Oneoness is a different view of the trinity. Not oppositon. I can agree with it. It does get confusing though when you consider Jesus prayed to His Father and as you said sits next to Him in heaven.
I have heard it explained that Jesus was teaching us to pray when He prayed to His Father. Everything He did He did for us. The 40 days in the wilderness was to show us that He was dealing with a very real flesh issue. That needed to be subdued. Just as when He shouted ''my Lord my Lord why have you forsaken me'. It was for us to see that God was ''not cheating''. He had the flesh in full opposition. Likewise I guess we could understand Jesus sitting next to God as how God relates to us. IE imagine one seat. Jesus shares this seat and is to the right of God. Perhaps we always see Jesus as God / God as Jesus? I mean He does say 'if you have seen me you have seen the Father'. We imagine wanting to see God, but perhaps we don't see Him, only Jesus?
To approach the subject of the Trinity of God we are in fact talking about and considering ,thinking and indeed approaching the Godhead.
As such then we are seeking to enter the most Holy place .We have no hope at all in the matter if we are not saved. Or BORNagain.
For we are it were not even of and in the camp of Israel let alone able to enter into the outer court of the tabernacle.
Nor if we are BORN again and have but entered into the Outer court and the place of sacrifice still of a mind (being 'babes") yo see or understand anything of the matter for the most Holy place is not seen with eyes and by the light of the sun as it were. But we must approach after having washed our hands and feet and put off the old man and put on Christ. and walk by faith that is to say to see with the understanding that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God would lead us.
and we may then catch a glimpse of what we are about. and then through a glass darkly.
The purpose Jesus came to this earth was to reconcile us to the Father .
We should take what the scriptures say very carefully and seriously and every Word Jesus said as if we was entering (and we are) into the most Holy place .
God is not a butterfly we can pin on the board of our intellect.
He is not one we can say and measure with our minds.
When a true prophet of God saw the Lord high and lifted up and his train filled the temple .He saw the angels of God unable or unwilling to look upon the face of God but covered their faces with two wings and with their feet two wings and with the other two flew. and cried Holy, Holy Holy is the Lord.
Isiah though he was a good man whos lips were not to shed blood or swear or any such thing. Yet still cried out when He saw God "woe is me for I am a man of unclean lips ......................." He shrank away, sunk was undone in the light of the Holyness of God thrice over .
Job though a man of great integrity before the Lord "consider my servant Job" when he too was faced with the AWE FULL presence of God he said "I have heard of thee but now mine eyes seeth thee ,I repent in dust and ashes....."
From dust to dust and ashes to ashes comes to mind.
The scriptures say we may come boldly into the presence of God and so we can. Because there in the presence of God in the most Holy place" is the blood that speaks of better things than the blood of Abels"
We should not nor do I think we can run into the presence of God like silly children do who without thought or understanding run around in church noisy and careless as to where they are , and are often allowed to .
There was and still is a right approach to God a God who is still "Holy Holy Holy"
John the beloved and the one most close to the Lord in the flesh enough and with the liberty to rest his head on the Lords chest at the last supper . Who while all the other said "is it I, is it I" He alone said "who is it Lord ?" He knew it was not him.
Yet when he was on the isle called Patmos on the Lords day ,he heard a voice behind him (man is always looking the wrong way it seems) and turning to see who had spoken saw the Lord and fell down as one dead.
and like Isiah who was given a live coal from off the altar to cleans his lips .So here the Lord raised him up and he was able to stand.
I do not believe the church knows God as it thinks it does .
In truth "little children ye know the father and your sins are forgiven you"
But what of" Ye young men the Word of God dwells in you richly and abides and ye have overcome the wicked one"?
and even more so "Ye fathers ye know Him who is from the beginning"
That there are so called 'debates' about the Trinity of God shows by some how little if at all they know of God.
Much of the 'debates ' on this matter as on others are of the "yea hath God said variety" where the serpent wanted to get a religious debate about what God had said and in the midst of the debate was able to literally sow his seeds of confusion , doubt and in the end down right lies .Changing the truth into a lie and the result is the world we live in.
The Trinity of God then is not for the open market .It is in the Holy place and between Gods people of a will and disposition to go there.
in Christ