A Nation favored by God

Ok, so the Lord is more than able to keep "HIS" Church together. The gates of Hell shall not prevail. Without spot or wrinkle......... that is scripture.

So then as I was talking with Major. Is what we are seeing with all the things called Churches now being shown as corrupt. Things the way they are going in the World.

Is it the Church, or is it just the Word coming to pass to set up for what is about to come on the whole world?

I am reading a lot about "BAD" America, and church failure, but I also see in the Word things are not suppose to get better either.

What is your thought on that?

I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ---all who have received Jesus Christ as Saviour and have made Him Lord of their lives---are the Church, the Body of Christ. We are just entering into the "perilous times" spoken of in 2 Timothy:

2 Timothy 3:1-5 (NLT)
The Dangers of the Last Days
3 You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 2 For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3 They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. 4 They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 5 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!

Those of us who know Jesus have a responsibility and a monumental privilege to hold fast to the word of God, despite all the pressures that are now coming against us to stand for righteousness in an unrighteous majority. Many local churches will fail, but I believe the strong, vibrant churches where Holy Spirit is not quenched and ignored will assimilate those who have found themselves without the fellowship and teaching they need. I can see that these Spirit-led churches are growing and being prepared to receive an overabundance of people---those from failed church groups and the lost, coming to receive the hope of Jesus Christ in these evil days.

I believe it is such a privilege to have been born at this time in history and I continuously pray that God will use me to bring in more people to His Kingdom and to help establish people n their faith which will be sorely tried, as Satan knows his times is extremely short and his best work is seen in the hindrance he brings to the Christian's effectiveness.

It is not going to get better---it will get worse, and we will see it as Israel is our harbinger.
I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ---all who have received Jesus Christ as Saviour and have made Him Lord of their lives---are the Church, the Body of Christ. We are just entering into the "perilous times" spoken of in 2 Timothy:

2 Timothy 3:1-5 (NLT)
The Dangers of the Last Days
3 You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 2 For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3 They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. 4 They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 5 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!

Those of us who know Jesus have a responsibility and a monumental privilege to hold fast to the word of God, despite all the pressures that are now coming against us to stand for righteousness in an unrighteous majority. Many local churches will fail, but I believe the strong, vibrant churches where Holy Spirit is not quenched and ignored will assimilate those who have found themselves without the fellowship and teaching they need. I can see that these Spirit-led churches are growing and being prepared to receive an overabundance of people---those from failed church groups and the lost, coming to receive the hope of Jesus Christ in these evil days.

I believe it is such a privilege to have been born at this time in history and I continuously pray that God will use me to bring in more people to His Kingdom and to help establish people n their faith which will be sorely tried, as Satan knows his times is extremely short and his best work is seen in the hindrance he brings to the Christian's effectiveness.

It is not going to get better---it will get worse, and we will see it as Israel is our harbinger.

I have to agree with all that. I see strong churches full of the Holy Spirit which you mentioned.

(That would bring another discussion Spirit filled churches V.S those that preach against the things of the Spirit of God)

So then the effect on earth is not a weak Church, but the Mystery of Iniquity working and him letting it work.

Where sin abounds, grace abounds more. Iniquity without quick judgement.

Wife and I were watching Israels Prime Minister speak today. That man is anointed or appointed or both.

Funny you mentioned about being born at this time. My Pastor Keith Moore preached on that. We are here at this time for a reason and not to think back to the "OLD DAYS" but the best days and plan of God are ahead. There is a reason we are here now and not later.

Long enough. Thank you for the input.
I have to agree with all that. I see strong churches full of the Holy Spirit which you mentioned.

(That would bring another discussion Spirit filled churches V.S those that preach against the things of the Spirit of God)

So then the effect on earth is not a weak Church, but the Mystery of Iniquity working and him letting it work.

Where sin abounds, grace abounds more. Iniquity without quick judgement.

Wife and I were watching Israels Prime Minister speak today. That man is anointed or appointed or both.

Funny you mentioned about being born at this time. My Pastor Keith Moore preached on that. We are here at this time for a reason and not to think back to the "OLD DAYS" but the best days and plan of God are ahead. There is a reason we are here now and not later.

Long enough. Thank you for the input.

You're welcome!

How cool that your pastor is Keith Moore! He is so right...we were born for such a time as this! We have specific callings on our lives as the Kingdom Age is barreling down on us!
Looking to the government to provide a just and moral society will always be doomed to failure unless the individuals that make up the government are guided by the Lord God. This must be done individually, and cannot be legislated.

Yet how does a government "provide a just and moral society?" I contend it cannot "provide it" and can only "restrain itself" from committing acts of despotism and "restrain its populace" from committing despotism also.

Is it possible that "every nation" has a duty to be "just" according to scripture?

The U.S. bill of rights is highly "just" protecting two of the three precedents for Natural Rights. Thus prosperity and justice propagated highly, yet despotism was present and though it receded in a few areas, it has increased in a plethora of other areas. Our Natural Rights are deteriorating and so is our prosperity, justice and blessing.

A favored nation is a "just" nation; for a "just" nation will manufacture peace and prosperity. Is it possible that Christians in their obedience "are the catalyst for morality, justice and peace; a rigorous defence for ethics?"
My dear brother, we are in fact on the same page. We are saying the same thing and believing the same thing and from your words it appears that we are doing the same thing.

Do not allow my comments on the Church having no power to lead you to think that I mean we as believers should do nothing.
Just the opposite. We must work harder knowing that the time is at hand. HOWEVER, that does not remove the facts and figures and statistics that prove our nation and society is in real trouble and the Church has been unable to change that fact. That is all I have been saying.

I agree, i just was saying that if we focus on the facts and figures, and stastics, and keep speaking them, then we are shooting ourselves in the foot, so to speak. When Peter focused on Jesus, he walked on the water...when his eyes focused on the storm, he began to sink. As we pray by faith and speak by faith the Word of God, then it frees God up to do what is spoken. Our angels, and the angels of our brothers and sisters in Christ, cannot move on their behalf if the Word of God is not spoken.
An abundant of Blessings and peace to you and yours!
Well Jesus governs in a totally different way from earthly kings and rulers.
He turns this world upside down.
So we can't really compare.
As we are grafted into Israel (the true Israel) that is the nation we are a part of, and become citizens of heaven so..what we see in the world today is just a shadow.
We are to shine as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation..it won't be perfected until Jesus returns. There is just no way we can do this on our own strength..we need Jesus. But there will be a falling away before he comes.
You're welcome!

How cool that your pastor is Keith Moore! He is so right...we were born for such a time as this! We have specific callings on our lives as the Kingdom Age is barreling down on us!

Ya, Things are going to change for the whole world. I am just believing God to get in my place and do my part. Brother Copeland spoke last week at our church saying that dark times are coming ahead but not to fear, our faith will see us through if we obey and stay close to Jesus. Something like that...

I would like another 40 years to do all the Lord called me to do.....That seems to be asking a lot.

Your the blessed.
I agree, i just was saying that if we focus on the facts and figures, and stastics, and keep speaking them, then we are shooting ourselves in the foot, so to speak. When Peter focused on Jesus, he walked on the water...when his eyes focused on the storm, he began to sink. As we pray by faith and speak by faith the Word of God, then it frees God up to do what is spoken. Our angels, and the angels of our brothers and sisters in Christ, cannot move on their behalf if the Word of God is not spoken.
An abundant of Blessings and peace to you and yours!

I apologize to you my SISTER. I did not realize that you were a lady. I have been referring to you as my brother and for that I am sorry. Please forgive me.

I understand your thinking on this. I am however a REALIST. If we, IMO opinion just stick our head in the sand and go on speaking wonderful words and ignore the facts and statistics of reality, when we pull our head out of the sand, eventually we will find that someone will have eaten our butts off.

That is just me however.
This is what I have been trying to get across....................

The Bible says.

Love of many will wax cold.
In the last days there shall be perilous times.
Just like the days of Noah.

Now, if you and I were super Christains, raised the dead daily and saved 100's daily................ Then we started 200 churches full of folks just like us.............

Does that change what is coming on this whole earth and how people are going to start acting?

A lot of what folks think is the Church, is more about what God had already said. We can't change what God said despite wanting things a lot better.

Looking at that Iran deal and Obama........ I heard Israels Prime minister speak (It was awesome) I just get a sense that people are in place, things are in place because stuff is getting set up for things to come. I just feel that.

Be blessed Major.

Now you are talking!!!

When we study, and I mean STUDY not just read, "Predestination" we understand that God has determined that there is that ONE person yet to hear and believe and be saved. When that happens the church is complete and Christ will come and remove it as He is the Groom and the Church is the Bride.

No Groom will allow His Bride to go through any tribulation, trials or trouble. THAT is why I believe there will be a Rapture!

Now, no matter how many miracles we do, or tongues we speak, or words of knowledge we pass on, when God says it is over, it is over and He has already determined that day is our future. He knows who that person is, when he/she will come to Christ and then He will say to His Son.............."Go get your bride and bring here home".

In my humble opinion, ALL things are in place and there is nothing what so ever that needs to take place except the removal of the BRIDE. THEN all the prophecies that God has already told us about will begin to take place and there is nothing we can do to put that off or speed it up. But that is just me and no one has to agree with me.

Revelation 4:1King James Version (KJV)
"After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter."
Ok, so the Lord is more than able to keep "HIS" Church together. The gates of Hell shall not prevail. Without spot or wrinkle......... that is scripture.

So then as I was talking with Major. Is what we are seeing with all the things called Churches now being shown as corrupt. Things the way they are going in the World.

Is it the Church, or is it just the Word coming to pass to set up for what is about to come on the whole world?

I am reading a lot about "BAD" America, and church failure, but I also see in the Word things are not suppose to get better either.

What is your thought on that?

Remember my brother that everyone who claims to be a born again believer IS NOT!

2 Tim. 3:13..........
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."

That is why Jesus said......"Depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I NEVER KNEW YOU".
The apostasy we are witnessing isn't due to individuals in any given local church. It is global.


2 Thess. 2:3..............
"Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition".
The seeming government approved and endorsed teachings of properity, all grace/no obedience, faith healing and other questionable doctrines whatever are all bad enough, but they're just part of the corruption in the american church. I had read where each church/denomination has a government liaison in it's midst(nice word for government informant). Harkens back to the days of Soviet political officers assigned to keep the populace in line. I looked at it as conspiracy garbage until my wife and I visited an amish church in Texas. I was told directly that they had a government liaison to keep out those wishing to avoid military service. I didn't know I was about to meet him. As I told the assoc. pastor there, and several other congregants of my childhood molestation and subsequent anxiety disorder. The liaison(informant) made himself known and immediately went to work trying to extract some sort of confession. He stated anxiety in a person is not caused by what happened to them but by what crimes/sin that person supposedly committed. He was obviously shielding the Episcopal Church. Telling me I cannot sue my "bretheren". Quite an ingenuos little weasel. I thouht of all places I might get some basic, non-biased christian advice it would be an amish church. People are people. Corruption and those drunk on corporate kool-aid are everywhere. Who'd have thought?

God knew!

Matt. 24:37.........
"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

And how were the days of Noah????

Matt. 24:38...........
"For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,…"
Well Jesus governs in a totally different way from earthly kings and rulers.
He turns this world upside down.
So we can't really compare.
As we are grafted into Israel (the true Israel) that is the nation we are a part of, and become citizens of heaven so..what we see in the world today is just a shadow.
Ah yes. The Kingdom is inverse from the world. The world teaches advancement through hook or crook. The Kingdom (Christ) teaches humility. The world teaches accumulation of wealth. The Kingdom teaches distribution of wealth (American christians get real touchy about this one).
I do believe the Church that God has raised up and is now sitting on the right hand of God in Christ is doing just fine in all its Glory. Jesus gave us his Glory so that we would not only be "one" in God, but also with each other. The Church is a spiritual building where all "true" born again believers are in perfect unity around God's throne. This is our rallying point in which we receive instructions from the Lord. The throne of Grace can not be gotten there with our two feet, but only by the power of God's Glory which brings us into his presence. The Glory of God is the fastest things in any realm as it travels in a "moment, a twinkling of a eye", That word comes from the Greek word "atomos" which means "Indivisible" It can not be divided to any lesser degree like 1000 of a second, or 100 of a second. It is instantaneous in it's speed. We get the English word "atomic" from this word. When the scripture tells us.....

2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

The word, "study" means......
From G4710;
to use speed, that is, to make effort, be prompt or earnest: - do (give) diligence, be diligent (forward), endeavour, labour, study.

I think we think that if we could get all our Bibles out and study them, that one day the Lord will tell us,
"I can not believe it, you actually figured out my Word, and now I am approving what you learned, good job" That will never happen, as it is the Lord who is the one who teaches us his Word, and he does this after we have "used speed" to come and present our self's before him in the Spirit before his throne. That which the Lord teaches us he "approves" and we will never be "ashamed" of it and it causes us to be able to "rightly divide" the Word of truth.

How to do this is what the leaders in the Church are suppose to be teaching it's newest members. However, if they do not know how, how can they teach this to others? They can not, which means we have to go somewhere else outside the four walls of the physical buildings we call Church. The Church is alive and well in God's Kingdom were we all are gathered together in the Spirit worshiping him in and by His Glory.
My whole life is just for this purpose of speaking what I know to be truth. Finding others to see it also is the challenge. This scripture pretty much says it all.

Heb 12:22
But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering,
Heb 12:23 and
to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect,
Heb 12:24 and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.

I apologize to you my SISTER. I did not realize that you were a lady. I have been referring to you as my brother and for that I am sorry. Please forgive me.

I understand your thinking on this. I am however a REALIST. If we, IMO opinion just stick our head in the sand and go on speaking wonderful words and ignore the facts and statistics of reality, when we pull our head out of the sand, eventually we will find that someone will have eaten our butts off.

That is just me however.

Hey no offense was taken! You are fully forgiven! :) I understand what your saying regarding being a realist, and can agree that we should not stick our heads in the sand. But now speaking by faith is not ignoring the reality of the situation, but speaking and seeing things the way God, has laid out in the Word. Blessings to you!
Now you are talking!!!

When we study, and I mean STUDY not just read, "Predestination" we understand that God has determined that there is that ONE person yet to hear and believe and be saved. When that happens the church is complete and Christ will come and remove it as He is the Groom and the Church is the Bride.

No Groom will allow His Bride to go through any tribulation, trials or trouble. THAT is why I believe there will be a Rapture!

Now, no matter how many miracles we do, or tongues we speak, or words of knowledge we pass on, when God says it is over, it is over and He has already determined that day is our future. He knows who that person is, when he/she will come to Christ and then He will say to His Son.............."Go get your bride and bring here home".

In my humble opinion, ALL things are in place and there is nothing what so ever that needs to take place except the removal of the BRIDE. THEN all the prophecies that God has already told us about will begin to take place and there is nothing we can do to put that off or speed it up. But that is just me and no one has to agree with me.

Revelation 4:1King James Version (KJV)
"After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter."

I was reading something about a debate on if the Chruch and it's obedience determines God's Grace to get the word to everyone possible.


Is it God's time table that happens despite the Church having obeyed and getting everyone saved that is possible.

When the Gospel is preached all over the World to all nations the end comes.

Peter says though that God is not slack concerning his promises of his coming as men count slackness, but is not willing that anyone should perish.

The gospel preached to every nation can actaully be tied to a scripture in Rev "AFTER" the churh is removed. Sort of a bummer there if that is what Jesus was talking about.

I am not saying I know. I believe we will be kept here as Long as it takes for every heart on the planet to make a choice after hearing and given lots of chances.............

Then the end comes.

We will see.

Blessings Major.
I was reading something about a debate on if the Chruch and it's obedience determines God's Grace to get the word to everyone possible.


Is it God's time table that happens despite the Church having obeyed and getting everyone saved that is possible.

When the Gospel is preached all over the World to all nations the end comes.

Peter says though that God is not slack concerning his promises of his coming as men count slackness, but is not willing that anyone should perish.

The gospel preached to every nation can actaully be tied to a scripture in Rev "AFTER" the churh is removed. Sort of a bummer there if that is what Jesus was talking about.

I am not saying I know. I believe we will be kept here as Long as it takes for every heart on the planet to make a choice after hearing and given lots of chances.............

Then the end comes.

We will see.

Blessings Major.

With TV, radio, computers, cell phones......world wide mass communication from newspapers and books and magazines, can you think of a nation or area of the globe where the gospel message has not been preached?

The world celebrates CHRISTmas and it speaks of Jesus. Same with Easter. I would submit to you that the gospel HAS BEEN preached in all of the world today!
Hey no offense was taken! You are fully forgiven! :) I understand what your saying regarding being a realist, and can agree that we should not stick our heads in the sand. But now speaking by faith is not ignoring the reality of the situation, but speaking and seeing things the way God, has laid out in the Word. Blessings to you!

Thank you and remember that Jesus said it would get worse, a lot worse just before He returned and that is what God has laid out for us to understand as one of the signs we can look for.