I met a "woman" who identifies as such when he is actually a pre-op transsexual. We began talking because he saw the tiny dove pendant I had on my necklace and presumed I was Christian.
Long story short, he said he identified himself now as an atheist. But had formerly been Christian but had fallen away from the faith.
This got me curious and so here I am.
When there is such a thing as irresistible grace how does someone fall away? Is it that they were not in grace in the first place? But simply held faith in the institution of Christianity?
And on that note, when irresistible grace is bestowed by God's predestination through the Holy Spirit, what does that mean as to not only the message of the cross, that Jesus sacrifice saved the whole world, especially those that believe, but for those who are not appointed irresistible grace?
Does it mean God predestined some people to die unsaved? How does irresistible grace apply when Jesus saved the whole world?
Thank you for your sincere replies and patience with my questions. Had I not met this young man today I don't think I would have arrived at them.

God Bless.