Economic Downturn Warning

When it rains, both the just and the unjust get wet. I don't disagree with post#156 sentiments, overall, but while one may be "walking in the spirit", we are still in the world and we need to eat and sleep sometime.

I probably need to spend more time sleeping than eating.
Unbacked paper dollars lead to sudden unexpected (actually planned) hyper-inflation and devaluation of the dollar leaving those dependent on paper money (the lower middle class and poor) dependent on "the State" for their sustenance...which will not hit its peak until the next Pres takes office...but yes this has all been done before! Eventually all brainwashed by humanism (man is lord and by consensus can solve all the worlds problems) will come to see the only solution is a one world economy....MARK my words!
Speaking about economic downturns - has anyone read Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn? The book, premises on Isaiah 9:10 as a warning of coming judgement on ancient Israel and links it step by step with the 9/11 with 9 "harbingers" that warn of America, under judgement. The first harbinger was a warning to the nation of America to return to God, as the only way/solution to avoid judgement. It's indicated that America's leaders made a "vow of defiance" (against God) and has tied the actions to rebuild stronger without God with the economic collapse starting in the US in 2008 and then going global with worse economic problems to come. The claim is America's problem is a spiritual one and the dealing with symptoms in a wordly way is like a gardiner trying to control a weed problem by cutting off the leaves or stem of the weed. The book astonished me.
I've only heard about him online in YouTube... I have verified most of what he claims. I wrote so in my blog: As I stated at the beginning, if the patterns hold true, 9/11/2015 will be the worst economic disaster in America, maybe surpassing 10/29/1929. I have found that the shmitas are very relevant to the world. 2014-15 is a shmita year... count back by 7 and see what's happened in the years that come up. I used my windows calculator and Wikipedia (since you can put in a year and it'll give you a summary of events) and it's AMAZING!
Speaking about economic downturns - has anyone read Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn? The book, premises on Isaiah 9:10 as a warning of coming judgement on ancient Israel and links it step by step with the 9/11 with 9 "harbingers" that warn of America, under judgement. The first harbinger was a warning to the nation of America to return to God, as the only way/solution to avoid judgement. It's indicated that America's leaders made a "vow of defiance" (against God) and has tied the actions to rebuild stronger without God with the economic collapse starting in the US in 2008 and then going global with worse economic problems to come. The claim is America's problem is a spiritual one and the dealing with symptoms in a wordly way is like a gardiner trying to control a weed problem by cutting off the leaves or stem of the weed. The book astonished me.

I am reading it right now about a third of the way! I am also astonished by it.
I streamed Cahn live at the Orlando Prophecy not too long ago and decided to follow up by getting his books Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah (they have more spellings of this word than I dunno what). I haven't yet read the 2nd.
I don't see the nation of America returning to God or repenting. I wish so deeply in my heart that this wasn't so. Judgement is inevitable and I don't want to be here then. All we can do is pray.
I've only heard about him online in YouTube... I have verified most of what he claims. I wrote so in my blog: As I stated at the beginning, if the patterns hold true, 9/11/2015 will be the worst economic disaster in America, maybe surpassing 10/29/1929. I have found that the shmitas are very relevant to the world. 2014-15 is a shmita year... count back by 7 and see what's happened in the years that come up. I used my windows calculator and Wikipedia (since you can put in a year and it'll give you a summary of events) and it's AMAZING!

If 9-11 might be worst economic disaster, wouldn't it beneficial to take out biggest loan possible now?
I streamed Cahn live at the Orlando Prophecy not too long ago and decided to follow up by getting his books Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah (they have more spellings of this word than I dunno what). I haven't yet read the 2nd.
I don't see the nation of America returning to God or repenting. I wish so deeply in my heart that this wasn't so. Judgement is inevitable and I don't want to be here then. All we can do is pray.
That's the problem with words from other languages that don't conform to English ways. The sabbath year (shmita Hebrew: שמיטה‎, literally "release") also called the sabbatical year or sheviit (Hebrew: שביעית‎, literally "seventh") is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the Land of Israel, and still observed in contemporary Judaism. It's only found in Deu 15:1-2 (שְׁמִטָּֽה) with all the pronunciation markings.

שמיטה‎ has the spelling of SH+M+I+T+H so when it's pronounced you get shmita or shmitah or shmittah. Sort of like "wash" in the north or "warsh" in the south; "cah" in Boston, or "car" in DC. ;)
If 9-11 might be worst economic disaster, wouldn't it beneficial to take out biggest loan possible now?
I doubt it'll work that way. Only those that have liquidity will be able to make it, worldly speaking. My hopes for this thread was to warn Christians to get out of debt so they don't become victims of those that come to collect debt.

I don't know what's going to happen, but the doom and gloom isn't only from preachers, teachers and prophets, it's those running all this stuff that are yelling out the "handwriting is on the wall" shout. The EU just aligned with China's banking system today! Lord know what that's going to mean or do!
I doubt it'll work that way. Only those that have liquidity will be able to make it, worldly speaking. My hopes for this thread was to warn Christians to get out of debt so they don't become victims of those that come to collect debt.

I don't know what's going to happen, but the doom and gloom isn't only from preachers, teachers and prophets, it's those running all this stuff that are yelling out the "handwriting is on the wall" shout. The EU just aligned with China's banking system today! Lord know what that's going to mean or do!

If I use loan to get out of country it could possibly be beneficial.

I believe Israel's election is tomorrow. Id be curious to see of that has any major play with everything that's going on.
If I use loan to get out of country it could possibly be beneficial.

I believe Israel's election is tomorrow. Id be curious to see of that has any major play with everything that's going on.
An interesting event happens this Friday in Europe. A three-celestial event will happen that won't happen again until 2072. #1 the Spring Equinox (same amount of dark and light in the 24-hour day), #2 Supermoon (closest the moon will be to the earth this year), and #3 Full Solar Eclipse. We'll get to see it if there's no clouds here in Brussels.
Whatever conglomerate is the creditor. For instance - when the IRS thins you owe them, they freeze ALL your assets and have a garage sale on your property. But people will get very cutthroat if the collapse does happen as predicted.

I think you're right. So this loan might be best used for ammunition and off the grid items.

My thought is, if everything does get as bad as predicted then creditors will be the least of my worries. If crime rate increases due to people panicking, I'm guessing calling 911 won't do much good.

So I would assume having the tools to defend against immediate danger to my family would be top priority.