Jesus actually cursed the fig tree when it wasnt fruiting, and it died.
The thing is, someone who doesnt know about trees would just leave it unfruitful. If you cut a tree down to a stump, it even has a chance to regenerate, but if you just leave it to rot off, just because you dont like change, thats worse than useless.
I dont know about 'society' changing am always sceptical of what people mean when they say 'society has to change' it really starts with individual hearts.
The new winsekins parable also parallels the new garments parable. This is where Jesus says you cant just patch up an old garment you will make it worse. Its better to just have a brand new garment! Think of it a bit like windows vs apple. Windows is always forever putting new patches on old systems, wheras apple is a more intentional about the entire design of their products.
I worked in the 'information' industry for many years i,e the library. The way many people process information is different, the packages that information can come in, like books, need to be constantly renewed. If you dont renew your library stock it becomes stagnant, mouldy and dusty, and nobody wants to read a mouldy old book. Its like websites, if you dont ever update them, they become outdated. Its not that say the wineskins or garment are completely different, its still a wineskin and its still a garment functioning with the same purpose its that Jesus wants the packaging to be renewed so he can fill us afresh.
The thing is, someone who doesnt know about trees would just leave it unfruitful. If you cut a tree down to a stump, it even has a chance to regenerate, but if you just leave it to rot off, just because you dont like change, thats worse than useless.
I dont know about 'society' changing am always sceptical of what people mean when they say 'society has to change' it really starts with individual hearts.
The new winsekins parable also parallels the new garments parable. This is where Jesus says you cant just patch up an old garment you will make it worse. Its better to just have a brand new garment! Think of it a bit like windows vs apple. Windows is always forever putting new patches on old systems, wheras apple is a more intentional about the entire design of their products.
I worked in the 'information' industry for many years i,e the library. The way many people process information is different, the packages that information can come in, like books, need to be constantly renewed. If you dont renew your library stock it becomes stagnant, mouldy and dusty, and nobody wants to read a mouldy old book. Its like websites, if you dont ever update them, they become outdated. Its not that say the wineskins or garment are completely different, its still a wineskin and its still a garment functioning with the same purpose its that Jesus wants the packaging to be renewed so he can fill us afresh.