Man, that is scary.I reopened (after cleaning it up) this thread to bring some new news... with the collapse of the EURO because they just started printing money (as of last week) their value is collapsing. This is what is supposed to happen to the U.S. Dollar because the Feds have been printing money for several years, but it hasn't because of the Petro-dollar (oil is bought and sold in U.S. Dollars).
Below is a very telling chart... notice the lineup with the Shmitas (2001, 2007, 2015) interesting the grey is the "recessions".
Below is another one... for durable goods orders... Look at this chart and compare with the one above and you'll see how the 2008 recession was twice that of the 2001 (because of 9/11). Without an event, we're already worse today (Mar 2015) than the bottom of the 2001 recession. So when the next judgment comes on - get this - 9/11/2015, will it be double that of the "great recession" of 2008?
Look at the debt table below... As the debts of a nation go up, the shmita judgements grow stronger.
Date - Dollar Amount
09/30/2014 - 17,824,071,380,733.82
09/30/2013 - 16,738,183,526,697.32
09/30/2012 - 16,066,241,407,385.89
09/30/2011 - 14,790,340,328,557.15
09/30/2010 - 13,561,623,030,891.79
09/30/2009 - 11,909,829,003,511.75
09/30/2008 - 10,024,724,896,912.49
09/30/2007 - 9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 - 8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 - 7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 - 7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 - 6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002 - 6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 - 5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2000 - 5,674,178,209,886.86
Pasted from <>
Here is an interesting parody... think of Gen 12:3 when you read it...
I reopened (after cleaning it up) this thread to bring some new news... with the collapse of the EURO because they just started printing money (as of last week) their value is collapsing. This is what is supposed to happen to the U.S. Dollar because the Feds have been printing money for several years, but it hasn't because of the Petro-dollar (oil is bought and sold in U.S. Dollars).
Interesting thread. I read this in the news the other day and thought it relates:
"I think out of three million Jews that are living in Europe at least one million, a very active part or young part, self-sufficient part are going to leave and it will be a disaster, an economic disaster for Europe in general because first of all some supporters, non-Jewish supporters will come with Jews. It's a lot of cash and money currents are going to leave Europe and also businesses,"
um sorry to be blunt but why should we care?
We already know the world system crashing and satan controlling it etc so why should it bother us?
um sorry to be blunt but why should we care?
We already know the world system crashing and satan controlling it etc so why should it bother us?
@Great Fiction Indeed! Hedge funds lost millions when the Swiss depegged from the Euro. Greece's activities caused the credit system to lower the credit rating of Austria. In the 1970's MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) was created with the Soviets - meaning, no one would survive a nuclear war. It worked. The principle was applied to economics - if one nation decides to "nuke" another economically they in turn would suffer. In principle this should have worked, but it doesn't take into account the wanton greed of men. We are witnessing the greed "nuking" themselves. This past Monday, in order to deal with debt in a foolish manner, the EU decided to follow the U.S.'s example of just printing money. The result, crash of the Euro. Economists are now saying that the Euro could fall as far as 85 cents/$1 USD. What that means is if you have one Euro, it would only be worth $0.85. As of last night, the Euro is worth $1.05. Just 8 months ago it was worth $1.30. The Swiss didn't want to have any part of this and decoupled from the Euro to maintain its own economy. Short term pain for long term gain. What this means for the U.S.... our goods will become more expensive to the Europeans, so the demand will go down, hurting our already weak economy. But that's not all... just last night S. Korean cut interest rates to 1.75% (America has been near 0% for years) which adds S. Korean to the list of 23 other countries trying to ease their economy by making their currency better - aka currency war by 24 countries (MAD). In 2010 Canada, after 60 years at 1.0%, did this (when I lived there) and I had to spend $1.10 for one of their dollars. Today you can get one Canadian dollar for only $0.79!
In your video they guy talks about the Tai Bot... well, just last night they also dropped their interest rates to 1.75%! In fact it's so bad in Europe many are now using negative interest rates! That means they pay the consumer to use their bank to take loans! That'll only bankrupt the bank! All for the love of money and they don't care how much they affect others.
um sorry to be blunt but why should we care?
We already know the world system crashing and satan controlling it etc so why should it bother us?
I fully agree with you. I have enough on my plate than to care about all this. It's the main reason why I don't get into Bible prophecy as I already have too much on my plate than to care about the minute details of prophecy. Jesus is coming back and when I do not know, but He will be back and that is all I need to know.
You might be considered a proponent of the "Christ pan-theory" - It will pan-out in the end with Christ in control.
I agree with your assertion regarding MAD in the economic context. The Great Depression is a real-world example to demonstrate that “compulsory connected monetary policy” causes a "world problem.” Vesting in compulsory monetary policy abroad also binds a country to the fallacy (eventually they cant get out).
If mal-investment in the thirties was like an analogous glass marble, then would today's mal-investment be represented analogously by a beach ball, small house or a gymnasium as a size comparison? Is it even measurable?
Some practical advice: Get out of debt as soon and best as you can, Rom 13:8. Have some silver on hand (it's only $18/oz right now, which is insanely cheap) and most importantly, remember the Lord, Psa 91.
Here's a good site: