A Nation favored by God

We are the Seed of Abraham Major. Israel still has to believe like us to be grafted back in the vine.

So if anyone should protect anyone, the goverment should be protecting us, the seed of Abraham by whom God promised that in that seed "ALL NATIONS" shall be blessed. Not just the United States.

That is not the case at all my brother.

If you will take the time to read Romans 11 you will see that Paul compares Israel to the natural branches of a cultivated olive tree and the Gentile believers to the branches of a wild olive tree. The natural branches (Israel) were broken off, and the wild branches (Gentiles) were grafted in (verse 17). The Gentiles, then, have been made partakers of the promises and inherit the blessings of God’s salvation because it was the Jews who were the Olive tree and the church was the one grafted in.

So then.....has God cast away the Jews and now the Church is all that there is?

Romans 11:1-2........
"I say then, hath God cast away His people???? God forbid (NO!!). For I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people which he fornew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? How he maketh intercession to God against Israel."

As the seed of Abraham, the children of Israel were chosen by God to be a separate people, holy to the Lord.

Genesis 18:17–19 (ESV)
17 The Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, 18 seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? 19 For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household …"

Gentile believers, and it seems that is what you are saying, would be tempted to dismiss Israel because it appeared they would never recover. Even today, there are those who advocate supersessionism or replacement theology, which holds that the Church has completely replaced Israel and will inherit the promises to be fulfilled only in a spiritual sense. In other words, according to this view, ethnic Israel is forever excluded from the promises—the Jews will not literally inherit the Promised Land. What then would happen to Israel? What about the Old Testament prophecies that Israel as a nation would repent and be re-gathered to the land in the last days as a permanent possession (Deuteronomy 30:1–10)?

Romans 11 thus conclusively shows Gentile believers that God is not yet “done” with Israel, who has only temporarily lost the privilege of representing God as His people. Since “the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable” (11:29), “all Israel will be saved” in order to fulfill God’s covenant with ethnic Israel (11:25–28), including the promise of land inheritance (Deuteronomy 30:1–10). (http://www.gotquestions.org/grafted-Israel.html).
No. Ezekiel 38 is not about Russia. These ancient names are of peoples in what is now Turkey through to Assyria [Syria/Iraq].
This would be more fitting in with what is happening in the Middle East right now. Turkey under her Islamic president, Erdogen, is extremely anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. ISIS has the run of "Assyria."
As for Putin he is obsessed with NATO attacking Russia. Plus he has publicly declared to defend the Russian Orthodox church from the threat of Roman Catholicism and from Protestantism. These are his concerns - the West, not tiny little Israel.

I could not disagree more!

It does not matter what Putin or anyone else has said. All that matters is what God has said my friend!

The reason you reject Ex. 38 as Russia is because you come at it with a "Preteatist" agenda. Those who call themselves "Amillennial" also reject that Russia is in view.

I for one believe that Ez. 38 & 39 refer to Russia for 3 reason..........

1). Linguistic Phenomenon.
2). Philosophical Phenomenon.
3). Geographic Phenomenon.

You will find that in the 1st 4 verses of Ex. 38.
Europe and the US will do nothing, just like when Russia invaded Georgia (the country not the state :sick:), then Crimea, now eastern Ukraine. Sanctions... worked great against the Nazis. We're witnessing Sudetenland 2.0.
The Church does not kill them babies Major, you and I don't kill them babies.

We don't vote for gay marriage across whole states.

The Lord will present himself a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. There is a church where the gates of hell don't stand a chance.

The church is not going to fall, but get stronger and stronger. The Power of God will become more evident.

Now I am not sure what your looking at and calling it the Lord's Church.

There were lots of things called church and lots of them seemed good. You get a light on them though and you see just how not good they were.

It's one thing to say I am a Christain, it's another to say and make Jesus one's Lord, whom you obey and honor.

We have lots that say we are Christain, but few that actually see Jesus as someone they serve without question.

Even in my Church a Word of Faith Church. We lost a lot of the women population and some took their whole family out.

Mrs. Moore stood up and preached that wives must submit to their Husbands. Not get beat, but submit and treat the husband like they are head of the family.

I guess we see what happens when you preach something other than God wants you rich and healed.

We lost some while back when Brother Keith preached against co-habitation and said by the Spirit of the Lord you need to get out of that right now, don't wait another day and if you are having a homosexual realationship, that needs to stop now said the Lord.

The Church is not weak Major, the Lord is making it more clear what is His and what is not His. These are the last days and the Mystery of iniquity is at work.

YES we do my brother!!!!

When WE the church sends elected officals to Washington who TELL us that they are for abortion, WE have to accept the fact that our actions have allowed aboprtion to become and stay legal. We then in fact are GUILITY.

Proverbs 24:11-12.........
"If thou forbear to deliver them that are DRAWN UNTO DEATH AND THOSE THAT ARE READY TO BE SLAIN; If thou sayest , Behold we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? And he that keepth thy soul, doth HE not know it? And shall not he render to every man according to his works".

My friend.........How do you think that men like Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Obamma who told us that they are for killing babies get elected IF THE CHURCH IS AS POWERFUL AS YOU SAY IT IT IS???

They were elected because good old Democrates and Republicans in the CHURCH voted them into office above and beyound the clear rejection of the Word of God.

Put your denomination agenda aside and really consider the directions from the Word of God. IF the church had risen up in power and voted as the Bible guides us to do, NO one who supports abortion would ever get elected. BUT because the church HAS NOT DONE that it ....WE, YOU and Me stand guillity in the eyes of God my friend.

The same thing applies to Homosexual marriages.

Now a lot of people and you are probably one, do not like what I just posted. Well neither do I. It actually makes me sick to my stomach just to write this truth out because I am a member of this Apostate church that has no power to do anything or change anything.
Europe and the US will do nothing, just like when Russia invaded Georgia (the country not the state :sick:), then Crimea, now eastern Ukraine. Sanctions... worked great against the Nazis. We're witnessing Sudetenland 2.0.


In fact, IMO the advance of Russia into Georgia was nothing more than the 1st step of Ez. 38 and now they have weapons staged in Georgia and all they need to do is move the men into position.
Hmm you guys seem to equate being an american citizen with being the church.
I get the impression anyway.

If you are part of this apostate church...I will say, GET OUT.

The church that belongs to Jesus would never entertain what you write here, true believers have nothing to do with supporting such politics.
YES we do my brother!!!!

When WE the church sends elected officals to Washington who TELL us that they are for abortion, WE have to accept the fact that our actions have allowed aboprtion to become and stay legal. We then in fact are GUILITY.

Proverbs 24:11-12.........
"If thou forbear to deliver them that are DRAWN UNTO DEATH AND THOSE THAT ARE READY TO BE SLAIN; If thou sayest , Behold we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? And he that keepth thy soul, doth HE not know it? And shall not he render to every man according to his works".

My friend.........How do you think that men like Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Obamma who told us that they are for killing babies get elected IF THE CHURCH IS AS POWERFUL AS YOU SAY IT IT IS???

They were elected because good old Democrates and Republicans in the CHURCH voted them into office above and beyound the clear rejection of the Word of God.

Put your denomination agenda aside and really consider the directions from the Word of God. IF the church had risen up in power and voted as the Bible guides us to do, NO one who supports abortion would ever get elected. BUT because the church HAS NOT DONE that it ....WE, YOU and Me stand guillity in the eyes of God my friend.

The same thing applies to Homosexual marriages.

Now a lot of people and you are probably one, do not like what I just posted. Well neither do I. It actually makes me sick to my stomach just to write this truth out because I am a member of this Apostate church that has no power to do anything or change anything.

I would not like to think Major that you and I belong to a powerless Church. Why would we even go to church then?

I understand that despite the Miracles in our Church we are still called to reach out and pray for the Nation. We do that Major and I know folks in your church pray for the nation.

What else are we suppose to do?

Even if we were so full of the Power of God that even passing dead bodies they came back to life to live with their loved ones again, we don't have power to bend peoples wills and make them good people. All we can do is be a light.

We don't know the effects of sinful people who want to kill their babies instead of facing the responsibility of taking care of the baby to force them to no abort the baby.

God knows these things. We don't want underground abortion clinics springing up everywhere as sinful and murderous people are still sinful and murderous desptie it being legal or not.

Gay folks are still confused gay folks despite laws saying they can marry.

Just because there is evil folks in the World, does not make it our fault. If we do what the Lord says do, then how can we be blamed?

It's not your fault the Methodist took a gay vote, how does that happen where things get so dark you think it's even OK to take such a vote? That is not our fault.

The mystery of iniquity says that iniquity is let go without judgement that the grace of God may abound more where sin abounds.
In the last days there will be perlious times, and I can't change that scripture, neither can you change that scripture.

Lots of things are coming in place because the Word tells us these things will come to place. The Love of many will wax colder and colder.

You and I can't change the Word, but we can obey God and do our part. If everyone did their part then things would be lots better.

If believers put their money together and bought whole towns then we could be in charge.

Anyway, have to go...... gma is here.
It does not matter what Putin or anyone else has said. All that matters is what God has said my friend!
It is not what God says at all. Try doing some real Bible study. Particularly in respect to the etymology of these ancient words and the peoples/tribes they refer to.
As for geography examine the Caucasus Mountains as a formidable natural barrier to the movement of an enormous army of armoured divisions.
Compare this with the topography of Northern Africa, Turkey Syria and Iraq > flat open plains and easy terrain for massive armies of thousands upon thousands of motorised army transports to sweep down from the north upon the hills of Israel.
As usual American Evangelism has developed its own Bible prophecies and end of world scenarios that have very little to do with scriptural truth.
A few days ago, I responded to a post by Waggles. In rereading his post and my answer, I now understand that his question concerned common American views, and those of world wide churches that are influenced by American churches, concerning the end times, particularly the Rapture, which is less commonly taught outside of the US denominations.

I took his as questioning why America (both Christians and Americans in general) sees itself as ‘favored’ or special. My personal views on the Rapture should be of little concern to the brethren here since although I have looked into the subject years ago, the concept is not key to my spiritual life. Instead, I endeavor to follow the Lord in my daily life. If He comes and gathers me up, I will rejoice. If I live out my normal life and he tarries, or that particular view is mistaken, I will also rejoice.

However, my mistaken understanding of Waggles’s post got me thinking about the blessings enjoyed by those in western countries. To be sure, there are many persons of strong and abiding faith who are experiencing very tough trials, but even at its worst, the economies US, Canada, Europe, and even Japan are able to ease suffering in ways undreamed of during most of history.

Many Christians (and here I am thinking of the Church in America) believe we have been blessed because of the faith of the founding fathers & early patriots, and / or those of Christians through the years. I think that this is a little self congratulating.

If you don’t take it too far, I would like to propose another explanation. Just as the purpose of Mosaic Law was not to produce righteousness, but to show that man is unable to be righteous by following a set of commandments; so I think that mush of today’s prosperity is showing that man’s governments, even when the leaders truly want to provide the best for their citizens, are unable to create a stable, just, and prosperous society. He is giving us the rope.

Although I believe that it is the duty of the Christian to be a blessing to the country in which he lives, we cannot expect that by that means we will achieve a righteous society.

The prosperity of those at the top has neither resulted in resources to be ‘trickled down’ to the least in our society, nor has society used the prosperity of the more fortunate to fight moral degradation.

The Old Testament and Mosaic Law showed us that following a set of rules, even those given by divine instruction does not produce righteousness. Current society shows that a government, even one with vast resources and where the leaders are trying to achieve “liberty and justice for all”, is unable to combat moral decay.

Looking to the government to provide a just and moral society will always be doomed to failure unless the individuals that make up the government are guided by the Lord God. This must be done individually, and cannot be legislated.

Well said. In the Federalist Papers, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton made this distinction. They concluded that in order for this representative government to work -- the first of its kind in history--it hinged greatly on the rectitude of the people. Otherwise it would fail. It is amazing the foresight our founding fathers had.

On a side note, it is very interesting to study the hand of providence in raising up the USA. God worked many miracles to ensure that the US would succeed. I believe there is a biblical prophetic reason for this. You would probably be interested in the following video. The professor lectures on the history of Protestantism and their beliefs regarding prophecy. Very fascinating.

YES we do my brother!!!!

When WE the church sends elected officals to Washington who TELL us that they are for abortion, WE have to accept the fact that our actions have allowed aboprtion to become and stay legal. We then in fact are GUILITY.

Proverbs 24:11-12.........
"If thou forbear to deliver them that are DRAWN UNTO DEATH AND THOSE THAT ARE READY TO BE SLAIN; If thou sayest , Behold we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? And he that keepth thy soul, doth HE not know it? And shall not he render to every man according to his works".

My friend.........How do you think that men like Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Obamma who told us that they are for killing babies get elected IF THE CHURCH IS AS POWERFUL AS YOU SAY IT IT IS???

They were elected because good old Democrates and Republicans in the CHURCH voted them into office above and beyound the clear rejection of the Word of God.

Put your denomination agenda aside and really consider the directions from the Word of God. IF the church had risen up in power and voted as the Bible guides us to do, NO one who supports abortion would ever get elected. BUT because the church HAS NOT DONE that it ....WE, YOU and Me stand guillity in the eyes of God my friend.

The same thing applies to Homosexual marriages.

Now a lot of people and you are probably one, do not like what I just posted. Well neither do I. It actually makes me sick to my stomach just to write this truth out because I am a member of this Apostate church that has no power to do anything or change anything.

Thank you major for proving my point. This is why we should be praying and not allowing our country just go anyway it pleases.

I have prayed and rebuked the gay marriage in our state, and God has been faithful, and it is still not allowing gay marriage in our state, and i know others who are praying for their states, and gay marriage is still not allowed. So prayers are working.

I agree that many are falling away, but many more in other countries are coming towards Christ, many nations are beginning to allow the gospel to be preached, so there is a shift, and we are almost at the time of the great falling away, but not quite. So now is the time to pray that God would make Himself so real to all of us, and for strength for those who are enduring persecution. And that The Lord of the Harvest would continue to send out many laborers, with strength to bring as many to Him as possible. It's not time to give up on the world. We still have an open door here, and God wants us to bloom where He has planted us, and pray for those whom He puts on our hearts.

As you, and By Faith, have said, things have happened because some failed to do their part, not all. (My dad voted according to who God told him to vote for, as i believe many did). Failed to vote in whom the Lord directed. Now is our chance to do the right thing by our Precious Lord and Savior. It's time to seek His face and ask for more hearts to be turned towards Him. It's not over yet.
I would not argue your thoughts as I believe that you are sincere in them and in many ways I agree with you. However we need to grasp the reality of the times and what the Bible has told us would be taking place.

2 Tim. 4:3........
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears".

2 Thess. 2:3............
"Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition".

The reality of life is that IMO we are in those days and we, the church is in "Apostasy" and is falling away from the Word of God and from Gom Himself.

We can say that we should STAND up and bow our backs and fight Satan and I agree. But reality is showing us that Bible prophesy is the opposite of that.

It may be close, i agree, but no where in the Word does it say to stop fighting your enemy when he is close.
Question? If God gave you a verse to stand on, would you say that you can't because reality says otherwise? If you say yes, then what is the point of faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1
I would not argue your thoughts as I believe that you are sincere in them and in many ways I agree with you. However we need to grasp the reality of the times and what the Bible has told us would be taking place.

2 Tim. 4:3........
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears".

2 Thess. 2:3............
"Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition".

The reality of life is that IMO we are in those days and we, the church is in "Apostasy" and is falling away from the Word of God and from Gom Himself.

We can say that we should STAND up and bow our backs and fight Satan and I agree. But reality is showing us that Bible prophesy is the opposite of that.

However no matter what the prophesies say.........they have not said to stop or give up or surrender your self from using Gods word to change things. We need to stand united together in Christ to the very end. Keep your eyes on what He has called us to do and not worry about what is to come in the future....
I fully agree with your comments, but there is a price required of the prayee. It’s a matter of maturity. While a four-year old may get what they want by asking, that four-year old doesn’t understand what to ask that’s not self-serving. Your relationship with a mature adult child is different than the four-year old. If a four-year old asked if they can drive the car, a normal response would be no, for their good. A whiny child would just be ignored. If you don’t follow Jesus’ commandments and deal with sin in your life, their prayers are not even heard, let alone to the level of “friend” or “son/daughter.” It’s not automatic, .

The Word says that when we accept Jesus as our Lord we become God's children (Galatians 3:26-27). That is automatic. But maybe i'm missing your point here?
Jim.....where in the world are you living that you see the church getting stronger????? You are kidding us, right????

Divorce is 52 %.
We kill 1.5 million unborn humans a year.
Pornography is the #1 product on the internet.
Church attendance is down 25% just in the last 10 years.
We now have made homosexual marriages legal.

And you say the church is getting stronger with more power????

Jim, you are living and thinking in some kind of fantasy my brother.

You know with words such as these no wonder you don't see brother,
The Church is getting stronger...I agree with Jim, wow that sounded wierd.....
Your stats do not prove anything......I can say it's getting warmer out these days and you can say well brother what planet are you from it's cold out side....Maybe but 28 degree's sure feels warmer to me then those -30 degree days we had..... see my point.....

You have to look to find..... I am not jumping here Brother Major, now that sounds wierd too.
I have said sargent major before or Yes sir Major but not brother major....Hmmm
All I am saying is the church is getting stronger and perhaps eventually you will see this too.
The Word says that when we accept Jesus as our Lord we become God's children (Galatians 3:26-27). That is automatic. But maybe i'm missing your point here?
Title vs. Actions, that's the point. You can have a police officer have the title, but if he robs a bank, is he doing what he was trained to do? We are sons of God by title, but our relationship with God is what matters. Throughout Spain there are people that are plumbers, gardeners, etc that are royalty - title and all - but they don't have a personal relationship with the king. This forum is filled with people who claim to be sons of God, and yet God says:

Luke 11:9 (KJV)
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
John 16:23 (KJV)
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give [it] you.​

But we ask and it doesn't happen. Why?

John 15:10 (KJV)
If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.
John 15:12 (KJV)
This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
The relationship is missing. We have the title, but we're not using it, or if we do, we use it amiss, to fulfill the lust we have in our heart. Only an obedient person will have a effectual prayer life, James 5:16. I count myself as one who is working on that relationship, but still have a ways to go.
Title vs. Actions, that's the point. You can have a police officer have the title, but if he robs a bank, is he doing what he was trained to do? We are sons of God by title, but our relationship with God is what matters. Throughout Spain there are people that are plumbers, gardeners, etc that are royalty - title and all - but they don't have a personal relationship with the king. This forum is filled with people who claim to be sons of God, and yet God says:

Luke 11:9 (KJV)
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
John 16:23 (KJV)
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give [it] you.​

But we ask and it doesn't happen. Why?

John 15:10 (KJV)
If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.
John 15:12 (KJV)
This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
The relationship is missing. We have the title, but we're not using it, or if we do, we use it amiss, to fulfill the lust we have in our heart. Only an obedient person will have a effectual prayer life, James 5:16. I count myself as one who is working on that relationship, but still have a ways to go.

Awesome! This helps a lot! Thanks!
I would not like to think Major that you and I belong to a powerless Church. Why would we even go to church then?

I understand that despite the Miracles in our Church we are still called to reach out and pray for the Nation. We do that Major and I know folks in your church pray for the nation.

What else are we suppose to do?

Even if we were so full of the Power of God that even passing dead bodies they came back to life to live with their loved ones again, we don't have power to bend peoples wills and make them good people. All we can do is be a light.

We don't know the effects of sinful people who want to kill their babies instead of facing the responsibility of taking care of the baby to force them to no abort the baby.

God knows these things. We don't want underground abortion clinics springing up everywhere as sinful and murderous people are still sinful and murderous desptie it being legal or not.

Gay folks are still confused gay folks despite laws saying they can marry.

Just because there is evil folks in the World, does not make it our fault. If we do what the Lord says do, then how can we be blamed?

It's not your fault the Methodist took a gay vote, how does that happen where things get so dark you think it's even OK to take such a vote? That is not our fault.

The mystery of iniquity says that iniquity is let go without judgement that the grace of God may abound more where sin abounds.
In the last days there will be perlious times, and I can't change that scripture, neither can you change that scripture.

Lots of things are coming in place because the Word tells us these things will come to place. The Love of many will wax colder and colder.

You and I can't change the Word, but we can obey God and do our part. If everyone did their part then things would be lots better.

If believers put their money together and bought whole towns then we could be in charge.

Anyway, have to go...... gma is here.

Listen my brother......I do not like to think that either but reality says different.

Yes we pray and reach out to touch others for Christ.

We go to church to corporately worship the God of creation and the author of our salvation.

If we (You) just look around, we can see that the Church is not in control of anything. It simply has no power to speak of because too many church members are really not born again believers. They have a "form" of Godliness but deny the power there of.
You know with words such as these no wonder you don't see brother,
The Church is getting stronger...I agree with Jim, wow that sounded wierd.....
Your stats do not prove anything......I can say it's getting warmer out these days and you can say well brother what planet are you from it's cold out side....Maybe but 28 degree's sure feels warmer to me then those -30 degree days we had..... see my point.....

You have to look to find..... I am not jumping here Brother Major, now that sounds wierd too.
I have said sargent major before or Yes sir Major but not brother major....Hmmm
All I am saying is the church is getting stronger and perhaps eventually you will see this too.

Jim..."Major" is my NAME not a rank.

Statistics do not lie Jim. They are what they are. You may not like them....heck, I hate them but they are what they are and they are telling us that society is in a downward spiral and the church is unable to stop it. That is because it has NO POWER in and of itself. Here is America, preachers of Churches have watered down the Word of God so that they can keep getting paid. They do not want to ruffle the feathers of their congregation so they have stopped preaching on SIN and its consequences. The result is.........
1) Divorce 52%
2) Legalization of homosexual marriage
3) Legalization of Marijuana
4) Legalization of killing babies

All of those are the results of moral decay and the church has not been able to stop the slide.

That is my observation and opinion. No one has to or needs to agree with me. My comments here are NOT to be taken as an argument, simply me venting my concern over the apathy I see all around us.
However no matter what the prophesies say.........they have not said to stop or give up or surrender your self from using Gods word to change things. We need to stand united together in Christ to the very end. Keep your eyes on what He has called us to do and not worry about what is to come in the future....

Of course that is true and I do not recall saying that we need to give up in any way Jim.

We never give up and we never give in. We are to STAND and be strong in the power and might of the Lord Jesus Christ. THAT is not what we are talking about.

The conversation has been that the obvious facts speak to the inability of the church to limit or hold back the moral decay of our society. Do we as individuals stop trying.......NEVER!
It may be close, i agree, but no where in the Word does it say to stop fighting your enemy when he is close.
Question? If God gave you a verse to stand on, would you say that you can't because reality says otherwise? If you say yes, then what is the point of faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1

And I did NOT say that we should stop fighting the enemy!!!!

Quite the opposite my dear brother. As the time approaches we need to work harder to get out the Word of God so that the lost can hear, believe and be saved.
Thank you major for proving my point. This is why we should be praying and not allowing our country just go anyway it pleases.

I have prayed and rebuked the gay marriage in our state, and God has been faithful, and it is still not allowing gay marriage in our state, and i know others who are praying for their states, and gay marriage is still not allowed. So prayers are working.

I agree that many are falling away, but many more in other countries are coming towards Christ, many nations are beginning to allow the gospel to be preached, so there is a shift, and we are almost at the time of the great falling away, but not quite. So now is the time to pray that God would make Himself so real to all of us, and for strength for those who are enduring persecution. And that The Lord of the Harvest would continue to send out many laborers, with strength to bring as many to Him as possible. It's not time to give up on the world. We still have an open door here, and God wants us to bloom where He has planted us, and pray for those whom He puts on our hearts.

As you, and By Faith, have said, things have happened because some failed to do their part, not all. (My dad voted according to who God told him to vote for, as i believe many did). Failed to vote in whom the Lord directed. Now is our chance to do the right thing by our Precious Lord and Savior. It's time to seek His face and ask for more hearts to be turned towards Him. It's not over yet.

My dear brother, we are in fact on the same page. We are saying the same thing and believing the same thing and from your words it appears that we are doing the same thing.

Do not allow my comments on the Church having no power to lead you to think that I mean we as believers should do nothing.
Just the opposite. We must work harder knowing that the time is at hand. HOWEVER, that does not remove the facts and figures and statistics that prove our nation and society is in real trouble and the Church has been unable to change that fact. That is all I have been saying.