Actually it does. I suggest watching this video.
I'd suggest looking at things from a different direction.
How much bloodshed has there been over centuries between protestants and catholics? Do you suppose people have never been whipped up into crusades in the name of our God? We of course may argue that people committing bloody acts are not following Jesus and I would agree with that.
But look at our history and tell me if we are honestly qualified to take the actions of a few from other religions and condemn the whole as being murderous? Many see hypocrisy in us trying to do so.
Have you ever spoken to atheists? If so have you ever noticed that a number will argue that all religion causes war and are quite willing throw our own history back at us? If not, I guess you have led a far more sheltered existence than me.
I don't believe that the world can be saved but I do not believe that blind condemnation of others, particularly as we have so often failed to keep our own house in order, can possible be constructive.
As for saving the world, while typing this, I do realise I have my own conflict. In many ways, it can't come soon enough. The battle finally over and (assuming I get there) being somewhere where, finally, everything is right is most attractive to me. Still, I see our role in this world as trying to go for peace and understanding.