Talks - I'm sure your experience had to do with spirits and not the Holy Spirit because I take you at your word. Why not take my word for what my experience was? The times I was referring to were between myself and one or two other people and we were talking of God and we were learning. Some of us reached life changing understanding. It brought us closer to God - not further. If we had to explain each and every one of our experiences, Posts would be book length. I don't have a problem to discern when God is talking to me, albeit I might be slow on the uptake to do what he wants. I'm like that parable of the two sons, where when the Father asks them to do something, the first son grumbles and drags his feet but in the end does his Father's will - that would be me. I kvetch, and argue, and question but I do his will. He dragged me kicking and screaming back to this web site. And now I'm so glad he did.