You are stuck like all Calvinists on the notion that Omniscience + Creator + sovereign = no free will = God is impartial.SO disagree. Since you somewhat challenged me in your post #138 above, possibly the main problem Arminians have is that they believe they have full control of their thoughts and actions. As to the Arminianism I was IN, we were little gods unto ourselves, totally in control of both achieving our salvation (by our choice) and in losing it (by our choice). We decided. ("I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, No turning back.")
And I see your post just posted. G-d can't do whatever He wants? He is not omnipotent?
The correct equation is to take those facts /verses and add the other facts / all of scriptures definitions of God are.....facts. We then arrive at the correct conclusion of God....
Omniscience + Creator + omnipotent + sovereign + Cross (the time God limited His power 100% and made Himself an object for us to torture) + God is good + God is just + God is impartial / no respecter of persons = free will = limited omniscience / God limits it for us.
Conclusion: Calvinism is a half truth. Not an evil one. But still not one that prompts the unsaved to get saved imho.