Are Women Allowed To Speak In Church?

You quoted ONE that has to do with the topic: you have not shown where Paul told all the churches for the women to shut up.

Do you think ALL cultural customs are required today? Head coverings? No braided hair or jewelry? How about shaking the dust from your sandals?
and you quoted
16 posts of wood, hay, and straw - POOF! Who knew that stuff was so flammable? Not sure what's left is gold, silver, or precious stones, but we'll see where the thread goes from here.
And your thoughts on the subject, Rumely?

I think the view Stan lays out in post #13 is an interesting one. I haven't studied the subject enough to fully evaluate its merits, but it is true that Paul speaks of women praying and prophesying. Praying can be done in private, of course, but prophecy, to me, implies a corporate venue. There were women identified as prophetesses as well, so either they prophesied in public, or they told their husbands what God said and their husbands relayed the messages to the Church.

In all the churches I have attended, women have been allowed to speak in church and I only remember it being an issue one time, and even that time was not really related to gender roles, but to lines of authority which would have applied equally to a man in the situation. Not that common practice makes it right, only to say that in my experience it has been normal for women to speak in church.
Culture does play a part. Look at the context. What was the condition Paul was addressing.
Have you ever thought that maybe God understands the nature of male and female better than you or I and decided that this was better for the church as a whole? I mean just because our corrupt society has become feminized doesn't mean that we can ignore certain biblical truths. I am not dead set either way on this subject and actually I don't really care either way about this subject because I think you can make a case for both sides BUT we must be careful what we pick and choose from scripture to believe and what to toss out because then you have opened up a Pandora's Box.:)
Amen! Context is everything.

Sadly, one of the root causes of Christian division and denominationalism is out of context universal application of matter God was addressing in a specific cases.
Actually I prefer to err on the side of scripture instead of on the side of "culture". You keep saying this is only for the Corinthians. So let me see....since Paul didn't address his epistles specifically to Rusty then Rusty doesn't have to adhere to that epistle?? Or does Rusty just pick and choose from each epistle what he likes and discards the rest as "culture"? Tell me why that this teaching of Paul should not be applied to all Christians? What formula do we use to determine exactly which teachings of Paul are for all children of God and which ones are specific? Tell me why I am wrong if I choose to believe this particular teaching and apply it in my life?
Actually I prefer to err on the side of scripture instead of on the side of "culture". You keep saying this is only for the Corinthians. So let me see....since Paul didn't address his epistles specifically to Rusty then Rusty doesn't have to adhere to that epistle?? Or does Rusty just pick and choose from each epistle what he likes and discards the rest as "culture"? Tell me why that this teaching of Paul should not be applied to all Christians? What formula do we use to determine exactly which teachings of Paul are for all children of God and which ones are specific? Tell me why I am wrong if I choose to believe this particular teaching and apply it in my life?
You study to see what the real context is before saying this applies to me.

I'm reading a book about how we misinterpret Scripture based on our culture.

[Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible by E. Randolph Richard]

There are always things the 'go without saying.' When we read and do not the culture, we substitute what in our culture 'goes without saying.' In other words, we substitute our culture for the author's.
You study to see what the real context is before saying this applies to me.

I'm reading a book about how we misinterpret Scripture based on our culture.

[Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bibleby E. Randolph Richard]

There are always things the 'go without saying.' When we read and do not the culture, we substitute what in our culture 'goes without saying.' In other words, we substitute our culture for the author's.
As I said before I prefer to err on the side of scripture instead of "culture" which by the way changes quite often but I don't think God's word does. Can you tell me where I am wrong if I choose to apply this particular teaching to my life?
It gets so tedious seeing people rant about what they "think" scripture does or does not say.

The whole point is not that " da broads should oughta keep der moufs shut", but that there are roles for the 2 genders that should be adhered to. A woman was not to be in a position of authority over a man, (and a man was not to abuse his authority over a woman). Whether or not Paul's comments were universal in scope or were meant to be applied to those at that time is up for debate. In church history there have been thousands of women that God has spoken to directly and has used for His purpose, often in opposition to the male authorities of the time and locale.

Rusty's point of considering culture when meditating on scripture should not be dismissed. There is no shortage of foolishness that comes from modern folks looking at ancient behavior with modern eyes.
This is one of "those" issues. Great Christian warriors, brilliant Biblical scholars, and theologians of every ilk have debated and argued this since the dawn of Christianity as an independent religion. I never quite understand why people seem to believe that THEY are the ones that hold the final truth, and that this truth can be battered out of other believers. While I constantly hear the excuse that it helps us develop our own beliefs, I never seem to see that. I see swords clashing, but it as two boulders yelling insults at each other in the hopes that one will eventually turn into a pillow.

Where it really crosses the line, is when I start hearing accusations of false Christianity. Seriously, stop acting like children. It's unworthy, it's immature, and since this is the evangelism area, anyone involved in this poop-slinging exercise should really consider an evening of prayer and reconciliation with why you think your person opinions are so much more important than showing respect for your fellow believers. What I'm seeing here is not an attempt to help the OP understand anything, but an attempt to force feed your personal agendas. Stop it. Stop it now and the money changers in the temple will consider themselves fortunate that they got off so easily.
LOL Banarenth, Good rant ^_^

I'm just going to case in point here.
Joyce Meyers is a preacher, she says she talks to God. Enough said, if you believe she is telling the truth
when she says she talks to God there is your evidence, according to her, God hasn't told her to shhhh yet. Unless you are prepared to jump out and call Joyce Meyers a liar?
LOL Banarenth, Good rant ^_^

I'm just going to case in point here.
Joyce Meyers is a preacher, she says she talks to God. Enough said, if you believe she is telling the truth
when she says she talks to God there is your evidence, according to her, God hasn't told her to shhhh yet. Unless you are prepared to jump out and call Joyce Meyers a liar?
Well ofcourse it is possible that she is lying but that is between her and God. But as far as female preachers....I prefer to stand with scripture on that issue and no one on here has still been able to say that I am in the wrong for believing that women should not pastor or preach in a church. I find it amusing how people get all fussy over this issue. If you want to attend a church that has a woman pastor that is your is my right to say that I don't think it is right. :)
Ive heard an argument that it is a translation thing, it doesn't say ''women should keep quiet'' blah blah
in the original texts.

Also didn't someone use the there is no black white, male female blah blah argument?

Sorry for the 'blah blahs' I'm not a scripture warrior
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
@ Tjon

We are spiritual beings-in a physical world. We are 'multidimensional' if you will. BUT God has a process and a purpose for everything. We are created in the physical and grow into the spiritual. While we learn to transition through the 2, we need the Lord to Guide us (the Holy Spirit) to Good. We still have to 'play by the rules' God set forth in this life. It is our way of showing God our love for Him through our obeisance no matter what gender or role we play out in this world.

The next world will be slightly different.....:D