A student in a classroom does not have free-will, but are under the will of the teacher, and they may choose to use a red pencil or a blue, but that still does not mean they have free-will?
Lol Mitspa. I see your point, there is some truth to it, but you are wrong.
A student can bunk school. A student can throw the teacher off the balcony. Now you automatically assume when CCW raised this that this would be evil / slave to sin.... but what if the teacher was evil? What if he was killing students?
We have free will when a slave of sin and we have free will when a slave of God. We choose to carry our cross daily. Many of us...don't.
Consider Abrahams bosom. There were
slaves of sin that bent the knee / have a heart after God's and then there were
slaves of sin that didn't! Abraham had faith / bent the knee to God, but yet he was a slave of sin. He was guilty of the death penalty by the law of Moses for adultery with his maidservant. David was guilty of the death penalty for murder but yet bent the knee...
before and
after murder.
In the NT,
after the cross, we receive a new nature 2 Cor 5:17. This does not mean we are 100% slaves to God, it just means we have less of an excuse for giving in to 'mortal' sins, hence this scripture Heb 10:29
How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?.
It is like marriage. You would say that I am a slave to my wife? I would entertain that thought because I do love her and cannot ever think of not being with her. But reality is, I can commit adultery and force a change of heart....any-day!
Lastly...lets say bending the knee despite sin = NT born again =
eternal slave of God (OSAS type) and not bending the knee = slave of sin. For you to suggest we have no free will when having two choices is to suggest God has no free will. Would free will exist only if we have more then two choices? Don't you see how silly that is?
Free will exists as long as there is no '''forcing''' us to make a choice between two or more options. If you do not believe in free will, you automatically believe God is evil / forcing us to be with Him. Now I know you don't believe that.
Right this very second I can pull the middle finger to God and go commit a mortal sin with no repentance....I can
bounce between good and evil if I wanted too. That is free will! But I
choose to carry my cross!