This may be being very out of touch with the times....
What does MO mean?
I'm quite old fashioned.
What does MO mean?
I'm quite old fashioned.

This may be being very out of touch with the times....
What does MO mean?
I'm quite old fashioned.![]()
Hey man......you have to live somewhere and you have to drive something to get to work. IF, and I do mean "IF" there is all this gloom and doom coming this year, remember that everyone will be in the same condition.
The banks and credit unions can not reposes everything.
Yup!The Sword of the spirit is simply the word of God. We all as believers need to become familiar with it and to memorize it, so that in any circumstance we can have it available to us, so that we can speak it out, bringing the power of God to bear upon a situation with His word of peace, strength, confounding of the enemy, dispersing threats of violence against us, and inducing remorse and repentance. It is the only offensive weapon we have been given by our God, and we need to meditate on it and know it in order to use it well.
The word was with God and the word is God. Knowing the word, equals knowing Him, which can lead to greater faith. And we all know what faith can do and the power it can have, and probably how fast it can grow in stressed situations. Glory to God!![]()
0Yeah, I read about that recently, how gold was illegal and they went around collecting it; even men and womens wedding rings.
Another question; is the reason for the U.S. warring in the middle east because those countries want to sell their oil without using the petro dollar?
That's kind of my thought. Seems like it would beneficial to get in as much debt as possible as long as you aren't getting items that are easy to take like houses and cars. Just survival type items.
Amen sister!All they can take with a car loan is the car, if you can't keep up payments....and with the cost of cars these days, I suspect that will be the least of the problems. If you have a complete stock market crash...most pension and retirement systems will go down the drain. But cheer up....Christ is coming (Maranantha) so maybe this is the year we get "caught up". The signs are coming fast and furious.
My understanding was/is that 2016 is the Jubilee year...but I never counted back. "They" say it's not known for sure when the Jubilee is suppose to be. But - wouldn't the final Jubilee be after the Tribulation? In other words - let's say the church is "caught up" this year at the feast of trumpets (or Tabernacles) The Jubilee year of 2016 would be year 0ne of the cycle..the Tribulation starts because the Jubilee would/could also mean judgement time because people have moved away from God. Natural catastrophes would increase - judgements against nations. I find your scripture really interesting, tho - the 120 years as 120 Jubilees just sounds right, somehow. It's amazing but google worldwide active volcanos - I think you will be astonished - I know I was. We aren't getting all the news we should. Earthquakes should be googled as well - they aren't reporting tremors except locally and they restructured the richter scale down one so people won't panic when it is reported. Stray thoughts here.
The Jubilee didn't start until Moses, my counting is from Creation. The 120th Jubilee according to my study is 2025. Jerusalem's first Jubilee is 2017, so it's all when it starts. Since it's not known if it's ever been done, we cannot know when a real Jubilee would begin except to just declare it.
I'm not sure if you are missing my point or I am missing yours. I was simply thinking that the Jubilee would start the tribulation but (duh) your counting makes more sense that the Jubilee would be after the tribulation. Actually I'm not sure what makes sense the Jubilee is every 50 yrs. The year after the Sabbath year ends. I'll have to think about it.