A point by point reply to Fish153:
1. Please show where nuclear weapons have anything to do with the Gospel. Gunpowder may have seemed just as "catastrophic" to 14th century European Christians.
2.Please show where Nazis are prophesied. A bit of time looking at history will show that Russians, Spaniards and Germans killed as many Jews BEFORE any British attempt at a Palestinian "homeland" for Jews ...like close to 500 years before....
3. Huh? Pee-Wee Herman can be seen by the whole world at once....Can't blame technology for what will be a spiritual decision.
4. That is purely you guess...imaginative, but unsubstantiated. Could have done that from the telegraph, radio or TV, according to former literalists I have read.
5. St John saw a "TV"? How did you whip that up from Holy Scripture??
6. Wycliffe Bible Translators?? Proof that they say this please is the first request. Second is that they are infallible.
Rusty---- Only since 1945 has man had the REAL capability of destroying the world with weapons. if you want to equate gunpowder with Nuclear weapons be my guest. But no one could have destroyed the world with gunpowder. Nuclear weapons are a very real threat to the whole world.
No need to talk about Nazis being prophesied. My point was that Israel had not been a nation for two thousand years---Satan saw God's plan coming to fruition, and tried to wipe out the Jews from the earth. 3 years later they became a nation, despite Satan's full-on attack--prophesy WAS fulfilled.
At no time in the world's history has man been able (through satellites and television and the internet) to project the image of one person throughout the entire world at one time. You can laugh it off using Pee-Wee herman---but only 50 years ago it would have been impossible to broadcast Pee-Herman, or anyone else for that matter to an entire world at one time.
It is ridiculous to think that anyone could control all people at once through telegraph, radio or TV---only computer technology has allowed man to record a multitude of information on people at one time.To deny this is very foolish---computer technology has revolutionized the world---and brought the world together. Within seconds I can type a note to someone in Iceland, and they can reply back. Since 1985 or so forward man has entered a realm he never before thought possible through computers.
When I say John saw a TV I don't know that. It was conjecture. John said that the Anti-christ was able to show an image of himself to the whole world. John didn't know what a TV was---He may have seen an "image" of the beast being shown to the world (perhaps an entire stadium filled with people looking at a large screen for example)---I'm not saying that is the image---I was saying it is plausible.
Wycliffe mentions on several of it's sites that we are living in an amazing generation. Just Google "Vision 2025" and you can read that they believe we are in the first generation who could actually fulfill the great commission.
Again, we should be lifting our heads, and watching carefully for his return. There are signs in place that were never able to have been fulfilled before--and we are living in the generation where it is possible. To deny it is to be like an ostrich with it's head in the sand.