Throughout life, one's behaviour depends on the way one has been brought up and whether one has been following the example of Jesus.
Every life has a different purpose, and the result depends on whether that purpose has been identified in youth and followed faithfully.
I might be thought of as being old now I am 95, and when I look back to my youth and then to my responsibilities as a provider for a family for 66 years, I do sometimes wonder to what extent I depended on the result of my night-time prayers in those days.
I try to imagine Jesus helping Joseph in his workshop, with a reliance on the constant presence of his Father, and now, with no connection with a work-a-day world, my every thought and feeling can be surrounded by being in God's hand, not just at night, but throughout the whole day.
A great difference is noticeable when one lives alone and there is no-one to argue with, and if my only visitors are my three adult retired 'children', of course my behaviour would appear to a stranger as a humble, thankful believer, rather than someone living among others who are demanding pity and compassion.
Now my main dilemma is to know how my prayers should be divided between ridding myself of pain and remembering the needs of the rest of the world.