You have a real way with words, interesting way to phrase that.
"Rights" has nothing to do with the issue. The fact of the matter is that an extremely liberal segment of the population has an agenda, that agenda being " we want to be able to do anything we want regardless of the opinions of others". And they want it codified into the law that they may do as they wish.
Regardless of any religious attitudes towards sexual deviancy....
homosexuality is a perversion, it is a misuse of tools, a parody of the natural act of reproduction - no amount of argument or propaganda can change that
pedophilia is the rape of children, beings who are not sexually mature and incapable of handling sex physically or emotionally in a healthy way - no amount of argumment or propaganda can change that
Despising those who commit corrupt acts with or against others will be called hate, because those who commit these acts cannot defend the behavior, and so must accuse their critics of being hateful.
Watch things go from bad to worse in the coming years. From an odd perspective there are a few good points, they don't tend to reproduce, they have a high suicide rate, and they tend to drop like flies from various diseases.