I dont quite understand how the pastor gets paid and wonder if there are many churches where the pastor isnt paid. I would have thought he would just be paid with free board at the manse in next door and have his living expenses covered. But then I dont really know how churches operate they are all different.
People give their time and energy freely to the church and seems a shame when what people give isnt appreciated or its outright rejected. Or when they bring people who dont belong to the church in and pay them. They could even be unbelievers which ive heard some churches have resorted to doing. To me that seems not right.
Lanolin, Assuming the pastor has a family, he would need more than just the basic needs. You have kids, school stuff, and other things that most kids need/want. I looked the info up and came up with the following "The average Pastor salary in the United States is $95,595 as of April 27, 2019, but the range typically falls between $78,572 and $108,350."
Lanolin and rtm3039;
I read both your posts/views and it hones in on your church
automony. Lanolin, your church board of directors may have a budget and pastor description that may be different from
rtm3039's church budget/pastor description. One church may have living accommodations and benefits aside from salary for one pastor and another church cannot afford the extra benefits and housing.
Pastors who have to support themselves is quite common worldwide in God's churches. Its called
bivocational. Many pastors hold down jobs while sheperding the church.
There are actually churches where the pastor doesn't collect a salary, I just don't know of one.
When our church planted I was
bivocational, meaning I worked fulltime in accounting and fulltime during our church plant. Yes, it was hard work at the time but I loved every moment of it.
When attendance increased, (besides outside church supporters who sent love offerings,) our offerings increased and the board was able to pay me a small salary. When the church was able to increase my salary a little bit more, I was able to retire from my accounting career in 2015, took a step of faith and serve
fulltime only in the church.
Aside from shepherding, I also mopped floors, cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. These were humble beginnings but I loved every moment and remember clearly how God provided everything.
This was the situation at our church, therefore, each church has their own way of governing according to their board and by-laws.
Ray, as far as the
average pastor's salary in the United States,
on paper, are large churches with large offerings and churches that tithe over and above. We cannot forget that God's Hand is in every provision depending on each church's needs for their ministries, whether large and small.
Of course, most of the small churches cannot afford those
average pastor salaries because the offerings are not as large compared to medium and mega churches. Still, God always provides to these smaller churches and their needs for ministry.
We cannot compare the governance of each church because God has a different vision and mission for each one of His churches. What He commands is we love and worship the True God, love others and bring the unreached to Christ Jesus, and become disciples of the Gospel.
How we govern our home churches He entrusts to the church family.
I hope this helps a little bit.
God bless
you all and your families.