see this has been going on for years many denoms say no . many say yes some start there own church . i have a lady friend i grew up around lives many miles from me. she is woman preacher i dont argue the fact due to friendship.Is women preachers a doctrinal issue? You bet it is!
i will say this if the woman is not to preach ..then men need step up to the plate.. there is a lack of pastorship in our area . although some Churches want a hand picked pastor instead of one sent .
so there is more problems than just women preachers SBC is on a train wreck. if they dont get back to the basics . men like Adrian Rogers preached the word. my biggest objection sbc they got into politics... then the org went political .the general Baptist not sure what they focus on. even though i am part of it.. but they dont know me .
the UMC is splitting due to same sex marriage , the Church needs oil and cough drops for the laryngitis of no longer speaking out..
liberalism is creeping in