Dear sister, I know you are sincere, but I have to question God leading you to Lauren Cunningham, if you will do the research you will find he was in rebellion to his elders of the AoG when they told him NOT to start YWAM, ...I know it started out with the right intentions because I know personally and worked with Dallas Moore, one of the first YWAMers along with Larry Hendricks, both from my hometown of Bakersfield CA, but today it is filled with all kinds of false teaching (if you will look on the internet you will find testimonies from the kids of being taught New Age Eastern Mysticism and occultic practices) , even the director Danny (L--I've forgotten his name) has admitted it, I know they are all over the globe, but that doesn't make it correct or of God, ...just like the YMCA, on his deathbed Moody told his elders it was not of God and to close it down, ...just look where it is today.
In His Love,
In His Love,