Paul was speaking in admonition to a congregation that happened to need his advice concerning ill-mannered women who spoke out in meeting, not understanding what was being taught and asking questions, etc when they should have been listening quietly. Men didn't need that admonition because they had been taught in school how to learn quietly as children. Girls didn't have the same opportunities to learn the Torah.
This is Paul's admonition, and he never made it a for-all-time edict for the Church of Jesus Christ.
1 Timothy 2:11-12
A woman must learn in silence, in keeping with her position. 12 I don’t allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. Instead, she should be quiet.
Cool selfie, do you sing?
Thank you beloved for your response. That would totally make sense to me if I didn't read Paul's reason why, which he says immediately after that sentence
"she must be quiet." Why??? "For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety."
So as much as I would love to go with what you are saying, I think Paul makes it pretty clear for his reason.
God doesn't say one word about women not being pastors, especially when you understand what pastoring really is. Holy Spirit doesn't check the plumbing before He blesses a person with the gift of pastor....the Greek term being, 'poimen' which means shepherd or overseer. The spiritual gift of pastor is directly linked to the gift of teaching in Ephesians 4:11.
Jeremiah 3:15; Acts 20:28; John 10:11-18.
and then I realized God talks to me everyday, and was trying to talk to me even before I realized he was.
I love you my dear and just as my brother Gene has said, I can tell from your comments that you are walking with the Lord.
However in this instance, I agree with Gene as IMHO the Bible makes it abundantly clear that the office of deacon and Pastor are for men and not women. Now do not misunderstand me, I did not say I like it or even agree with it, BUT it is what the Bible says so I obey it. Personally, I have seen women who act and work more for the cause of Christ than men do. They are the ones who cook, and clean and take care of babies and they d almost all of the teaching in Bible studies in churches.
In addition to the Scriptures Gene has posted, please consider..........
1 Tim. 3:1
"This is a true saying, If a MAN desire the office of a bishop HE desires a good work".
1 Tim. 3:2
"A Bishop then must be blameless, the HUSBAND of one wife..........".
"One that rules well HIS own house..........".
"For if a MAN know not how to rule...........".
"Moreover HE must have a good report.........".
"My pastor she"
FailPancakes: "Well God chose my pastor so you can take it up with Him, but she defintely walks by the spirit...His spirit, and approves of the position He gave her, bc His power flows through her when she speaks,teaches,and heals."
"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet." 1tim2:12
Can someone help me understand this verse? and if someone is "spirit-led" would they be led into disobeying the word of God? I'm confused
You're right hunting.. esp abt being happy with what I've been given...
Its just hard when God seems to freely lavish Himself on some. With out limit o.o
It makes me quite jealous.
I had that same question, though I didn't ask it sarcastically. When I say God speaking to me it is through the holy spirit.I'm curious. What does God sound like when he talks to you? Does he have an accent?
How did you come to know that he speaks to you before you realised?
He's just asking a question...I had that same question, though I didn't ask it sarcastically. When I say God speaking to me it is through the holy spirit.
I think this is a good read.What would that be, pray tell? Does chronological order have something to do with it?
No, it is about etiquette in the house of God, and about learning with respect and quietude....and about respect for those who teach....which was not happening at one point and Paul had to step up as an apostle and show the church how to do it.
I'm curious. What does God sound like when he talks to you? Does he have an accent?
How did you come to know that he speaks to you before you realised?
I think this is a good read.
I apologize if you were legitimately asking me. I had checked your profile beforehand and saw you considered yourself atheist and jumped to the conclusion that you were being condescending.I'm curious. What does God sound like when he talks to you? Does he have an accent?
How did you come to know that he speaks to you before you realised?
I know this is not a face to face conversation which makes it hard to know who I truly am, but I was 100% not trying to be prideful or chauvinistic when I posted the article. I might be wrong and am deeply sorry if I am, I have been praying to God to guide and give me insight in this and many other debatable topics. Thank you for your prayer, I see where you are coming from and if I get more insight on this subject I will try to remember to share it with you.CARM is wrong, of course, and influenced by the Greco-Roman cultural remnant that is still strong today.
The proof is in His own Word, God says. The 2000 years of church "doctrine" on this topic is in itself a worldly interpretation, furthering the Greco-Roman way of keeping women from knowing God fully and serving Him as God calls her. It is that past culture that continues to influence us and remains so pervasive even today. Jesus never spoke once against women, but rather called them out from their agonizing existence that they had been forced to live in. It was forbidden for certain Jewish men and rabbis to speak to a woman...yet He did it many times! It was forbidden to teach a woman...He did it many times! Jesus emboldened and freed women from that bondage into a new world of service to the Master! This work continued in the church as Paul also carried on that aspect of Jesus' ministry to women, teaching them and launching them out into ministry, serving God alongside men.
I say, once again, the proof is in the understanding of the Word of God by the Holy Spirit's power. I will continue to pray for you and others who are so blind to the truth. I feel so badly for men (and women) who have bought the lie, as they have played into the hand of the enemy, who seeks to destroy and hold back the the Kingdom of God through this type of division. Satan hates women and has been very successful in HALVING the workforce of God and thus delaying the coming of Christ. He also has had men unknowingly commit such a sin of pride. This is the subject of my prayer: that the Holy Spirit will open eyes to the Truth of His freedom. We are free people in Him. Praise Jesus my King, my Saviour, my Lord---my all in all! May peace be with you all.
I know this is not a face to face conversation which makes it hard to know who I truly am, but I was 100% not trying to be prideful or chauvinistic when I posted the article. I might be wrong and am deeply sorry if I am, I have been praying to God to guide and give me insight in this and many other debatable topics. Thank you for your prayer, I see where you are coming from and if I get more insight on this subject I will try to remember to share it with you.