A Nation favored by God

With TV, radio, computers, cell phones......world wide mass communication from newspapers and books and magazines, can you think of a nation or area of the globe where the gospel message has not been preached?

The world celebrates CHRISTmas and it speaks of Jesus. Same with Easter. I would submit to you that the gospel HAS BEEN preached in all of the world today!

Amen. What with satellite transmission and the internet, the entire globe is bathed in the gospel message brought by obedient, anointed people and ministries. This is that time spoken of! We need to be continuing the preaching of the word to our unsaved neighbours, but also looking up, for our Saviour is beginning to stand to His feet.
Amen. What with satellite transmission and the internet, the entire globe is bathed in the gospel message brought by obedient, anointed people and ministries. This is that time spoken of! We need to be continuing the preaching of the word to our unsaved neighbours, but also looking up, for our Saviour is beginning to stand to His feet.

I agree totally with you.
I would say that there are still many places yet in both Africa and South America that have not heard about Christ.
I agree, however the same truth is applying to many places the world over. Within the suburb that I live in, while there are probably about 20 churches, there are many who have not been interested in hearing th gospel.
The passage that people have been referring to would likely be::
Mat 24:14. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
If we were to assume that Jesus meant every person old enough to respond, then that isn't going to happen any time soon I don't think.
If we were to assume as the text actually seems to say, that the gospel has been made available to every nation, then either the criteria has been satisfied or it very soon will be., but I don't see the Internet being a very good evangelical platform.
It is not enough that the material is there, people need to want to search for and access it.
With TV, radio, computers, cell phones......world wide mass communication from newspapers and books and magazines, can you think of a nation or area of the globe where the gospel message has not been preached?

The world celebrates CHRISTmas and it speaks of Jesus. Same with Easter. I would submit to you that the gospel HAS BEEN preached in all of the world today!

Actually I disagree with you here.
For one example there are parts of Russia that are now being able to hear the word of God preached. Pastor Rick Renner has been having some awesome results too.
There are lots of area's that still have not heard and do not have all those media outlets to their advantage.

When it does happen, well God will send Jesus back. So keep supporting those who are out preaching and as I read about your journeys, perhaps you still have some places to go to.
Have a wonderful and blessed week end
Actually I disagree with you here.
For one example there are parts of Russia that are now being able to hear the word of God preached. Pastor Rick Renner has been having some awesome results too.
There are lots of area's that still have not heard and do not have all those media outlets to their advantage.

When it does happen, well God will send Jesus back. So keep supporting those who are out preaching and as I read about your journeys, perhaps you still have some places to go to.
Have a wonderful and blessed week end

It OK to disagree and I appreciate your attitude of doing it in the correct and Christian way.

I would however say that the gospel has been preached in every nation as the Scriptures say. Now, does that mean that every single PERSON has heard the gospel...NO! But IMO it has been given out IN THE NATIONS which meets the requirements given in the Scriptures.
Gospel being preached throughout the world, Mark 13:10, is not a human event prophecy, but to be fulfilled by an angel.

Revelation 14:6-7 (KJV)
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.​
It OK to disagree and I appreciate your attitude of doing it in the correct and Christian way.

I would however say that the gospel has been preached in every nation as the Scriptures say. Now, does that mean that every single PERSON has heard the gospel...NO! But IMO it has been given out IN THE NATIONS which meets the requirements given in the Scriptures.

Whether the prophecy requires that everyone hears the Gospel, or just the Gospel being preached in all nations, AND whether this means that the return of Christ is imminent, or if some time still remains, I do not see it as having material effect on our Christian task.

We are to continue to be His witnesses. I know that here in America, there are many that drive by His churches, flip channels past television preachers, etc. There are youngsters beginning to find their place in the world. We are to be at all times ready to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and spread His word, knowing that it is not our part to "Make Christians", or to argue, but to simply present the things He has done for us and His love for all.
Whether the prophecy requires that everyone hears the Gospel, or just the Gospel being preached in all nations, AND whether this means that the return of Christ is imminent, or if some time still remains, I do not see it as having material effect on our Christian task.

We are to continue to be His witnesses. I know that here in America, there are many that drive by His churches, flip channels past television preachers, etc. There are youngsters beginning to find their place in the world. We are to be at all times ready to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and spread His word, knowing that it is not our part to "Make Christians", or to argue, but to simply present the things He has done for us and His love for all.

I hear you however the conversation was never about whether or not the Chrisians should alter their work for Christ.
I hear you however the conversation was never about whether or not the Chrisians should alter their work for Christ.
Yes, but it morphed into a discussion ( among others ) of 'The Great Commission", and the relationship of spreading the gospel worldwide and His coming.
I started this thread and have read all replies and thank all who took the time to contribute. Many threads change over time partly because each topic does not exist in solitude, but contribute to the whole fabric of Christian life and thought.
Yes, but it morphed into a discussion ( among others ) of 'The Great Commission", and the relationship of spreading the gospel worldwide and His coming.
I started this thread and have read all replies and thank all who took the time to contribute. Many threads change over time partly because each topic does not exist in solitude, but contribute to the whole fabric of Christian life and thought.

That is true. They all kind of take a life unto themselves. As has been said many times......"Go with the flow".
Gospel being preached throughout the world, Mark 13:10, is not a human event prophecy, but to be fulfilled by an angel.

Revelation 14:6-7 (KJV)
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.​

Not that I am one of them but many scholars maintain that what is in view in Rev. 14:6-7 is not a literal angel but the witnesses during the Tribulation who preach the gospel of the Kingdom by repentance, faith in Christ and refusal of the Mark of the Beast.

The gospel during the Tribulation is NOT THE SAME gospel preached during the Church age for the purpose of gathering out a Bride for the Redeamer. It could then be said that the passage in Mark 13:10 is for TODAY and not the one after the Bride is removed.

Just a thought.
We all go through tribulation. I dont think we get removed, but we do get redeemed. The 144,000 doesnt that symbolise those who now belong to the twelve tribes of israel? Dont we have our fathers name written on our foreheads? Or is that meaning something else? The angel is just announcing what the redeemed already know.

The redeemed wont be the recipient of Gods wrath, but as i understand it we arent immune to tribulation, i.e. Persecution by unbelievers and life in general on earth amongst them.
To me it seems everyone will hear the gospel, if we dont hear it through others then an angel will announce it to us on our judgement day, so we will have no excuse. Its not just a countrywide broadcast one time it reaches the ears of each and every one. To every nation, and kindred and tongue and people...thats pretty much everyone.
Um..i dont think the whole world has heard the gospel. Heaps of countries do not celebrate christmas or easter and only know it as a secular holiday where you spend lots of money on gifts and chocolate.

I think westerners esp americans live in their own little bubble and think the rest of the world is like they are. It isnt. It doesnt even follow the same calendar.
Um..i dont think the whole world has heard the gospel. Heaps of countries do not celebrate christmas or easter and only know it as a secular holiday where you spend lots of money on gifts and chocolate.

I think westerners esp americans live in their own little bubble and think the rest of the world is like they are. It isnt. It doesnt even follow the same calendar.
You are quite correct. We have oceans insulating us from our enemies. Wealth insulating us from starvation. We even make up and perpetuate doctrines/teachings to insulate us from tribulation. What about the Coptic 21? Where was their rapture? Were they less a Bride of Christ? The dark clouds are rolling in and Americans think they will be spared.
We all go through tribulation. I dont think we get removed, but we do get redeemed. The 144,000 doesnt that symbolise those who now belong to the twelve tribes of israel? Dont we have our fathers name written on our foreheads? Or is that meaning something else? The angel is just announcing what the redeemed already know.

The redeemed wont be the recipient of Gods wrath, but as i understand it we arent immune to tribulation, i.e. Persecution by unbelievers and life in general on earth amongst them.

This era of time on earth has nothing to do with the tribulation every saint undergoes because of his faith. The redeemed do not undergo the Great Tribulation. That period is for the unbelieving world, not the Church.
Um..i dont think the whole world has heard the gospel. Heaps of countries do not celebrate christmas or easter and only know it as a secular holiday where you spend lots of money on gifts and chocolate.

I think westerners esp americans live in their own little bubble and think the rest of the world is like they are. It isnt. It doesnt even follow the same calendar.

The entire globe is now bathed in the gospel message. Everyone will hear the gospel message before those who bear the message will be caught away.
I guess it comes down to..what nation are we a part of REALLY?
If there is a belief that church and israel are seperate entities..then maybe thats where the problem starts.

Because bible says we are grafted in...the church is israel. And the church does not mean just gentiles, but jewish believers as well.

And there is no more jew or gentile, but all one in christ jesus.

Therefore our worldly nations are just earthly kingdoms which are going to be crushed into a powder anyway when Jesus returns. But that is not before anti christ figures come trying to deceive everyone into believing THEY are the christ.

YES WE are a nation favoured by God if our citizenship is truly in heaven...so whether we from america or africa or asia countries does not matter in the slightest. God is after every nation, tribe, tongue and people. we are the called out ones. The kingdom of God cannot be built by man..only God can build it with his people. God calls this nation Israel. The nation you see occupying israel at the moment has an earthly govt controlling it. Because they jumped the gun. The palestinian christians in it are being horribly persecuted, this should not be if it were truly israel.

Remember God said that we ought to be kind to the strangers amongst us cos to remember the bondage in egypt,..but todays israelis are not especially kind.
God is doing something with his chosen and is merely honoring the origninal covenant with them but christians ought to be preaching there is a better covenant that fufills all the law and that is only through faith in Jesus the messiah.