not what the Parable is meant to be teaching.
Clearly v13 tells us what the parable is about. "Be prepared at all times" and that is hardly advice to give to children of darkness along with children of light. The children of darkness need first to come into the light....then they need to keep watch.
We can all play heaps of 'what ifs'...what if each of the foolish ones had just walked with one with plenty of oil? yeah that should work, walking by the light of her lamp. But if she is rejected because her lamp has gone out, how would that work because once they reach the house they don't need their lamps who's to know?
NO, we just need to stick with the Master's teaching......"Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour", and this seems to be the criteria between being wise and being foolish.
As somebody, (Abdicate I think ) pointed out, Jesus was talking to His disciples...go back to ........
Matt 24:3. As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?"
A disciple is a 'learner', a 'pupil' reasonably, a follower. If a disciple can be a child of darkness and watching changes all that then maybe you and bro Paul could be right. But I'll just put my money on Jesus and V13.
The "watching" part does not make one a child of God, but being a child of God causes one to be a child of the light. Which is why the scripture I posted says....
1 Th 5:4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
1 Th 5:5Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
The five "foolish" virgins never were a child of the light or they would have never missed the Lord. That day would have never over taken them as a thief in the night.