I believe America will soon turn it's back on Israel thus inviting God's judgment. A lot of American Christian leaders have bought into and teach a fascist form of Christianity that advocates the accumulation of wealth. They also pander to the rich and encourage good "corporate citizenship" to acquire material desires and corporate advancement, coupling one's standing with the Lord with their socio/economic status.
You even see it on this forum in how an affliction becomes ammunition to judge a person's standing before our King. Someone down and out is encouraged to be seen as cursed or out of favor with our Lord. The State encourages this as it moves away from individual rights and headlong toward corporate control of our society. "Obamacare" is corporate control of our healthcare(fascism). If you are productive, you are praised. If you are non-working, you are a detriment.
White vs black. Rich vs poor. Conservative vs liberal. Working vs "the entitled". Christian vs everyone. The nation is under attack from within and without. The greatest nation ever to be is soon to be no more. It has fulfilled it's role as mid-wife in the birth of Israel. We turn away and become irrelevent and our own doing becomes our undoing.
Dan.......our President has already turned his back on Israel!!!!