Passed on, February 28, 2022
A Biblical principle can hold true even if the word we choose to call it does not appear.Is the word "trinity" in the Bible or "rapture" along with "free will"?
A Biblical principle can hold true even if the word we choose to call it does not appear.Is the word "trinity" in the Bible or "rapture" along with "free will"?
Hi, Silk.Just a thought: When God told Abraham about the coming destruction of Sodom and Gommorah, Abraham began to "negotiate" ....I believe it came down to 10 righteous men - if there were 10 righteous men living in the condemned cities - they would not be destroyed. (I assume the 10 could be women as well). Are we our brother's keeper - is it possible the true faith of the few could save us all? We are told to love our fellow human beings, believer or not. It's the only half way convincing argument I have for a pre- trib rapture - that like Lot - the evil is too wide spread. And I think Lot was taken out, only because of God's love for Abraham - not because he was righteous. But doesn't that mean we didn't pray hard enough for our brothers/sisers to see the truth?
No the opposite is not a "robot" the opposite would be a slave, such as a "slave" to sin...the scriptures does not promote that man has power to serve God in the effect of his own will, but clearly shows the opposite as being true. and obedience is NEVER described as walking in ones own "free-will" that's completely unbiblical.How can we not have free will? The opposite of free will is a robot and we are not robots...
All of us can grasp the term, we don't need a dictionary or anyone to define it really. Free will = free will. I also disagree with the ''we have as much free will as given examples...like 'Where's' with 'a lion has free will to choose who to eat'.....we have free will on par with God.
The Bible does call him "righteous" more than once. Can't remember where.
I think, however, that we tend to think of Lot as we do politicians, old Uncle Harry, and that bratty child who is now grown up: we forget that people have pasts they can leave behind and that salvation changes those who believe. We tend to think mainly of the sins and think the people have remained the same. Lot had plenty of time to repent and change his ways, and one would think that what he had seen, as well as what he was seeing, would cause him to repent.
No "predestination" does not, but those who twist these biblical terms into error are the issue. Who cares what a Calvinist believes? I have never met one...ever! They only are used by some as a type of strawman in order to speak against what these terms really mean, in the true grace of God.God would that none should perish.
If Calvinist Predestination is true, then God most certainly did wish that many, in fact most, would perish, thuis making the first statement a blatant lie.
Predestination makes God a murderer, because He then would be creating beings who have no option, no choice, but to suffer for all eternity, and that is EVIL.
well the term self-righteousness is not in the bible either, it is still abomination and an error!Is the word "trinity" in the Bible or "rapture" along with "free will"?
All all these terms can and have been twisted to promote error.well the term self-righteousness is not in the bible either, it is still abomination and an error!![]()
Actually "rapture" is in the scriptures it's just we've translated it to Latin before coming into English, it's called harpatzo... catch away violently.Is the word "trinity" in the Bible or "rapture" along with "free will"?
No "predestination" does not, but those who twist these biblical terms into error are the issue. Who cares what a Calvinist believes? I have never met one...ever! They only are used by some as a type of strawman in order to speak against what these terms really mean, in the true grace of God.
The Bible does call him "righteous" more than once. Can't remember where.
I think, however, that we tend to think of Lot as we do politicians, old Uncle Harry, and that bratty child who is now grown up: we forget that people have pasts they can leave behind and that salvation changes those who believe. We tend to think mainly of the sins and think the people have remained the same. Lot had plenty of time to repent and change his ways, and one would think that what he had seen, as well as what he was seeing, would cause him to repent.
Oh, thank you! I just looked it up, and this was what I intended, which includes the Scripture you gave here:Here ya go dear one,
2Pe 2:7 And He delivered righteous Lot, oppressed with the lustful behavior of the lawless.
In Abe's negotiating with the Lord he stopped at ten, hoping that Lot (1), his wife (2), his two married daughters (4) and their husbands (6), his two young daughters (8) who hadn't reached the age of accountability and their two future husbands (10) would be spared,
but...............(now here comes the hijack that I'm so well known for),
Lot is a type or illustration of the church that will be taken to safety before the wrath of God falls on this planet and it's inhabitants, Lot is an illustration of a carnal Christian, whereas Enoch is an illustration of a spiritual Christian, both will be taken in the Rapture, his two daughters were under the age of accountability so they were spared, hence ALL children under the age of accountability will be taken with the Church, his wife is a type of a modern day pew warmer and his other daughters...., actually Lot's story here is a Scriptural commentary on John 1:12, 13.
My two cents,
Hey Gene (waves and smiles). Where in the OT does it say Lot was righteous? Just wondering. And what happened to the offspring from the cave activities? I don't think they became part of the people of Israel but my memory is bad - didn't they became part of Israel's enemies? I admit the story, as a whole has some legs for pre trib rapture because of the fact that 10 righteous men could have stopped what happened to Sodom but "carnal Christians" ruins it for me. What are carnal christians?
No you used a term that is very biblical and has great importance and dismissed it in the name of Calvinism. My point being that the biblical term is not defeated because someone named Calvin and others in his name have made errors about its true biblical meaning..you must not be paying attention?Mitspa, you should at least make a token attempt to refute what I have stated, rather than the paltry "No it's not."
I've met way too many Calvinists, you must not be paying attention.
He surrendered to His Fathers will...He did not walk in His own will...Come on?Did Jesus have a free will to disobey his Father? Could Jesus fail if he wanted to. If we do not have a free will to follow the Lord then someone else made that decision for us. That is not freedom or liberty.