Irresistible Grace & People "falling Away" From Christianity. How Does This Happen?

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You where a slave of sin, and any freedom you have is because it is Gods Will working in you to will and to act according to His good pleasure.
Look, nothing about obedience to God is a matter of my own will...that's unbiblical. Yes I have choices, but they are made in context of My Fathers will, and my desire to know and walk in His Will. If I disobey, its because I have chosen to walk in my own free-will. Free-will is a term that is ungodly in context of the gospel.
But you have a choice to be disobedient if you want. That means you have a free will to choose right from wrong.
You are only assuming these kids will be obedient. They can do other things not in their parents will.
No just making the point that a "choice" does not mean "free-will' that is a pretty simple concept. A man on death row, gets to decide his last meal... :eek:
You where a slave of sin, and any freedom you have is because it is Gods Will working in you to will and to act according to His good pleasure.
Thats right I was a slave to sin, I had no choice but to sin, so he gave me another choice I could make. He gave me a free will to choose to either be set free or stay in bondage.
Guess I didn't see anyone not caring.

I will quickly admit that as a still-adjusting Reformed person, I am still confused about how to pray for the lost. I just keep doing what I did as an Arminian and hope it is not an affront yo G-d. :oops:
I just pray for God's will to be done like Christ said to do. Which is interesting because whether I pray for it to be done or not, it will still be done.. I guess that's predestination for ya. :)
No just making the point that a "choice" does not mean "free-will' that is a pretty simple concept. A man on death row, gets to decide his last meal... :eek:
A man on death row has no hope of getting out of his sentence , but we do. We have a free will choice to either believe or not.
Does this really sound like free-will?

Php 2:12 ¶ Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;
13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

I can not surrender unless I make a free will choice to surrender.
Well surrender is not free-will, no matter how you try to add this unbiblical term into the equation. How can a slave surrender to a power greater than himself and then brag about his free-will? :LOL:
Does this really sound like free-will?

Php 2:12 ¶ Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;
13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

Those words were addressed to the Apostles and sounds to me like a teacher, telling his students, that don't just obey me in the classroom, but even more so without from the classroom. And it implies that they could disobey.
Well surrender is not free-will, no matter how you try to add this unbiblical term into the equation. How can a slave surrender to a power greater than himself and then brag about his free-will? :LOL:
You mean a bond servant who has been set free, but has decided to stay with his master. The bond servant used his free will to choose to surrender and stay with his master.
A man on death row has no hope of getting out of his sentence , but we do. We have a free will choice to either believe or not.
Right and you had no choice but as a slave to sin, and you only had no part in salvation but to surrender to Gods Will and mercy...Now to call that free-will is just silly.
Well surrender is not free-will, no matter how you try to add this unbiblical term into the equation. How can a slave surrender to a power greater than himself and then brag about his free-will? :LOL:

when the slave is free? The only way the slave gets free is his/her choice.
Those words were addressed to the Apostles and sounds to me like a teacher, telling his students, that don't just obey me in the classroom, but even more so without from the classroom. And it implies that they could disobey.
You mean a bond servant who has been set free, but has decided to stay with his master. The bond servant used his free will to choose to surrender and stay with his master.
No he was a slave to sin, in bondage to sin and under threat of destruction and death...
A student in a classroom does not have free-will, but are under the will of the teacher, and they may choose to use a red pencil or a blue, but that still does not mean they have free-will?
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