The only reason I am adding one more post here is duo that my perception in God that many here are being honest in your analisys and able to accept the truth...the word of God....
Even that, are too many subjects being adressed now....I will try to be very resumed....not as back and
I only adressed the main topic at first.....Imaculated Conception and arguments related to it...
Queen of Haven from direct reference to Mary as such in the bible(salve one interpretation could be used, but this if absouluted taken out of context and not direct reference) Clement of Alexandria said everyone was sinner including Mary...but only Jesus had not sin...This is absolute biblical...Can you find a single word in the bible the says Mary was sinniless? Just mention Clement becouse you mention his name...
You mention David mother as Queen..ok.....have you ever seen a jew ofering a service to her name? Or prying to her? did you ever saw a jew on their knees before a statue of David? Or Moses?
Have ask your self why they do not do that? Did you ever try to argue that its only venneration with a jews?
I think if I was hearing stuff like this spoken from a pulpit or elsewhere, I'd critically examine what was being told to me:
Doing so, You are acting as the brothers of Bereia....its your soul and you are absoulte responsable for it...
1) Is the person teaching this a person from a reputable teaching background? Have they themselves been educated correctly?
The Synod of Toulouse is a great exemple of the correct education and reputation? What do you think of it?
Here is the transcript of what they decide...In my humble opnion they are no diferent from the Natzi or Communism...just substitute the word herege by whatever you want...
2) Is this hatred? Bigotry? Has it been soundly and factually sourced out using scholarly and correct historical sources?
Again, I am being absolute strait me that I am trying to miss lead anybody and I will silence...did I not provide Documents or did use any thing but the bible...
3) Is this fact or opinion? Can I back it up easily by finding other unbiased sources that will match it?
If we could earsase the pages of church history, them, It could be mere my opinion, but...I could bring tousands of more of factual crazy, absurd deviations of the bible made up in church history...
Did not the puritans burn witches on stick? Brutal error.....
Now, I want to include my whole view as in relation to the 7 churches of revelation or in regards of the prostitute babylon, I dont think there a way to separate
Revalation 17...
6 And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
When I saw her, I marveled greatly. 7 But the angel said to me, “Why do you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her.
For me, verse 6 is the most reveling.....John was appal...He could not understand why the Bride was killing by parts:
Interpretation for the 7 Churches:
It makes more sense that are related to periods/phases of the Churh as a whole and not to specific denomination...and here is why I say that with a pretty solid conclusion...
We are at a new "dispansation" lets say....but if we look at the OT and observe specialy; I and II Kings as exemple, when God refer to the 10 tribes of North(Israel) as the prostitute(most of time)...He does not so offen to Judah...what it means to us?!
A clear division in th kingdon, but God ALWAYS cosider them both as HIS PEOPLE...for me it freezes my it is true!
What are their sins...go read! Too many!
We tend to say "My church is more rigth than yours"...but clearly God's does not see that way....just read the bible...
He brings judment to the practices when they are out of His word, but becouse of His name...He calls all His people....
I my opnion...7 Churches = 7 Periods
Denominationatly divided, I dont think so. I dont think the bible have support to that...
Denomationaly speaking....we all time to time if not carefull became prostitutes....some times we persiste in error, make new ones and so on....due to pressure, miss leading piety, power, money, imorality, false love...etc...
Be fair and imagine if the reform did not taken place...we would not have this discoussion! Imagine if the Synod was rulling until today?! Insane!
So, my opinion...We are one church! But we act as prostitutes sometimes, and individualy, we will respond to that...
If you understand these acts as a barrier to your spiritual growth in your denomination as I did and many do....CHANGE it! Or you will be foud in debit!
I wanted GOD and His unpassing word...for me was impossible to stay...
Hope that I helped....its not about a denominational flag....its about God and His word....
God bless!