In the past, when considering Christianity( I do believe that Bible is a wonderful book), never quite understood why is the Old Testament God Yahweh so different from the New Testament God Yahweh.
In the OT, when reading the first commandment, and the rest and also when reading Leviticus where it talks about the punishments for not obeying the Lord, I do find it hard that He would let you spit, slap, humiliate and then crucify Him. What I am saying is that from reading those verses it doesn't seem that the OT God would is the kind of God who would have that done to Him.
Of course, I could be wrong, but it seems that way. Which is one of the reasons that Jew's don't accept Christ as a Son of God, or Prophet.
Looking forward to your reasoning.
Good question. Allow me to speak to you question of why in the Old Testament, God appears powerful, holy, punishing, angry, and jealous. In the New, in the form of Jesus, He appears kind, loving, meek, and forgiving. How do we reconcile the powerful Deity that ordered the destruction of countless cities with the kneeling Jesus who defended the adulterous woman?
The purpose of God in the Old and New Testaments is the same: choose people who don't deserve His attention, allow them to display His glory and righteousness, and commission them teach the world about Him.
In the Old Test. God dealt with a nation, Israel which was called out to be His example. The key is to realize the context. In the Old Testament, the context was God's relationship with the nation He had chosen to represent His holiness and teach the world about Him. In the New Testament, and now in the church age, the context is God's relationship with the individuals and the church He has chosen to represent His holiness and teach the world about Him.
God hasn't changed; the context has changed. He no longer primarily relates to the world through a sovereign nation, but through individuals and the church. This affects how we see the scale of His work. Where, in the Old Testament, an entire nation may have been destroyed, we see today one serial killer caught and prosecuted. Where, before, the nation of Israel may have gone into exile for their disobedience, now a sinful pastor is removed from ministry.
And, by the same measure, where, before, God showed longsuffering toward His chosen people as they rebelled against Him, He now shows that same mercy to us when we choose the things of the world over His Word. God's holiness, passion, restraint, and fury are all exactly the same; we just see it on a personal level instead of a national one. And that means we can experience His love and forgiveness on a personal level, as well.
From the Crusades, to the Inquisition, to the programs in Europe, to Hitler’s Holocaust—Jews ultimately believe that they are being held responsible for the death of Jesus Christ and are being persecuted for that reason. They, therefore, reject Him today.
If you miss this fact it will mess up the rest of your thinking so I hope this helps your understanding.