Think tose needing old age need it for their Theistic Evolution!
You might want to think that one through. I do not grasp your meaning.
Without a doubt......Young Earth vs. Old Earth beginning is the most contested conversation in Chritianity.
In 1650, the Archbishop of Ireland James Ussher estimated that the Earth was created on Oct. 23, 4004 B.C. Ussher’s work continues to be cited by creationists as evidence that the Earth is only 6000 thousand years old. For some reason that position still stands today in light of all the science that disputes it.
Now since then science, through Radio graphing, and DNA, and Carbon dating has shown that the 6000 year old theory is scientifically impossible.
Now we as believers can only respond by saying that "ALL the Science is wrong". That places all of us in an untenable position.
Or we can say that ALL the bones dug up of animals are "Fabricated" to confuse Christians to doubt their faith.
Or we can accept brother Ussher which means that T-Rex and Adam lived together.
As A young man many years ago I just could not accept that Adam and Eve lived along side of a T-Rex but that is the ONLY answer I could come up with.
That then means ALL of the Science that dates dinosaur bones as "Millions" of years old are wrong. However, there are the bones of those animals which if the Earth is 6000 years old then those animals were on the earth with Adam and Eve.
Problem with that is that there is NO mention of anything like that in the Scriptures.
Second, IF they were present in Genesis why didn't Noah have any of them on the Ark?