Sweetheart, God, the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE is NOT boring!!!!Yeah but I would never imagine myself not being a Harry Potter fan, not loving Severus Snape, not listening to any music, and other things... It would be so boring...
But I still believe that people can watch anything as long as they don't mislead.
You thinking that a Christian lifestyle is boring...that is a lie from the pits of hell.
Just keep reading your Bible and asking God to reveal the truth to you. He will. You have a misconception about Christianity that you picked up somewhere. We don't do things that are Godly because we are forced to and Funtime is over... We do it because we LOVE doing things that glorify God. It's the opposite of boring.
Oh man I do wish I could scoop you up and take you out with my christian friends!! Come to AZ!!

Just keep taking each day as it comes...devote time to Jesus and His word and focus on HIM not your sin. He will change your heart. You do not need to force yourself to do something or change something to appease other Christians. But just have some humility and be open to what we are saying. We care about you!!