I think it's important/significant to pay attention to signs. It keeps me focused that God is sovereign and in control. Interesting video on the shmita/shemitah....and about what is predicted for Sept./2015.
An interesting event happens this Friday in Europe. A three-celestial event will happen that won't happen again until 2072. #1 the Spring Equinox (same amount of dark and light in the 24-hour day), #2 Supermoon (closest the moon will be to the earth this year), and #3 Full Solar Eclipse. We'll get to see it if there's no clouds here in Brussels.
I think you're right. So this loan might be best used for ammunition and off the grid items.
My thought is, if everything does get as bad as predicted then creditors will be the least of my worries. If crime rate increases due to people panicking, I'm guessing calling 911 won't do much good.
So I would assume having the tools to defend against immediate danger to my family would be top priority.
The beginning of God's calendar!And right on the 1st of Nissan!
The beginning of God's calendar!
Exodus 12:2 (KJV)
This month [shall be] unto you the beginning of months: it [shall be] the first month of the year to you.
Two weeks of media hyperbole against Netanyahu and how he is slipping in polls. He got 29 seats and looks as if he will continue as PM. Now CNN is talking sanctions against Israel!!!!
I would reiterate Abdicate's warning that people should do what they can to get out of debt. I don't know what's going to happen but April is not far away to get a feel for what way the economic winds are blowing. We live in, as the Chinese "curse" goes - interesting times. Trust in God and pray.
100% agree along with the full armor of God.The most effective "tool" would be the sword of the Spirit.
I would reiterate Abdicate's warning that people should do what they can to get out of debt. I don't know what's going to happen but April is not far away to get a feel for what way the economic winds are blowing. We live in, as the Chinese "curse" goes - interesting times. Trust in God and pray.
Two weeks of media hyperbole against Netanyahu and how he is slipping in polls. He got 29 seats and looks as if he will continue as PM. Now CNN is talking sanctions against Israel!!!!
I would reiterate Abdicate's warning that people should do what they can to get out of debt. I don't know what's going to happen but April is not far away to get a feel for what way the economic winds are blowing. We live in, as the Chinese "curse" goes - interesting times. Trust in God and pray.
100% agree along with the full armor of God.
Could you go into more depth on what the sword of the Spirit is, and how you would use it in regards to the events to come?
Easier said then done when you owe over 17,000 dollars on a car loan.
Easier said then done when you owe over 17,000 dollars on a car loan.
Has anyone given thought to the failing world economies being a stepping stone for the anti-Christ leader to poke his head into our lives? Join the world to a single monetary unit and stand up in all glory to present a "miraculous" turn-around?
On a different note: What is nice about not having "assets" are that you do not have to worry about people knocking on your door to take it. Live light and enjoy the flight.