Beloved, we must seriously evaluate this, isn't the title of the his book, "Is that really you God?" or something questioning like that (it's been years since I read it), but the title is presented with doubt which to me means Cunningham wasn't really sure he was hearing from God about his vision (not to mention it is unscriptural to send out debutantes on missionary journeys, just look how many years Paul was in preparation before the Holy Spirit sent him and Barnabas out), ...and, you have not answered my question how a 20 year old man can go against the authority of his church elders and believe God would bless his rebellion, on top of that YWAM went three decades without being in subjection to any authority until in the early 2000's they came under the umbrella of Calvary Chapel Honolulu, but it's my understand they didn't stay there long.
My great grandmother reference was to Eve and how she added to what God said, which is a character trait that you (and all women) have inherited from her that must be kept in subjection by the power of the Holy Spirit.
It has nothing to do with culture, I'm confused with how you could think the man that penned we are new creations in Christ, everything is new and the old has passed away, and I count everything of my Jewish culture as dung could say those things and then still believe in and teach about our culture (which incidentally is one of the major false teaching in YWAM today, ...people must return to their culture and the YWAMers here are teaching the Tahitians their supreme god Tanaroa is the same as the God of the bible)?
Jesus said, I Am the Truth, He didn't say I'm one of many truths, He also said He would send the Comforter and He would teach us all Truth and bring to our remembrance what He (Jesus) had said, that means His Truth is Universal, the Holy Spirit teaches the same Truth in all parts of the Body of Christ where ever they might be placed in the world, ...what you believe is not universal truth in the Body of Christ, but is confined to a small minority who are saying, ...we have new revelation from God!
Dear sister, I sure hope and pray you can see this, not that I'm trying to win an argument, but rather in Love I want to see you stand before the Bema Seat of Christ and receive all the rewards the Lord has for you, rather that see your works of and in the flesh be burned up.
In His Love,